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The Most Ridiculous Responses to the Vatican’s Call-out of the Catho–Christian Right

…mount of denial and obfuscation that the article in La Civiltà Cattolic by Antonio Spadaro and the Marcelo Figueroa has engendered. After all, as Vatican expert Massimo Faggioli told the New York Times, the article is a landmark in the history of relations between the Vatican and the U.S. church. According to Faggioli, it signals the Vatican’s recognition that the U.S. Catholic Church “has become different than mainstream European Catholicism and…

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The Rise of the Catholic Cyber-Bullies

…he apparently Francis-approved take-down of the American Catholic right by Antonio Spadaro and Marcelo Figueroa, and lone-wolf bloggers like “Father Z”, used Twitter and other social media to accuse Martin of heresy and the perversion of youth. He was called a “faggot,” “fairy” and “perfidious”—the last by Austin Ruse of the Catholic “family” lobby C-FAM, who also called him “pansified” when he complained to Twitter about hate speech used by the r…

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The Truth about Catholics and Condoms

…dbreaking statement in November 2010 was swift and widespread. Bishop Juan Antonio Martinez Camino, secretary general of the Spanish Bishops’ Conference, declared that the use of condoms “always” takes place “within a context of immorality.” Kenya’s bishops also dug in their heels, declaring that the Pope was merely remarking “on something that may be true about the psychological state of those who use [condoms].” Their objection was similar to th…

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Former Employees: Racism & Abuse in Leading Religious Right Org.

…tan.” According to him, Groening received a subscription to American Renaissance magazine at the office. American Renaissance is published by white nationalist Jared Taylor, and, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the magazine and Web site “regularly feature proponents of eugenics and blatant anti-black racists.” Taylor’s New Century Foundation, which runs the magazine, “also sponsors American Renaissance conferences every other year wh…

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Sydney’s Anglican Diocese Gives $1 Million To ‘No’ Campaign on Marriage; and more in Global LGBT Recap

…ory since they targeted only gay men without providing equivalent criminal sanctions against heterosexuals or lesbians for the same or comparable conduct. Chile: Presidential Candidate Rejects Abortion, LGBT Equality AND Radio reported, “Presidential candidate Jose Antonio Kast not only rejects abortion, but also opposed homosexual marriage and homoparental adoption.” Nigeria: Canadian Catholic Finds Home For Anti-LGBT Op ed Paul Kokiski, a Canadi…

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Religious Freedom Gets Hollywood Treatment

…de-couple the two institutions of national life. With the help of General Antonio López de Santa Ana, its “brilliant star,” the Church held on to its forced tithing requirements, its monopoly over birth, marriage, and death, and, importantly, vast real estate. The religious and economic monopoly was finally cracked in the middle of the nineteenth century by Benito Juárez and other liberals, whose 1857 Constitution and Reforma laws eliminated the f…

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As Mormon Lay Clergy Are Deported, a Divide on Immigration

…continue to roil LDS communities. Mormonism is home to a large and growing number of Latino members in the U.S., many of them undocumented workers; it is also home to some of the most vocal anti-immigrants rights activists in the American West, including Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce, author of Arizona’s infamous SB 1070. In June, LDS Church leaders issued an official statement that attempted to strike a balance between these factions: offi…

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So You’ve Decided to Run for Senate Against a Pro Wrestling Mogul

…ample, the evening news might introduce candidate Perry as the Governor of Texas, but when I look at him, I see a campaign-trail version of WWE superstar J.B.L., with his big-talking, big-folksy, big-Texas ways. The broadcasters might introduce candidate Bachmann as a Minnesota Congresswoman, but to me, she looks like the WWE’s Vicky Guerrero, whose own rise to power teetered toward mad-hatter craziness. Candidate Romney might be the ex-Governor o…

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Why Tea Party (Hearts) David Barton

…ton kicked off his new role as emerging tea party darling in 2009 with the Texas textbook controversy. As one of the appointed experts to review Texas’ social studies curriculum, he recommended that the Board of Education remove from textbooks César Chavez (labor organizer and civil rights leader) and Thurgood Marshall (the nation’s first black US Supreme Court justice who, as a young attorney, successfully argued the public school desegregation c…

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Founding Father John Adams’ Advice to Rick Perry: Don’t Meddle in Religion

…tional Government meddling with Religion.” Indeed, the sitting governor of Texas and his prayer partners appear to be meddling and have declared that the nation needs their god above all others; naturally, this offends. Like other critics Rep. Naishtat objects to the involvement of the AFA saying, “Jews, Muslims, Mormons, and Hindus, as well as Catholics and gays, would feel extremely out of place and unwelcome at any so-called national day of pra…

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