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Anglican Communion Gets Anti-Gay Secretary General; Black Gay Christians Challenge Conservative Evangelicals in Africa; Global LGBT Recap

…and often painful, however, and campaigners such as James Taylor, head of policy at Stonewall, want to see it simplified and extended. “There are still thousands of men out there who face difficulties because of convictions on their records,” Taylor says. “The fight for gay rights is not over.” These are some of their stories. BBC Scotland Radio documentary talks with trans people in Scotland about their lives. Malta: Catholic nation adopts ‘worl…

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Both Sides Expect Obama to Side with Bishops on Contraception Coverage

…pposition to their moral beliefs. It does not make any sense from a public policy perspective and it certainly is not smart politically to alienate Catholic voters. Remarkably, DFL offers not one sitting member of Congress for comment on this issue. Instead, it offers former Congresswoman Kathy Dahlkemper (who was defeated in 2010) and former Congressman Bart Stupak, author of the notorious Stupak amendment, who chose not to run again in 2010. Pre…

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Romney Steers Hard Right on Immigration; Huntsman Out After New Hampshire?

…oft” on immigration. Romney is aiming at Perry’s support for a Texas state policy that permits the young people who came to the United States “illegally” as children to attend public universities paying in-state tuition. It’s not radical policy, but Romney’s criticism is yet another point—like Social Security—he’s using to draw a strong contrast with Perry. But doing so puts him to the right of the LDS Church-sponsored Utah Compact on Immigration…

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A Catholic House Divided Over Reproductive Health Care: Bishops Launch a New Campaign

…cooperation and is a far cry from providing an employee with an insurance policy that lets her decide whether to use the provision in it for contraception. Agreeing with the woman and intending by your actions that she engage in contraceptive acts constitutes formal cooperation and would be forbidden, but does issuing an insurance policy mean you agree with all the services it provides? One may not approve of sex outside of marriage, but providin…

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Wearing White is Not Enough: A Conversation with Cherisse Scott of SisterReach

…es in which they’re situated. The whole idea is to be able to push back on policy, and to educate folks with a different way of understanding biblical scripture. We hope to encourage churches to want to center social justice work—understanding that this, too, is a calling of the church. I think the conservative right has it down when it comes to commitment, so I would like to see progressives also be as enthusiastic when it comes to doing justice…

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Taking Evangelical Support of Israel at Face Value Is a Terrible Idea: A Response

…ds on civil rights, as well as having a deleterious impact on U.S. foreign policy. Here, I would like to expand further on the evangelical authoritarianism that Best seeks to sweep under the rug. As an ex-evangelical, it is immensely frustrating to me to see major commentators and media outlets time and again downplay the significance of the kind of intolerant, illiberal, authoritarian Christianity I grew up with. Authoritarian Christians are natu…

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Herman Cain Doesn’t Know his Afghan from his Uzbek

…here America stands in the world. When asked if he is prepared for foreign policy questions, such as “who is the president of Uzbekistan?” Cain responds by making a bad joke (“…when they ask me who is the president of Ubeki-beki-beki-beki-stan-stan I’m going to say, you know, I don’t know. Do you know?”). Not just a joke, for he’s mocking the country, and laughing at the similarity of its name—in his head—to other countries. As if these are imagin…

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Does Christopher Hitchens Think Mormons are Sinistererer?

…d void unless welcomed by the souls of the departed. Proxy baptisms are in policy to be limited to ancestors as an expression of a Mormon theological view that the spiritual well-being of souls is connected with the spiritual well-being of their ancestors as well. That’s the policy, but in practice the process has been abused many times, often by well-intentioned but ignorant people who submit names of non-relatives for baptism with no acknowledgm…

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#Occupy: A Deeper Form of Protest?

…have noticed about the Occupy movement: that there are no clear goals, no policy prescriptions, no realistic (i.e., incremental) demands. For critics, this shows why the movement is absurd; for fans, why it is revolutionary. As any Kabbalist would expect, everyone is partially wrong. Between the Lines First, let’s notice that the financial crisis and “Wall Street” itself are also in self-delusion. Generally, Wall Street apologists insist that boo…

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Possibility that Bachmann Believes in Wifely Submission Irrelevant?

…s lack of clarity on this issue, and the potential impact it would have on policy, make it fair game for public inquiry:  Bachmann has reached out to evangelical voters by emphasizing her adherence to a “biblical worldview,” but when questioned about it — particularly about the “biblical” view of gender roles — Bachmann wasn’t a very good evangelist… [and her] policy initiatives, as they relate to issues like gay marriage, abortion and funding for…

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