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Replacing Godless Hollywood with Bible-Based “Cultural Dominion”

…iew” that draws heavily on Christian Reconstructionist founder Rousas John Rushdoony. That worldview includes extreme patriarchal gender roles, marriages arranged by fathers, a 200-year “family vision” to establish faithful “multi-generational families,” and a view of world history based on Rushdoony’s Biblical Philosophy of History, that is like David Barton’s Christian American history writing on steroids. In this view, all of human history—from…

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‘Hell is a World Without You’ Shows Readers How Squarely They Would Have Been on Path to Jan 6 if They’d Come of Age in Evangelicalism

…dition of Jesus telling his immediate followers that they were born into a world, but are not of it. Or the Hebrew Bible instructing its immediate audience to define themselves by their ancestors’ escape from oppression and to pay that liberation forward. On another level, it’s not about evangelicals or Americans. Evangelicals have a lot of bad ideas, but they invented roughly zero of them. It’s about self-hatred vs. learning to love your neighbor…

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Could Orthodoxy Be Having its Vatican II Moment?

…rable sees of ancient Orthodox Christianity, Constantinople, Alexandria, Jerusalem, and Cyprus, and from traditional Orthodox countries, Serbia, Romania, Greece, Albania, Poland, and the Czech Lands and Slovakia, but also hierarchs who serve in parts of the globe not usually associated with Orthodox Christianity, from Asia, Africa, Western Europe, and from North America. In and of itself, such a universal gathering represents a singular and signif…

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Reza Aslan’s Viral Fox News Interview Reveals More Than Just Christian Privilege

…ht.  If an overwhelming majority of viewers side with Aslan over Green/Fox News, then what did “we” win? In one sense, both Aslan and Fox News won: Zealot has shot up to the top of the Amazon Best Sellers list, and Aslan is reveling in his good fortune, while many who’d never heard of Lauren Green are likely to tune in (or, more accurately, log on) to cheer the next time she scolds a non-Christian, or to feel smug satisfaction the next time she “e…

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Indonesian Court Rejects Religious Conservatives’ Bid To Criminalize Gay Sex; More in Global LGBT Recap

…” at a press conference. More from Radio New Zealand: He said there is no true Christian country in the world which would allow it and it would not be allowed in Samoa as long as it remained a Christian country. Tuilaepa and his Human Rights Protection Party changed the country’s constitution earlier this year to formally make Samoa a Christian state. Back in September Tuilaepa said in a radio address that his government would never allow “heathen…

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Dreaming Cyborg Dreams: Virtual Identity and Religious Experience

…find “the creator” and at the end of the series, leaves the online virtual world for the real world, where the experiences are much more vivid, and relationships invite richer physical and emotional engagement. Maybe this is the place where the consideration of virtual religious identity ultimately brings us: We can invest ourselves in the virtual world, but only if it offers us something real in this world. We can find religious community online,…

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Is Pro-Life Cause Célèbre Chen Guangcheng Actually Pro-Life?

…m because he’s pro-life. The standard rhetorical strategy is to seize upon news stories that describe Chen as a dissident without specifying the substance of his dissent. This omission is then taken as evidence of the liberal media conspiracy. Jim Hoft of the right-wing blog Gateway Pundit accused the “liberal media” of downplaying Chen’s anti-forced abortion activism and speculated that the U.S. abandoned Chen after they found out he was pro-life…

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Godly Game or Godless Satire? Countering Biblical Ignorance with Heretical Humor

…l the red words that Jesus says.’ That level of relationship to the living word of God is so shallow and frustrating to us. Or when someone skips the middle books of the Old Testament because they’re long and boring…” Here pauses. “Granted, Numbers is like…” “I like Numbers, but anyway…” mumbles Caleb. “The real impetus for the game,” Thomas resumes, “is to get people to engage in Scripture and read stories they’ve never read before. When a concub…

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Capricology: Television, Tech, and the Sacred

…ed a mob hit to obtain the technology that could restore Zoe to the “real” world, the truth of his fall was undeniable. What’s Graystone’s real temptation? It’s too early to tell whether it’s scientific hubris, parental love, or the intrinsic entitlement of a super-rich genius. But the impact of Graystone’s fall on his wife, daughter, and society is the stuff of myth. The cost of obsession: Ben Starks’ obsession with the one true God caused the de…

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Is the Metaverse the Hero We Need to Rescue Us From Suffering and Enchant the World?

…literary reincarnation of the metaverse keeps leading to newer and better worlds, the real-world technology has a more fraught history. Those of us who were attending to virtual worlds in the first decade or so of the 21st century watched the hype wave over Second Life (SL) and similar environments crest and then crash, largely because multinational corporations couldn’t find a good way to hawk their traditional wares and so pulled their support….

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