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Refusing the Monsters on Maple Street: A First-Person Commentary from the Mass Hysteria at JFK

…st make some decisions about how we deal with such a heightened level of anxiety. Authoritarian forces in governments all over the world can stoke our anxiety in order to justify more control. They can fake a coup, botch the response to an attack, and push through “heightened security measures.” So much of the militarized response to terror seems to feed upon terror and feed it back into the populace. So I decided that JFK would not be a site of t…

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Trump Election Could Threaten LGBT Rights Globally

…n he moved toward closer ties with Russia. “The United States was a great example for us… Now we expect the backlash in all spheres of rights — LGBT rights, minority rights, women’s rights, migrant rights.” The Washington Blade’s Michael Lavers interviews a Palestinian human rights activist who believes that Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric is fueling extremism. At the United Nations, members of the African Group are pushing to overturn the recent dec…

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What Muslim Ban? A Religious Liberty Hearing in the Trump Era

…d pregnant and parenting persons. Many states continue to propose similar exemptions. And the recently-leaked Executive Order on religion, if signed, would provide legal cover for even large companies to defy laws that conflict with certain religious beliefs about sex, marriage, and reproduction. But as significant as those measures remain to LGBTQ families, unmarried parents, and women, what was left unsaid during the hearing is of equal import:…

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International Protest of Anti-Gay Persecution in Chechnya Grows; more in Global LGBT Recap

…ed the revisionist arguments. It said: “Scriptural condemnations of same-sex sexual activity were framed in cultural contexts very different from our own and referred to individual acts rather than committed and faithful people willing to enshrine their relationships in vows before God.” More from the Scottish Sun: It comes after years of internal turmoil and dispute over the kirk’s policy towards homosexuals. Rev Rennie, minister at Queen’s Cross…

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Malta Adopts Marriage Equality Over Objections of Catholics and Evangelicals; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…gland’s legal position on marriage has not changed, its understanding of sexual morality has. Same sex relationships, which were described by Lambeth Resolution I.10 of 1998 as ‘incompatible with Scripture’ now receive approval at the highest level. For example, Vicky Beeching, a singer, songwriter and activist who advocates homosexual marriage was honoured with the Archbishop Thomas Cranmer award for Worship in a ceremony at Lambeth Palace. The n…

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Trump Pulls a Huckabee on Religion

…g voters who are dedicated students of Carson’s autobiography. As NBC’s Alexandra Jaffe reports, for example: Rebecca Sykes, a 36-year-old mother of five, brought her family to Berean Baptist Church in North Carolina to see the man she and her children learn about during their homeschooling sessions. They’ve read his books, she said, and “Dr. Ben Carson is a hero for us.” Trip Gabriel at the New York Times similarly finds Carson supporters in Iowa…

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How Trump’s Assertion of “Power to Pardon” Tramples the American Sacred

…rump’s assertion of a power to render himself outside the law is a direct expression of that form of sovereignty at odds with the American experiment. In his recent interview with the New York Times Trump talks as if he considers himself “above the law, and… believes himself to be, through no fault of his own, besieged by internal and external enemies, particularly in the Justice Department and the F.B.I.” The suggestion of self-pardoning makes ex…

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Kuwait “Morals Committee” Announced Deportation of 76 Gay Men; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…Jerusalem’s pride parade was the target of violence in 2015, ultra-Orthodox extremist Yishai Shlissel stabbed to death 16-year-old Shira Banki and injured five others. DW reported that hundreds of security personnel were deployed to protect an estimated 10,000 marchers, and says that a dozen people were taken into custody “on suspicion of trying to disrupt the event or cause harm.” One of the detainees was carrying a knife. This year’s parade als…

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Public Shrines to Treason: Charlottesville and the Cult of Confederate Memorialization

…gainst the United States is essential to an understanding of post-Appomattox existence as, rather than one of surrender and defeat, a state of ongoing truce. This Confederate civil religion, crafted during Reconstruction and continuing to the present day, has served to keep the country tenuously united. But as this Confederate civil religion has allowed the Civil War to continue in a state of détente, this détente allowed for Confederate desires a…

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Insecto-Theology: A Wake for Our Planetary Commons

…hat’s been lost. Folding this study into the other news unfolding in the sixth great mass extinction, where fifty percent of animal life has disappeared in the last forty years, I can’t help but repeat the words of ecotheorist Timothy Morton: “I feel like I’ve been kicked in the biosphere.” Our ability to lament exceeds our language. And so I’ve been in mourning with this information too much to bear, sitting at these cases of the minute and dead,…

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