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DNC Zombie Lie Count: 4

…ecause he was pro-life. It was because refused to endorse the Clinton-Gore ticket. There have been many pro-life speakers at Democratic conventions in the intervening years, including last night Robert P. Casey, Jr., himself no slouch in the pro-life department. Good Catholics Can’t Be Democrats, 2 Or so says Bishop Tobin of Providence about Tim Kaine. I did not know that supporting the ordination of women was a “grave sin” demanding excommunicati…

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If Hillary Wins Big It Won’t Be a Moral Victory—And That’s a Crying Shame

…Joe Biden impersonation can’t compensate for this defect at the top of the ticket. No number of morally-impassioned surrogates can compensate. We should not forget that a widely-shared yearning for a moral revolution formed the heart of the Sanders movement. We shouldn’t forget that this surge of moral energy surprised the Vermont senator himself, or that it was really a remarkable thing to behold, especially considering the many liabilities of th…

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The Apocalypse Is Upon Us, Ted Cruz Endorsement Edition

…televangelist, God will bless them with riches in return? (The Super PAC, Americans United for Values, did not respond to a request for comment.) Trump, who is running neck and neck with Cruz in Iowa, has aligned himself with some televangelists. Trump’s embrace of controversial televangelists started during his failed 2012 run, and continued with his 2016 run—although Kenneth Copeland, possibly the most well-known of the group that laid hands on…

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“Equality is Not a Feeling”

…Participants returned to a local park to listen to Conference on their cellphones—the first time in history that Church officials permitted broad media access to the event, a move some have characterized as a concession to ticket requests from Ordain Women leaders.  Inside the Tabernacle and the nearby Conference Center, rows of seats went unfilled. Saturday’s Ordain Women action has initiated an unprecedented conversation about power, leadership,…

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Decoding Rick Warren’s Appreciation for Chick-fil-A

…nally. You cannot possibly ‘hate’ him,” she would insist. “Hate” was a big-ticket word not to be squandered on annoying siblings or corrupt politicians. My mother’s semantic ethics on this point have stayed with me throughout my life, so I’ve never been one to throw around words like “hate,” “hater,” or “hate speech” casually. Words are of course powerful things, filled with the potential for hurt and shame that can linger for years, poisoning sou…

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Paul Ryan: “This Is Not Theology…”

…passed the “Ryan Budget” I’m thrilled, personally, that it’s Ryan. The GOP ticket is now led by two unbelievably privileged and self-important white guys (are Billionaires for Bush still around to gin up Rapacious for Romney material?), but it’s even better than that. The Ryan Budget is such a gift to the Democrats that one might think the Angel of Moroni had dropped into their laps. Unlike Romney, Ryan is anything but a cipher in respect to concr…

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Is the Ryan VP Pick Good for Mormonism?

…party types who will now turn out enthusiastically. It adds pizzazz to the ticket. An ideological firebrand is the one thing Romney has never been accused of being, and now he can borrow that heat. I believe that Romney or the people close to him pushed Romney for some of these reasons—including getting past the Mormon moment and the focus on Romney’s character. The persistent question about Romney has been: who is this man? What made him who he i…

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Personhood USA says Romney would Permit “Death Penalty” for “Babies Conceived in Rape”

…ce in “judicial tyranny.” Now, they’ve set their sights on the Romney-Ryan ticket, which released the statement that “a Romney-Ryan administration would not oppose abortion in instances of rape.” “Personhood USA does not endorse political candidates, but we had hoped that Congressman Ryan would be a good influence on Governor Romney, considering Romney’s liberal abortion record,” Jennifer Mason, the group’s communication director, said in a statem…

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Senate Candidate Todd Akin’s Anti-Abortion Acquaintances from the Late ’80s

…e Southern Poverty Law Center, Dreste at some point became a leader in the American Coalition of Life Activists, a group most known for its role in creating and compiling the so-called “Nuremberg Files”: online dossiers on abortion providers and abortion supporters including their work addresses, photos, and places of worship. There was a trial, and Dreste himself was fined millions in damages, according to a 1999 investigative piece on Dreste by…

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Conservative Bishops Headed For Synod Victory?; Indonesian Sharia Official Says Gay Caning Law Meant To ‘Safeguard Human Dignity’; Slovenian Court OK’s Referendum on Marriage Equality Law; Global LGBT Recap

The World Congress of Families, which brings together American Religious Right activists with their counterparts from around the world, gathers next week in Salt Lake City, Utah, the first time one of its annual summits has been held in the U.S. WCF officials have responded to sharp criticism about the anti-gay work carried out by its partners and participants by declaring themselves committed to respect and civil dialogue. That claim does not st…

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