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California Inmates Protest the Abuse of Long-Term Solitary Confinement

…olor further calls into question the use of this abusive practice.” As the numbers have grown, so have the numbers of critics, Wired reports, citing a series of “scathing reports and documentaries” released in 2012 by the National Religious Campaign Against Torture, the New York Civil Liberties Union, the American Civil Liberties Union and Human Rights Watch, and Amnesty International. That same year, the US Senate held its first-ever hearings on…

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Cali Dept of Corrections v. Peter Laarman On Prison Crowding

…prisoners as they were designed to accommodate, recidivism rates remained sky-high and court-ordered releases to meet a prison population cap loomed large. Rather than continue a cycle of spending and building to address the crisis, Governor Brown chose a more enlightened path. Working closely with legislative leaders, law enforcement, cities, counties, social service providers and policy experts – Governor Brown pushed for and signed AB 109, kno…

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Maryland Voters Split on Marriage Equality, So Far

If you listen to Catholic leadership in Maryland, the sky fell this past week as that state’s legislature passed marriage equality for gay and lesbian residents. “Though not a surprise, today’s vote to redefine marriage in the State of Maryland by some members of the State Senate is no less troubling for it places Maryland one step closer to the dismantling of the most fundamental social institution in all of society,” said Cardinal Edwin F. O’Br…

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You Can’t be the Face of Religious Liberty and Spew Hatred of Religion

…of homophobic violence, forced marriages, and stonings. I mean, man-in-the-sky talk, calling Jesus a zombie, mocking belief itself rather than its violent by-products. As a fan of the First Amendment, I’m glad that such critics are not silenced for it. But by maligning such a huge swath of Earth’s population, such figures cannibalize their credibility as the primary defenders of religious freedom. Not because they aren’t sincere in their convictio…

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Noah, Cosmos Controversies Not About Biblical Literalism

…ious conservative critics did not even need to see the film to judge Aronofsky, an avowed atheist, wanting. And Aronofsky himself confirmed their worst fears by describing Noah as “the least biblical film ever made” and by referring to the Genesis account as “mythical,” to be read like any other ancient legend—echoing the very arguments of the higher critics during the Fundamentalist-Modernist controversy. For religious conservative critics, howev…

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New York Legalizes Gay Marriage

…It’s a matter of it becoming a normal thing. People see it and realize the sky isn’t about to fall.” Thousands marched in the streets to celebrate passage of the law, signed quickly by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, as the annual gay pride celebration fell on the same weekend. The first marriages are expected within 30 days. While gays and lesbians and their allies partied, though, some on the religious right are beginning to see the writing on the wall. Seve…

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Heaven is All-American

…he hospital’s nondenominational chapel. So much is blue in this movie: the sky, the clothes, the stucco wall that Todd stands in front of at the Crossroads Wesleyan Church—and Colton’s big blue eyes. Heaven is, of course, blue. This is what they mean by ‘All-American,’ I think, looking at Colton, who is the very picture of aww-inducing little boy-hood: a blue-eyed, Protestant who lives somewhere that is, for the most part, landlocked. What about t…

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If Bad-Ass Nuns Ruled the World

…nuns who blogged and tweeted. Despite having gone to an all-girls Catholic high school I had just as many stereotypes of Catholic sisters as anyone does. But the nuns I met on the road began to shatter those stereotypes. They weren’t these stuffy, ruler-wielding automatons. They were independent bad-asses. And each of these bad-ass nuns led to another bad-ass nun. I would come back home from some of these trips and share their stories at dinner pa…

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Church Synod Recap: Micromanaging the Morals of Others

…ions were part of the mix. Many will say that expecting such is pie in the sky. But in 2014, I don’t think so. Not expecting what makes rational sense is to concede the terms of discussion before the conversation begins. Why waste the time? The Synod could have gone on without media glare as similar meetings do except that Pope Francis spells change in the air. Many members of the media cannot resist his charms and seem desperately to want to repo…

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Fired GTS Professors Go Back to Work, For Now

…tee landlord) and the faculty (whom s/he outranks, but by which s/he is outnumbered). If goodwill or trust breaks down between Dean and faculty (and it does) apart from invoking the Almighty, the faculty feel their only recourse is the Board. The Dean and President does not have to listen. The Board, not regularly involved in the intensity of day-to-day life of the school, often doesn’t see the warning signs. In retrospect, some of the issues that…

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