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All Of A Sudden, There’s Nazis Everywhere… And They Only Seem to Associate with One Party

…ois, there’s an actual goddamn Nazi running for Congress on the Republican ticket. To their credit, the Illinois GOP has disavowed Arthur Jones, former leader of the American Nazi Party, and like Nehlen, he’s not going to get anywhere near elected office: the district he’s running in is heavily Democratic. In fact, according to former Democratic campaign manager Dana Houle, Jones was probably able to slip in precisely because it is such a safe sea…

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Vatican Sexual Abuse Meeting Is Destined to Fail—To Stop the Problem or the Decline

…all of the bishops were allegedly forced to tender their resignations, the numbers are plummeting. Ten years ago, 73% of Chileans called themselves Catholic. Today that percentage is 45 with reports that in Latin America as a whole numbers are down 20% in the same period. In Switzerland in November 2018, six prominent progressive Catholic women left the Church by filing the requisite papers that relieved them of contributing church taxes. Four are…

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Why Utah Felt the Bern: Mormonism’s Forgotten Progressive Past

…ered according to his strength” (Alma 30:17)—a repudiation of the supposed American dream based on Franklinian principles. Religious utopia in the scriptural book was achieved when society “had all things in common” (4 Nephi 1:3), and was destroyed with the reestablishment of private ownership and the prevalence of wealth inequality. “As religious minorities, they believed that in order to enjoy the “blessings and privileges of an American citizen…

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Even if Biden Wins Will We Reckon With ‘Virtuous Republic Syndrome,’ the Persistent Belief that America is a Blessed Nation?

…about forever, of a very large share of the Black people living here, now numbering 42 million. As Malcolm X pointed out decades ago, it’s impossible to regard the United States as a nation of laws when those laws are very often suspended in the case of Black people. Malcolm believed, correctly, that a nation choosing to be only conditionally lawful cannot really be regarded as lawful at all—and should certainly stop its boasting about equal just…

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The Roots of White Evangelicalism’s Crisis Are in White Evangelical Churches, Not Republican Politics

…of church growth that focused on homogeneous congregations and a personal ticket to heaven was quietly forming deep habits of selfishness in a racist society. It was 1976, and Hilliard wasn’t critiquing the Christian Right, because it didn’t exist. He was warning about what white evangelicals were learning in their own churches. Ignoring critics like Hilliard, the “Church Growth Movement” took the white evangelical world by storm and aided the ri…

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This Veterans Day, the Centennial of the Unknown Soldier, Skip the Platitudes and Talk to a Veteran

…’ve never laid flowers at a veterans cemetery or followed troop deployment numbers. Doing so would not occur to most. Since the end of the draft and the initiation of the All-Volunteer Force in 1973, veterans have not been distributed widely through civilian communities, and Americans have allowed themselves to support the troops in a distant, spectatorial fashion that may signal gratitude or at least political correctness, but also underwrites a…

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SCOTUS Seems to Think You Should Be Forced to Pay For Religious Education

…exercise clause into a broadly applicable special rights provision. A free ticket for the religious to exempt themselves from federal and state laws—most importantly, public health and anti-discrimination laws. JS: Do these special rights provisions apply equally? The court is on a mission to remake free-exercise law. Not too long ago, it held that religious people and organizations could not claim special exemptions to generally applicable law so…

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As Catholic Bishops Punish Dissent, Rosemary Radford Ruether’s Life and Legacy Show the Way Forward

…ion, it gets personal. In 1984, Ferraro became the first woman and Italian American to appear on a presidential ticket. A Catholic, Ferraro had ruffled the cassocks of some members of the hierarchy—specifically, then-New York Archbishop John O’Connor. Earlier in her congressional career, Ferraro worked with Catholics for a Free Choice in fostering discussions among her fellow Catholic members of Congress. Ferraro herself supported abortion rights…

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Paranormal Vodka, Exorcists and a Demonic Doll: Welcome to Paracon, Based on the Work of the Demon-Hunters Who Inspired the ‘Conjuring’ Series

…oommate over a period of months in 1970. Although I can’t find an official number, a casino employee tells us over 5,000 tickets have been sold; 5,000 pilgrims who’ve made the trek from around the country to pay their respects to Annabelle, and are willing to wait hours to do so. On the convention floor, an eclectic group of vendors hocks their wares, from Ouija boards and books about ghost hunting to bath bombs shaped like horror movie icons. The…

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At Moms for Liberty Summit, ‘Mama Bears’ Declare Spiritual War on the ‘Radical Left’

…s we were escorted by a throng of police officers out of the Museum of the American Revolution, where Wallbuilders president Tim Barton had just butchered American history in a speech punctuated by his plea that “we have to make America great again!” In between speeches, speakers would hold prayers to bless the “hotel staff, those who serve our food, who make our beds,” and praise to God for not letting “hotel staff” be swayed by the protesters ou…

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