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Making ‘The Link’: AIPAC’s New Crises

…astrous. AIPAC’s stated mission is “to help make Israel more secure by ensuring that American support remains strong.” A crisis like this cuts right to the core of AIPAC’s very purpose. Clearly recognizing the threat both to its reputation and its goals of stepped-up Iran sanctions, on March 14 AIPAC’s director of media affairs Josh Block issued a strident press release calling on the Obama administration “to take immediate steps to defuse the ten…

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The Passion of Katniss: How the Hunger Games Confronts the Trauma of Violence

…shaped Hollywood’s output. The Production Code insisted that movies were primarily “to be regarded as entertainment” that would “improve the race.” As such, movies should avoid explicit images that would be upsetting or play to “the lower and base element.” Those images included graphic violence, “excessive passion,” “white-slavery,” “scenes of actual child birth,” and illegal drinking. Directors still made films about war, of course, and violent…

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Refusing Religion, Claiming the Future: A Roundtable Discussion on “The Nones Are Alright”

…I think this kind of resistance is a huge, growing thing among younger Americans. Right now, Yale and Missouri are two examples. Perhaps the new spiritual culture is the eruption of a generation coming into its social consciousness and wanting to enact that. And if some of those people were raised with only vague ideas about religion (many Nones had None-ish parents), they might not realize all of the ways in which that resistance to injustice is…

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The Abandoned Orphanage: Hillary Clinton’s Mother Teresa Moment

…Hillary—understood how behind-the-scenes power politics work within the Christian Right, and responded to the rebuke by finding “common ground” with the nun. Although Clinton didn’t mention this in her public reminiscence last week, after C-Span stopped taping and the breakfast plates were cleared, Fellowship head Doug Coe gently brokered a peace between Hillary and Mother Teresa. Coe left the Breakfast with one of the most powerful women in Amer…

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Trump, Islamophobia, and the Philly Pig’s Head Incident

…rgely inspired by Philadelphia’s founder William Penn. As a Quaker who experienced imprisonment and persecution in Anglican England, Penn established his colony as haven for religious freedom. While colonial authorities in Massachusetts either exiled or put to death those who deviated from Puritan orthodoxy, Pennsylvania became a refuge for Mennonites, Baptists, Quakers, Pietists, Jews, and Catholics. In the 1730s, St. Joseph’s Catholic Church was…

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Reporting from Paris: A Prayer for Polluters

…at it will take to do anything, much less something, much less something serious about rising sea levels are trying to accept serenity. The people who are fed up and on the outside are much more ready to get serious. They, like the people inside, have grandchildren. As I write there are 100 more decisions to be made by the decision makers. Most have to do with what the first world polluters will pay in repentance and compensation for warming the p…

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These Are the New Battlegrounds for LGBT Rights Under Trump

…Lobby Days organized by your favorite local advocacy group, and make it a priority to meet your elected officials. If you feel comfortable doing so, introduce them to your family, and force them to look into the faces of the real people their decisions will impact. And when lawmakers try to pull a fast one, take a page from the good people of North Carolina and shout and yell and disrupt and sit-in until uniformed officers drag you away. And then…

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“Even the Rich Suffer”: An Interview with Google’s Jolly Good Fellow Chade-Meng Tan

…what do we lack? I say we lack two big things. The first is service. Our Christian friends are far advanced in serving the world. So, I’ve been learning from them. The second is love. Christians talk about love all the time; in Buddhism, we hardly ever do. Some aspect of love is really agape. There’s no Buddhist concept like agape. It’s a problem because then Buddhists cannot explain the love that comes from compassion. So, I think it’s not a one…

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Are All Religious Experiences Reducible to 16 Desires?

…everything that is done. So of the 16 desires, the ones you value show spirituality. I think spirituality has 16 different dimensions. When you choose to live a spiritual life and choose to live a life of faith, that’s when you choose what you value from the 16 desires. That’s your spirituality. Some will say that spirituality is a separate thing and is somehow detached from our desires and our values. It’s a reasonable view, but it’s not my view…

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Why It’s Heresy to Read the Bible Literally: An Interview with John Shelby Spong

…n church that Marcion wanted to remove any semblance of Judaism from the Christian scripture. The church officially resisted that, but unofficially they became quite anti-Semitic. What happens then, you have an audience of only Gentiles reading these Jewish stories and because they don’t understand the storytelling background they have to assume that the stories are literal. “We imposed fundamentalism on the Bible. No one who has ever read the Bib…

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