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“Americans Hate Muslims, Too” (And Other Impediments to U.S. Advocacy for Religious Freedom Abroad)

…erception of America as a neo-colonial, prejudicially Christian empire. American Christian missionaries in India have been frequently accused of being the advanced scouts of this putative American empire intent on weakening India politically, and then remaking it as a Christian nation, more pliable and compatible with American designs. Many Indians take at face value the expressions of evangelical Christian piety so common among the American polit…

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Kendrick Lamar’s Hip-Hop Jeremiad

…e. And regarding Kendrick’s own tendency to sexism and stereotype in his lyrics, Arielle Newton and Raquel Willis offer critiques that are indispensable and prophetic in their own right.) The injustice of “genocism and capitalism” that continues to enforce what theologian Walter Brueggemann calls a “top-down coercive order” against blacks has caused Kendrick to have a breakdown of his own. Like Kendrick, Jeremiah expresses indignation over uncheck…

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Angry Voters, Right-Wing Populism, & Racial Violence: People of Faith Can Help Break the Linkages

…l national network of nonprofit human rights watchdog groups that tracked the militias and warned of impending violence before the Oklahoma City Federal Building was reduced to rubble. That research network has since unravelled—the victim of shifting priorities by funders. Yet most of us stay in touch as we can; and we ask ourselves if we are being overly sensitive to a potential for violence as we see the same societal conditions emerging. Most a…

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Thank You Breitbart, For The Islam

…category of Islam (or Muslim)? A British Asian might be a Muslim of Kashmiri origin, but that doesn’t mean she’s the same as a Muslim raised in and living in Kashmir. She might not fly St. George’s Cross, but she might not go to the mosque, either. She probably has more in common with other Britons of her class and community than religion abstractly. And if it is the case that a mosque and a row of English houses are immiscible, then what happens…

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Pope’s ‘Joy of Love’ Brings Little Joy To LGBT Catholics; Gay Atheist Malaysian Granted Refugee Status In Canada; Global LGBT Recap

…he living experience of many you here. Welby also addressed a January gathering of Primates, which voted to suspend the Episcopal Church from questions on doctrine or policy for three years because of its move to bless same-sex unions. Scotland: More Gay Politicians, Fewer Churchgoers Labour Party leader Kezia Dugdale revealed that she has a female partner, making her the fourth of the country’s political party leaders who are out as LGB, accordin…

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‘Biblical’ Disaster in Haiti: Pat Robertson and the Curse of Unyielding Ignorance

…antism provided an alternative way of being Christian. Yet Pentecostalism primarily emerged in Guatemala, as it did in Haiti, disconnected from North American denominations. Indigenous Pentecostalism, with its apocalyptic theology, also gained momentum among indigenous Guatemalans. Haiti had barely recovered from the four devastating storms of 2008 prior to this earthquake. The Roman Catholic Cathedral in Port-au-Prince has collapsed, and Archbish…

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Good Mourning Modeled by Chaplains and Clergy at the Oakland Ghost Ship Fire

…times, religious conviction comes second to a ministry of presence to the grieving and worried. The Federation of Fire Chaplains explains on their web site that they are “non-denominational, non-sectarian,” and do not compromise people’s “belief or convictions.” When it became clear that many people in the Oakland warehouse known as Ghost Ship were young artists, Landeza and other chaplains at the site understood that even if they were religious t…

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Why Are We Drawn to Horror?

…re. Are you hoping to just inform readers? Entertain them? Piss them off? Primarily inform them, tell them about the exciting stuff I’ve discovered in my research. If I manage to occasionally entertain them, that’s great, but I didn’t set out to do that. I do hope my enthusiasm for the subject carries across, though. I imagine some readers might be pissed off by some of my claims, or because I left out their favorite horror writer or director or w…

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Seb Gorka and Pres. Trump

Does It Matter If Islam Is A Religion? An American Ahmadi Explains The Effects Of Religious Discrimination

…nvolved in “theological debates.” Gorka, of course, has a long history of fringe right-wing views on this and other matters. Max Boot—no liberal himself—once described Gorka as an “anti-Muslim extremist.” Other foreign policy specialists have described him as an Islamophobe. Gorka was a member of the Order of Vitéz, a Nazi-linked Hungarian group, and proudly displayed medals from the group at Trump’s inauguration. Most relevant, though, despite di…

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First it Was an Insurrection Flag, Now Supreme Court Justice Alito is Caught Flying Another Far-Right Flag — An ‘Emblem for an Extensive Spiritual Warfare Campaign’

…l theocracy And yes, this is the same flag Mike Johnson, creature of the Christian Right and Speaker of the House, is flying in front of his office. As Onishi and Taylor wrote for Rolling Stone when it was first reported: It represents an aggressive, spiritual-warfare style of Christian nationalism, and Johnson is a legal insurrectionist who has deeply tied himself into networks of Christian extremists whose rhetoric, leadership, and warfare theol…

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