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Creators of Missing Lowe’s Ad Tell All

…thored the play Us & Them performed at Mildred’s Umbrella Theatre, wrote a number of pivotal speeches for the Anti Prop. 8 Movement and the popular “It Gets Worse” viral video for Dan Savage’s “It Gets Better” campaign. Fox optioned his pilot “Yearbook” as part of their Diversity program, his pilot, “rare” (about a family of cannibals who immigrates to America) was brought to HBO by Philip Seymour Hoffman and Emily Ziff’s Cooperstown Productions a…

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California Inmates Protest the Abuse of Long-Term Solitary Confinement

…olor further calls into question the use of this abusive practice.” As the numbers have grown, so have the numbers of critics, Wired reports, citing a series of “scathing reports and documentaries” released in 2012 by the National Religious Campaign Against Torture, the New York Civil Liberties Union, the American Civil Liberties Union and Human Rights Watch, and Amnesty International. That same year, the US Senate held its first-ever hearings on…

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Huckabee Says Obama is “Pretending to Be a Christian”

…oor. What if Mr. Huckabee had accused the President of “pretending to be a Southern Baptist?” His barb would not have been nearly so sharp. But he knows that. There is calculation in his choice of words. This Southern Baptist pastor-turned-politician knows perfectly well that there are theological differences between his denomination and the President’s. He just doesn’t choose to admit it: because there may be territory yet to be conquered by plan…

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At Moms for Liberty Summit, ‘Mama Bears’ Declare Spiritual War on the ‘Radical Left’

…by the fact that Moms for Liberty was just designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. According to the report by the SPLC, the group’s main goals are to “fuel rightwing hysteria and to make the world a less comfortable or safe place for certain students—primarily those who are Black, LGBTQ or who come from LGBTQ families.” In fact, this designation sparked numerous jokes and gripes about being “the face of domestic terrorism” dur…

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History Matters: On the 400th Anniversary of Plymouth We’re Still Clinging to Destructive National Myths

…gives description of the hefty, jagged, grey boulder sitting on the rocky beach of Plymouth Harbor, or of the pilgrims’ landing upon it on December 18th, four hundred years ago this week. The earliest mention of what would be called “Plymouth Rock” as the landing spot of the pilgrims isn’t until 1741, when an elderly resident of the town claimed that he’d been told in his youth that this exact stone was the landing spot for the Mayflower. Even di…

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The Religious Motto That Isn’t Religious: How ‘In God We Trust’ Remains Constitutional [Part 2]

…t movement. Read now or download the trilogy later this week for a heckuva beach read. – eds Under Donald Trump, Christian hypocrisy has been making headlines. White evangelicals, who have proclaimed their moral superiority for decades, now support an unethical, corrupt, twice-divorced, thrice-married, adulterer. (Here on RD the Reverend Daniel Schultz recently suggested that it isn’t hypocrisy, but sadism that’s to blame for white evangelical ent…

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The Story of ‘In God We Trust,’ Our Christian Nationalist Motto [Part 1]

…stian nationalist movement. Read now or download the trilogy for a heckuva beach read. – eds How did “In God We Trust” get stamped on the currency of a country with a godless Constitution? How did a secular nation get a religious national motto? The story is not one of national unity, but of exploitation. It does not begin, as so many claim, with the American founding, but rather four score and seven years later, in 1863. Lincoln’s Emancipation Pr…

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Clergy Shouldn’t Be Able to Steal Funds for Grindr or Dolls

…al—allegedly stole $100,000 to spend on “Grindr men,” globetrotting, and a beach house. McLoone’s crime appears to be an isolated incident, but it’s indicative of a larger problem, one that could be easily fixed. Churches are incredibly susceptible to theft from within because, unlike every other non-profit and charity, the law does not require financial transparency for churches. They’re financial black holes. Experts estimate that worldwide, chu…

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Why Changes in Reporting Won’t Fix the Catholic Church’s Sexual Abuse Problem

…iests’ residences, and too often ends in priests’ bedrooms, backseats, and beach houses; in parishioners’ living rooms, children’s bedrooms and even children’s hospital wards, with the sexual molestation of the most faithful Catholics. The ultimate irony is that once those Catholics grow up, their own healthy and responsible sexuality will be ruthlessly judged by these very same abusive church leaders. If celibacy remains mandatory, foundational t…

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All Of A Sudden, There’s Nazis Everywhere… And They Only Seem to Associate with One Party

…ror erupted over this behavior, Nehlen responded by posting the names, telephone numbers, and email addresses of some of his critics. Nehlen’s so reviled that even Steve Bannon’s Breitbart has disavowed him, though no less accomplished a racist than Donald Trump himself praised Nehlen during the primary. Nehlen won’t come anywhere near unseating Ryan, of course, but that doesn’t mean the WisGOP—which appears not to have made any recent statements…

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