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“Liberal Nazis”: The Republican Crusade Against NPR

…ssay of the kind radio does best. Raz was reflecting on Roger Ailes, the Fox News executive who made the comments about liberal Nazis at NPR. Leaving aside the historical malapropism of “liberal Nazis,” what moved me was Raz’s short oral essay reflecting on Ailes’ grotesque comments. Raz began by reflecting on his great-grandfather Abraham Reiss, who didn’t make it out of Europe before the real Nazis got to him. He considered further what it meant…

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Sex and Civilization: The Body as Battleground

…inscribe themselves on our genitals, our hairstyles, the ways in which we express our sexuality. We learn how to obey by learning how to curb our appetites in the name of an abstract good, defined and policed by authority. This is why gender and sexuality remain such contentious sites of religious and political debate today. Sexuality is where law is engendered, and where patriarchy begins. Consider the endless regulations in Leviticus governing s…

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Mormons Prepare to March in LGBT Pride Parades Nationwide

…er for me that was incredibly painful, but looking back it was an amazing experience in that I felt the pain, I saw my parents feeling the pain, but working within the Church for change, and then I saw change before my eyes in all the things that we were praying for. It gave me a sense of optimism that has carried me throughout my whole life. For many years, I felt like there was no other option for gay Mormon people than to discontinue activity i…

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RD News Round-Up: October 27, 2008

…s affiliations, along comes Talk2Action’s Bruce Wilson with another video exposé. Wilson and Ruth, his co-researcher and co-documentarian, have done an extraordinary job trying to bring information about the realities of Sarah Palin’s religious relationships to the spotlight. And while the mainstream media hasn’t picked up on the Palin videos—as they did with Pastor John Hagee’s ‘Hitler was sent by God’ video that went viral and mainstream—Wilson…

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“Ex-Gay” Therapy Revealed in Prop. 8 Trial

…rosexual. Instead, they now simply promise those who have “unwanted same-sex sexual attraction” a chance to repress or “overcome” those urges – but not to “cure” them of their orientation. What the proceedings are making startlingly clear, however, is how being branded “sick” and “sinful” by religious leaders has led directly to the discrimination against gay and lesbian people, including being denied the right to marry. One exchange, presented by…

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Reverend Billy For Mayor: Is He For Real?

…though she was raised mainly by her mother on a commune in northern New Mexico that exposed her to Sufism, Buddhism, and Native American spirituality. She was taught to respect all religions and, when she met Talen in 2000, bristled a bit at his satire of Christian preaching. But, already an accomplished performer and theater director, she made what would become the Church of Life After Shopping part of her own work and spiritual practice. Billy…

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Patron Saint of AIDS/HIV To Be Canonized

…who are Catholic and yet refuse to follow the hierarchy into some of its excesses. Those, that is, who are not only not homophobic or sexist, but actively work to claim the Church as their own just Church (like the women and men of ACT UP in the late 1980s who argued they WERE the church). Not my view, as a secular person, but certainly the other side of the paradox of a church that canonizes (and ministers) while reviling. Who is this surprising…

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The Eliminationists: How Hate Talk Radicalized the American Right

…[the person’s words] may cause,” Pelosi could scarcely have come up with a better example to illustrate a major theme of David Neiwert’s latest book, The Eliminationists: How Hate Talk Radicalized the American Right. There has been much discussion of the culture of incivility lately, epitomized by the recent indecorous outbursts of Rep. Joe “You Lie” Wilson (R-SC) during President Obama’s speech to a joint session of Congress, tennis star Serena W…

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Jerusalem Countdown: Christian Zionists and the New Israeli Government

…t takes—will interact with President Barack Obama, given the deep fissures between the two men over how to stop Iran from becoming a nuclear-armed power,” Joel C. Rosenberg recently wrote on his blog. Rosenberg, who used to work for Netanyahu and runs a charity called The Joshua Fund, also said: Based on my conversations with Israel’s next Prime Minister, I believe Netanyahu fundamentally understands the apocalyptic, genocidal Islamic eschatology…

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Worse Than Madoff: Amway Launches Domestic Revival

…dia, and Russia, has been under the Amway name.” Despite hiring marketing executives to help revitalize the relaunch—and despite the fact that an FTC examination into Amway’s business practices concluded in 1979 that it was not an illegal pyramid scheme (because compensation is based on retail sales to consumers, and because salespeople are not paid for recruiting new colleagues)—government investigations are still underway in England, India, and…

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