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The God of the Holocene Epoch Is Dead: Religion’s Fatal Flaw

…er. We wrecked it. We are now in the ominous Anthropocene Epoch, and the Sixth Great Extinction has us in its sights. In the greatest act of collective denial in human history, we reject all the bad news, telling ourselves that the “nice god” or the “technology” won’t let that happen. But here are the terrifying prospects: With Arctic sea ice in a death spiral and the Greenland Ice Sheet melting, two-thirds of our coastal cities are threatened. Al…

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All Of A Sudden, There’s Nazis Everywhere… And They Only Seem to Associate with One Party

…story goes), growled “I didn’t come ashore at Omaha Beach and fight across Germany to work for a goddamn Nazi.” He turned on his heel and walked out. Now, what could bring that story to mind? Oh, right, there’s goddamn Nazis everywhere: Matt Gaetz, a Republican congressman from Florida, gave the notorious troll, racist, and Holocaust denier Charles C. Johnson an invite to attend Pres. Trump’s first State of the Union address last week. Paul Nehlen…

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The Devil’s Music: How Christians Inspired, Condemned, and Embraced Rock ‘n’ Roll

…length of the Beatles—which they had borrowed from these sort of Beatnik existentialists in Germany—was viewed as such a radical departure from how young men were supposed to look and to behave. There was a lot of talk about how tight their clothes were and how their hair was effeminate. But most of all, evangelicals, and some Catholics, had a pervasive fear about the hysteria that they inspired in young girls. In all of this, there was this view…

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Earth to Planet Catholic: Francis Papacy is no Picnic

…clusive leadership. Within a year, no one would miss the bishops. Pivot to Germany where Cardinal Walter Brandmüller proclaimed that those who promote women’s ordination are heretics. German Archbishop Georg Ganswein assured the faithful that women would never be ordained during his lifetime, or, even “after his death.” Who knew that the gentleman also known as “Gorgeous George” had such amazing ability to foretell the future? No wonder he manages…

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Earth to Planet Catholic: Francis Papacy is no Picnic

…clusive leadership. Within a year, no one would miss the bishops. Pivot to Germany where Cardinal Walter Brandmüller proclaimed that those who promote women’s ordination are heretics. German Archbishop Georg Ganswein assured the faithful that women would never be ordained during his lifetime, or, even “after his death.” Who knew that the gentleman also known as “Gorgeous George” had such amazing ability to foretell the future? No wonder he manages…

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Author Responds to Criticism of Teilhard Eugenics Essay

…our great-grandparents thought, said, and did. However, this fact of contextual complexity doesn’t redeem Teilhard. History has not looked kindly on individuals who espoused such beliefs, and we must hold theologians and pastors to the highest of historical bars. To his credit, there is no evidence of Teilhard actively participating in eugenical experiments, and no evidence of him actively supporting a specific eugenical implementation, but it is…

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A Long History of Blaming the Jews

…ristians, starting with Paul. Nirenberg explains that Paul was in a “complex” position, caught between his view of Jesus’s teachings as “the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham” and “the desire to extend that promise” to gentiles. Paul resolved the quandary by distinguishing between flesh and spirit, between the Jewish focus on the things of this world—“texts, bodies, objects”—and salvation through faith in Jesus. Although aspects of Paul’s te…

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In a Time of Irrational Fear and New Media: The Deadly ‘Dance Plague’ at 500

…embling dancing mania.” Witnessing the Strasbourg pandemonium, and without better explanation, the German humanist Otto Brunfuls compared it to a variant of ancient Dionysian cults that would drunkenly rampage, remarking “What else is it but Korybantism … when, transported into delirium, they were led to dance in union without cease?” Anxieties of an uncertain era naturally led to mass hysteria. Alsace had been illuminated with strange portents in…

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Is Twitter Doing Enough to Remove Extremist Content? An Ex-Employee Weighs In

…or accounts or Tweets sympathetic to, or acting as amplifiers of, Muslim ‘extremism’ that don’t specifically incite or promote violence, how far is too far? As there is no accepted definition of ‘extremism’ (as there is no definition of ‘religion,’ ‘culture,’ ‘terrorism,’ etc.) how can we address these questions systematically but with an eye towards the precedent we are setting for the future? We are living in the new world of proactive counter-t…

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Irony Watch: Trump’s Travel Ban Violates Religious Freedom Act According to ACLU Lawsuit

…ent has already been advanced (and affirmed by several federal judges) in existing lawsuits challenging the executive order, the Establishment argument advanced in this latest suit is both novel and essential. It puts under a microscope the faith-based animosity laid bare by the order, which specifically exempts refugees who are “religious minorities” in the seven Muslim-majority nations targeted by the ban (except for Syrian refugees, who are to…

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