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News Flash: God Has Revised the Laws of Physics

…neutrinos really did arrive at their destination 60 nanoseconds early, all bets are off. Causality goes on the block. And when that happens, everything goes, in the immortal words of Michael Binkley, “all higgeldy-piggeldy.” Think Back to the Future. Think Terminator. Think Ghostbusters: “Cats and dogs, living together!” This brink-of-pandemonium flavor of the CERN report has been noted by many members of the Fourth Estate, some of whom see theolo…

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Rick Perry’s Jesus Imperative: A Report from Saturday’s Mega-Rally

…ing that fell short of expectations, “is the living Christ.” A collective exhale for him getting it right; the governor was exalted. The people who gathered at Reliant Stadium are not just Rick Perry’s spiritual army, raised up, as Perry and others imagine it, in the spirit of Joel 2 to sound an alarm and prepare the people for Judgment Day. They are the ground troops the religious right set out four decades ago to create, and duplicate over gener…

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In Praise of Gay Republicans

…entalist evangelical LGBT Christians I have met. They are hard core orthodox Christians who often go so far as to live in celibacy instead of violate what they believe to be God’s outlawing of homosexuality. I have to respect that, even though I would not choose that for myself. I have, however, been accused by these far-right LGBT Christians of not being a Christian because of my many unorthodox understandings of God and theology. Interestingly,…

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LGBT Mormons Ask in Historic Temple: “If they could just see us, don’t you think they would change their minds?”

…Tears flowed freely when the Affirmation choir of gay and lesbian Mormons sang the stirring Mormon classic “The Spirit of God Like a Fire is Burning”—the very hymn our ancestors sang to dedicate the Kirtland temple 175 years ago, in 1836, on a day when, as the folklore goes, neighboring villages reported seeing a cloud of fire hovering over Kirtland. Standing in the sunlit white interiors of the temple, Liam, a young gay LDS man who had travelled…

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A Catholic Turnabout on Abortion or More Sympathy for the Bishops?

…y for the bishops,” which is an understatement. Brandishing hierarchical texts, Steinfels excoriates O’Brien for challenging “Catholic teaching at its root.” And there’s the rub. In place of the tripod of hierarchy, theologians, and sensus fidelism—which allows for mutual ongoing correction—Steinfels offers only the monopod of hierarchy. A trip through history to watch popes do such things as claim total authority over civil governments and deny t…

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Risky Business: The Pitfalls at the Corner of Church & Wall Street

…munity-enriching enterprises in mind. A priest from an Episcopal church in San Francisco explored ways to develop a restaurant incubator in his church’s kitchen. A group of MBA students from Point Loma Nazarene University considered how to create businesses that balance material and spiritual profit. A woman from an emergent church in Boston looked for insights that would help move her church toward more intentional economic engagement with the wi…

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Perry To Accuse Obama of Appeasement

…onth, Hagee spoke and brought a sizable contingent of congregants from his San Antonio church. Perry has prayed at Hagee’s church, and agreed with him that non-Christians are doomed to hell. The appeasement accusation is as old as Neville Chamberlain, and deployed with frequency by Christian Zionists to argue that Israel faces a threat as dire as Nazism. Perry wouldn’t be the first Republican to accuse Obama of appeasement; George W. Bush did it i…

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Ponzi Schemes and Prophecy

…rvice reports today that Jeremiah is “impressed” with Perry but that the Texas governor has some explaining to do about his relationship with Ismaili Muslim Community leader the Aga Khan, a subject about which Justin Elliott reported at Salon. The notoriously anti-Muslim AFA, aparently unaware or unconcerned about this relationship, bankrolled Perry’s prayer rally The Response. Whatever its source, Perry’s “Ponzi scheme” analogy, while under fire…

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“Pregnancy is Not a Disease”: Birth of an Anti-Contraception Rallying Cry

…vailing notion that any non-procreative sex was a sin—even, for example, sex between a married couple where one or both partners were infertile.) Yet even with all their emphasis on procreation, ancient theologians didn’t bring much rosy optimism to pregnancy and childbirth. To the contrary, many thought God had punished humanity by forcing them to reproduce physically, in the same undignified and brute manner as animals. Remember, this was in ant…

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Polygamist Warren Jeffs Convicted of Sexual Assault

…5 year-old girls who were “spiritually married” to him. The trial, held in San Angelo, Texas, was short but disturbing, with audiotapes and photographs of Jeffs’ crimes presented to the jury. During the trial, Jeffs fired his defense team, and defended himself with rambling missives and an affidavit he claimed came from God. Often, he just sat in silence. The jury verdict came quickly after hearing particularly sordid testimony, including the test…

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