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Humiliating “Kim Davis Bill” To “Protect” Anti-LGBT County Clerks Passes Texas Senate

While everyone (including me) was busy blasting North Carolina for its latest (unconstitutional) effort to undo marriage equality, the Texas Senate quietly passed a bill that would allow county clerks to refuse marriage licenses to same-sex couples if marriage equality violates the clerk’s “sincerely held religious belief.” Senate Bill 522 passed the Senate Tuesday on a primarily partisan vote, and now heads to the Republican-controlled House. If…

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Mexico’s Religious Conservatives Seek Anti-LGBT Constitutional Amendment, LGBT Activists Defend Secular Government; Cash From Qatar Funds ‘Traditional’ Family Activism Worldwide; Global LGBT Recap

…and healthcare. In 2009 he told participants at an anti-gay rally in North Carolina that gay marriage would “open the door to unusual marriage” in the state. “Why not polygamy, or three or four spouses?” Gibbs asked. “Maybe people will want to marry their pets or robots.” Gibbs’s father founded the Christian Law Association. Gibbs represented Terry Schiavo’s parents when they were trying to wrest guardianship away from her husband. Since then Gibb…

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Don’t Be Fooled By Trump’s Acceptance of Marriage Equality: Here’s What to Expect

…ch that also saw the DOJ file a federal civil rights lawsuit against North Carolina for its transphobic “bathroom bill” known as House Bill 2. Rejecting the overwhelming consensus of social science and best practices advocated by experts who actually work with (and are) trans people, Desanctis sounds almost gleeful at the prospect of gutting Title IX protections for trans students. For the bulk of the past eight years, the Obama administration has…

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Rev. Barber: A “Moral Center,” Not a “Religious Left,” Will Save Us in 2017

…in Luther King announced plans for the original. Barber, head of the North Carolina NAACP and its Moral Mondays movement, has become a focal point for those who hope that a prophetic religious vision can inspire a rejuvenated social justice movement and challenge conservatives’ dominant religious voice in the public arena. (Read Peter Laarman’s RD review of Barber’s book, The Third Reconstruction: Moral Mondays, Fusion Politics and the Rise of a N…

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Cruz Brings GOP Nomination into the Toilet

…Trump’s shrug-off of the transgender restroom controversy following North Carolina’s passage of a law that says people must use the bathroom that corresponds to the sex on their birth certificate. Trump said that allowing transgender individuals to use the bathroom of their choice hadn’t caused any problems to date and that people should “use the bathroom they feel is appropriate.” But beyond Cruz’s craven politicizing of the issue, the transgend…

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A Sliver of White Evangelicals Abandoning Trump, But That May Be Enough

…In order to be on track for reelection, he would have to be improving his numbers with white Christians, and it’s just not happening. Last, Trump is taking a huge hit among older voters, dropping 14 points in favorability with those 65 or older. Unscientifically, this may be what’s causing the fall in his religious numbers. Because older voters tend to be more religious than younger ones, a decline in one set will very likely be reflected in the…

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Are You Rapture Ready?

…predicted on a van parked in a shopping center parking lot near Columbia, South Carolina months ago, so I suppose I’m already behind in my preparations. I count myself among the scoffers of second coming date-setting since Jesus himself said we won’t know the date or the time of his return. Evans is prepared with his answer to me and others who laugh off their efforts: “Sadly, only eight people survived the flood in Noah’s time,” he said. “The nu…

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Post-Election, “Is The Black Church Dead?” Redux

…ress. Tim Scott will be the first African-American Republican to represent South Carolina in Congress since Reconstruction. (He beat out Strom Thurmond’s son in the primaries.) Iraq war veteran Allen West will be headed to Congress from Florida, despite having been fined for improperly firing his weapon to force information from a detainee while serving in Iraq, and for his connections to a criminal motorcycle club. West’s acceptance speech was pe…

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Review: Is the Religious Right Dying?

…ailure to earn the support of conservative evangelicals, especially in the South Carolina primary. McCain’s success this time around is surprising considering the centrality of the religious right in the Republican electoral coalition. Some observers, however, including Dionne and former White House insider David Kuo, whose book Tempting Faith: An Inside Story of Political Seduction (Free Press, 2006) exposed the Bush administration’s instrumental…

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US Names Int’l Envoy for LGBT Rights; Marriage revolution spreads in Mexico; Scott Lively Warns World of Anti-Christ; Global LGBT Recap

…e, in 2012, we won the first judgment in Oaxaca,” Méndez marveled during a phone interview last week. “In the two years [since], we have succeeded in covering almost the entire country. Even some LGBT rights supporters are a little mystified that marriage equality rulings haven’t sparked a national backlash. The fight over Mexico City’s 2009 marriage equality law brought strong opposition from the country’s Catholic hierarchy. Yet while some state…

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