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What a Forgotten 19th Century Suffragist Can Teach Us About Women’s Rights vs. The Religious Right

…she had stated, “Until liberty is attained—the broadest, the deepest, the highest liberty of all—not one set alone, one clique alone, but for men and women, black and white, Irish and Germans, Americans and negroes, there can be no permanent peace.” Dreading any further chiseling away of the wall between church and state, Gage founded her own group, the Woman’s National Liberal Union, in 1890. This move entailed that she was effectively written o…

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Were Angels Just Lucid Dreams?

…the vividness of life increased a hundred fold. Never had the sea and the sky and trees shone with such glamorous beauty; even the commonplace houses seem alive and mystically beautiful. Never had I felt so absolutely well, so clear-brained, and so inexpressibly free! The intensity of experience in lucid dreams is one reason so many people today are pursuing them. Books have been written and workshops offered on how to cultivate these visionary e…

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Where are the Blessed Peacemakers?

…, and was executed at the hands of the powerful. Atonement theologies that highlight God’s solidarity through Jesus with those who suffer eschew the structures and vocabularies of domination and violence that Jesus encountered in his life and that brought about his death. An enlightened, nonviolent version of classic moral influence theories, theologies of radical Christian solidarity argue that God became human as Jesus to make known, as only a d…

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Laugh at Tucker Carlson’s Tanning Testicles Doc All You Want, But the Bulging Muscles and Potent Sperm Imagery is a Fascist Dream

…, you’ll be killed. Incidentally, it’s no coincidence that James Dobson, a highly influential “educator” on the Religious Right, learned from the eugenicist Paul Popenoe—who himself founded marriage counseling for white couples as a form of “positive eugenics” after World War II. In fact, Popenoe wrote the foreword to Dobson’s 1970 book, Dare to Discipline. But back to the sweating Spartans. Their opponents—in this case the Persian king and his ar…

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It’s Not Her, It’s You.

…“Excuse me, but I’m here too!” just circles your otherness in fresh green highlighter. It’s mistaken for a lack of confidence, and people rush to reassure you: Of course you are, dear. Don’t you ever forget that. On the other hand, to say nothing is to go along with the idea that “we” who have important things to say are the same “we” who are supposed to float happily above the categories of race and gender by being as white or as male (or as het…

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Conventional Wisdom: RNC/DNC Giving God a Bad Name?

…ches.”   Well, yes and no. It’s a party that gives Elizabeth Warren a microphone even as it dispatches Rahm Emanuel to make nice with the very same fat cats Warren denounces; that lurches to proclaim Jerusalem the one and only capital of Israel even when it knows how catastrophically wrongheaded this is to the cause of justice and peace in the Middle East; that is quite obviously afraid to talk candidly about grinding poverty in America for fear o…

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Politics in a Time of Crisis: Sandy? Blame Socialism

…Nothing Like This…”—with President Obama is superimposed on a stormy night sky. How tactful. This wasn’t the only tasteless act, but certainly was the only intentional one I’d encountered. As for the unintentional? CNN ad time had already been purchased to fill up the in-between spaces, and living as I do in a swing state, I had to suffer through oddly inappropriate campaign advertising in between CNN’s breathless coverage. Two ads in particular s…

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Papal Retirement: A Matter of Conscience

…are over. If a pope can abdicate before he goes out feet first without the sky falling in then new egalitarian models of church can and will emerge too. Even though knowledge of Latin is apparently no longer a required for leadership, we have a lot of people—women, married men, openly gay and lesbian, bisexual and transgender Catholics—who are “ready and willing” to take on ministry and leadership. I know hundreds who are already actively involved…

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Protesting Yoga in Schools, But Welcoming Bible Study

…r abstinence-only Sex Ed: the many “health” programs for public middle and high school students teaching that the only way to have a safe and moral sex life is not to have one (outside of heterosexual marriage). Abstinence programs in many cases quite clearly fail the Content Test, presenting themselves as sex education, but delivering messages, though stripped of explicit references to God or Jesus, that are clearly driven by religion and intende…

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6 Words Not in RNC Autopsy: Christian, Religion, Abortion, Marriage, Jesus, God

…a carefully crafted campaign outside a campaign to try to tell voters the sky is green and the grass is blue, or that the Republican Party is different from the one on display during the 2012 campaign. The pitch for religious Latino voters, though, hints at what’s really at work on the religion front: that the party is trying to figure out a way to keep conservative, religious, white voters energized without alienating a pluralistic electorate. S…

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