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America’s ‘Jesus Problem’ is Making Progressive Christians Complicit in Christian Supremacy

…irtight claims to divinity, it’s made for some problematic theology in the American context. Simply put, what we witness in American Christianity is a battle over which Christianity represents Christ and his perfection, thus conferring ultimate and total authority upon opposing interpretations of the Christian faith. Perhaps it’s my own Jewish experiences that allow me to favor Jesus’ humanity over Christ’s divinity. My own personal history with J…

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Trayvon Martin and American Exceptionalism

…e. So much of what I teach is about the violence and pathos of the African-American experience, that I have to say what is in my heart. It grieves me to know Trayvon died in such a horrible way, but it does not surprise me. Violence is at the core of much of the African American experience. As a scholar, I know that black lives and bodies are cheap in the psyche of “white America.” If we aren’t dancing, catching a ball, or cleaning houses, we are…

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The Lady Vanishes: Trump’s Communications Team Tries to Topple a Monument

…emism, is just a partisan stance). This is doubly dangerous ground. First, American history has so spectacularly clashed with American ideals (see: slavery). Second, by dismissing Acosta’s reading of Lady Liberty as partisan, Miller switches the register of language used, from that of religious discourse—in which the statue has an eternal meaning, “has always” meant this, Acosta pleads, citing “what the country has always thought of”) to a drily h…

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Russian Parliament Hosts U.S. Anti-Gay Activist Paul Cameron

…l they might be to host an American billed by this source as a “well-known American psychologist” and a “leading American crusader against homosexuality”—and particularly since he said he had come “to thank the Russian people, the State Duma, and President Putin… in the name of the entire Christian world.” To thank them, that is, for their uncompromising stance against same-sex relations which, in Cameron’s fact-free worldview, are destroying West…

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Tony Perkins: Soldiers Will Quit if Gays Can Serve Openly

…can people, no American way of life. Instead we have American ethnicities, American peoples, American ways of life, all stitched together in a big beautiful patchwork quilt. It’s probably too much to ask Perkins and Fischer, et. al., to realize this, but the sooner the rest of us come to understand that to the extent our armed forces fight for an ideal, they fight for the freedom of Americans to live as they please, the better off we’ll be. A quee…

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Will This Relic Change Our Whole View of Early American History?

…ed with skepticism. To depart from a solely Protestant conception of early American religious identity doesn’t require the discovery of crypto-Catholicism in Jamestown—interesting though it would be. Secondary education in the U.S. may still emphasize a Protestant triumphalist version of early American history focusing on the mythopoetic significance of Plymouth Rock and the pilgrims to the exclusion of others, but academics working across discipl…

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What Happens When An American President Believes He is Above the Law?

…omen like us, even including us. This reification of law is part of a deep American faith, coexisting with other explicitly religious worldviews but no less structuring of our lives. Belief in the reality of law, an ethics which understands true law as synonymous with justice, an eschatology—a vision of history and hope for the future—in which such ideal law can come to be instantiated on this earth: such belief permeates American consciousness, i…

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The Sacred and the Dead: Ten Writers on the End of an American Adventure

…rican Pilgrimage by Varun Soni “Truckin’’” is not just the narrative of an American band on the road, but it is also an aspiration for a uniquely American adventure where the road trip is a pilgrimage and the real journey is one of self-discovery. _____________ Special thanks to Nicholas Meriwether at the Grateful Dead Archive at UC Santa Cruz as well as to photographers Herb Greene and Susana Millman for graciously allowing us access to their wor…

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Unmasking the “Veiled Prophet” Behind a 135-Year-Old St. Louis Tradition

…ligion Project, one of the latest digital means of mapping (and remapping) American Christianities and American religions more broadly. Run by St. Louis University professor Rachel McBride Lindsey, a scholar of religion and visual culture and author of the recently released A Communion of Shadows: Religion and Photography in Nineteenth-Century America, the Arch City Religion Project is a teaching project focused not only on making information (lik…

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From Kneel-Ins to the Condemnation of “Racial Sin”: The Meaning of the PCA’s “Overture on Pursuing Racial Reconciliation”

…ons of race have again come to the forefront of theologically conservative American Christianity. The demographic changes leading to the “de-Europeanization of American Christianity” obviously have something to do with it. The PCA itself, a church deeply steeped in the history of the white South, is comprised today of about 20 percent non-white parishioners, for example. A similar number holds for Southern Baptists. This puts them about mid-point…

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