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Amway, Religious Right Pyramid Scheme, Returns to the Motherland

…and justice officers.” Prison Fellowship Ministries, according to its Web site, is the “largest prison ministry in the world,” and “partners with thousands of churches and tens of thousands of volunteers.” One conservative reader irked by the column’s questioning of Colson’s fitness for a PCM, wrote: “Oh, please. Hope you never need redemption.” How are we to understand the concept of redemption? Of the five definitions in the American Heritage D…

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RD News Round-Up—September 29, 2008

…r interesting takes on the battle over gay marriage include: “Anti-Gay Nup Site Goes For Youth, But Keeps Old Tactics”, “Lynne Cheney speaks on same-sex marriage equality”, and The Floundering Yes on 8 Campaign: “One Million Missing Lawn Signs Found in China.” ++++++++++ Lagniappe: The Matthew 25 Network “is asking Christian radio stations in the key battleground state of Ohio to air an ad that suggests Barack Obama would bring an end to the econo…

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Jewish Studies Is a Free-Speech Zone, and It Needs to Stay That Way

…not. When I looked recently at the Association for Jewish Studies (AJS)’s online openings, I was shocked to see a job announcement for the Executive Director (ED) of the Hillel at Brandeis. I had never once seen such an announcement, in all the years I have been looking at the listings. The AJS site has traditionally listed academic jobs and, maybe, the odd announcement for a non-academic position in the organization itself. That there was a job…

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Russian Attack on LGBTs at UN Rejected; Gay Cake Controversy Rages in N. Ireland; Bishop Calls for Marriage Referendum in Puerto Rico; Global LGBT Recap

…of homosexuality.” Klimova is the creator and director of Children-404, an online community where LGBT teenagers can share coming out stories, post letters, and find advice and support. The site also provides resources for adults and allies. She was found guilty despite numerous problems with the case, including mistakes in the judge’s ruling, failure to meet official requirements for such a verdict, and, most egregious, her lack of an attorney fo…

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Everyone Should Know the Story of Cary Crall

…r reasons that will soon become clear) went up on The Daily Universe’s Web site in the early morning hours of Tuesday, September 7: Defending Proposition 8—It’s time to admit the reasons By CARY CRALL Perry v. Schwarzenegger, the recent United States District Court case that overturned Proposition 8, highlighted a disturbing inconsistency in the pro-Prop. 8 camp.  The arguments put forth so aggressively by the Protect Marriage coalition and by LDS…

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Maybe Millennials Are Just Realizing That ‘God is Dead’

…p hall, a pastor who wears skinny jeans, an updated Web site that includes online giving.” Citing polling data, Evans notes that the problem is one of substance rather than style: “young adults perceive evangelical Christianity to be too political, too exclusive, old-fashioned, unconcerned with social justice and hostile to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.” In Evans’ view, millennials want a church that’s more progressive and less co…

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Occupy in Exile: Sacred Space is Everywhere

…f you want to find the Occupy Movement now, just go here: exile, diaspora, online, viral, on radio, at Thanksgiving tables, over coffee, in Los Angeles and Poughkeepsie and Riverside and more. Everybody wants to know where it is—and it is everywhere. On Monday night, November 14, 2011, the mayor of New York City ordered the police to evict the 500 or so overnight occupiers in Zuccotti Park. As part of the eviction, tents and computers, books and p…

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Shariah-Approved Sex Aids, Abstinence-Only Goes to China, and Abercrombie Hijab…

…es can find “shariah-approved” products for “sexual health” at El Asira—an online shop attracting 30,000 visits a week. Teetotaling Mormons in Idaho grow barley for beer brewers. A Muslim mason who worked to rebuild the Saint Jean Cathedral in Lyon, France, has been immortalized as a winged gargoyle on the facade of the church. The inscription beneath his stone image reads “God is great.” In Germany, a team of researchers have built digital models…

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Gambian Leaders Portray Anti-Gay Law as Defense of Islam, Ugandan Politicians as ‘Christmas Gift’; Global LGBT Recap

…urs, almost 7,800 people had reportedly “resigned from the church using an online system that aims to ease people’s resignation.” According to Finland’s YLE, resignation also means a withdrawal from paying taxes to support the church, which is its main source of income. The first marriages would not take place until 2017, and Paivi Rasanin, leader of the country’s Christian Democrats, has reportedly said she will fight the law. Latvia: Ruling Part…

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This Just In: College Will Make You an Atheist

…hoosing your major, Web sites filled with advice, and even quizzes to take online to figure out what major would be best for you. Postmodernism as Gateway Drug to Atheism And, now, there has been an explosion of reporting on choice of college major—and religiosity—in the higher education press and the blogosphere. Both the Chronicle of Higher Education and Inside Higher Education reported on the ways this ritualized choice may (or may not) relate…

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