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The Social Cost of Atheism

…sed this notion about morality. Respondents were also asked to provide an example of a social situation where they experienced stigma for being an atheist. A typical answer was being told that they can not be good people without belief in God. I’ve always found this idea absurd, as if people can’t love and care for others and make ethical decisions without an instruction manual. Additionally, one of the most interesting differences among American…

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Using the “A” Word: Israel and Apartheid

…r at Foreign Affairs, seeks to “document the development and demise of an extensive and lucrative military alliance” between Israel and South Africa. As he describes it, “This alliance flourished for the twenty years between the aftermath of the 1973 War and the end of the apartheid regime in 1993.” Rather then give us the whole story of the alliance at the outset the author lets us follow the development of this military, economic and political r…

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The Religious Lives of Soldiers

…and then they dropped out completely. I also wrote a chapter on relations between soldiers and chaplains that ended up working far better as a stand-alone article than as a chapter in the book. It came out in Church History in March of 2009. What are some of the biggest misconceptions about your topic? I can think of three right away. First, this is a book that looks closely at men and women involved in a military effort and there seems to be an…

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Masculine Christianity, Praying Ballplayers, & Satanist Discrimination

…builder, Rabbi Peter Knobel, retires at age 67. Quince Mountain details sexuality, desire, and church camp over at Killing the Buddha. While Salon offers a look at a Nevada megachurch that continues its support of those promoting the Ugandan “kill the gays” bill. Is the Church of England going to get its first gay Bishop? Maybe. Spain is getting its first LBGT church. The Metropolitan Community Churches will open a congregation in Madrid later th…

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Judge Rules Law Prohibiting Picketing Outside Military Funerals Unconstitutional

…n moving the demonstrations to the funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. In their view, God had caused the deaths as judgment over American policies that increasingly recognize rights of gays and lesbians. Recently Westboro Baptist made the trip from the Midwest to the west coast to protests to at Comicon in San Diego where they were met with a mocking counter-demonstration. At issue is the right of families of the deceased to mourn…

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America’s First Mormon Televangelist

…ponsibility for devising practicable solutions to incredibly thorny problems like financial market meltdowns, runaway health care costs, or ending the costly and ill-conceived wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yes, it is in fact easier to pray on your knees (as Beck exhorted his audience Saturday) than it is to wrap your head around credit-default swaps….

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Phelps’ Vile Words Test First Amendment

…ers in Iraq and Afghanistan as punishment for America’s tolerance of homosexuality and for the presence of gays in the US military. The church operates a number of Web sites, including, on which it disseminates its rabidly anti-homosexual views. The church has gained notoriety for staging protests at the funerals of US soldiers in order to draw attention to its message. Albert Snyder’s son, Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder, was a…

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Purpose Driven Atheism: Secular Maharishis Seeking True Believers

…thing must have happened at least once in an infinite universe maybe that explains, well, everything! Problem is; these are just words. They could just as well be used to argue the “probability” of the existence of God in a limitless universe where everything might happen once someplace, say a virgin birth. Certainty Kills Words were invented by people to describe what they perceive to be “true” from what amounts to an ant’s roadside view of passi…

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Satanists Want You to Respond to the Pandemic with Compassion. And Reason.

…, anti-life group” and “tiresome provocateurs.” RD called Greaves to get a better sense of how he sees a global pandemic as a Satanist. Are you social distancing at the moment? Of course. I was supposed to be touring with Satanic Planet [an experimental music project]. Nobody wants to be the first to pull the plug. A lot of people were playing chicken with this. But everyone must practice social distancing. I think a lot of people still don’t real…

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Electing “Ministers of God”

…r’s article is not his disqualification of Gingrich or the tortured prooftexting he uses to get there, but the utter disregard for that pesky thing called “context.” Romans 13 cannot properly be understood without reading Romans 12—and the rest of the book, for that matter. When Paul penned his letter to the Romans he had not yet visited the city and he was watching his P’s and Q’s in this particular letter. The insertion of the admonition to obey…

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