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LDS Church Asserts Trademark of “Mormon”

…ce your parents named you Jon Stewart, and all you’ve ever want to be is a comedian. You especially like political humor. You find a comedy club that likes your material and they begin advertising “Daily Shows featuring Jon Stewart.” Even though the guy on Comedy Central was named Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz at birth, and even though you don’t claim to be on The Daily Show, Comedy Central and Stewart et al could take you to court and get you to stop…

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Anti-Gay Celebration in Uganda; Weddings in England; ‘Francis Effect’ at the Vatican

…ropaganda law.” In a story about the new constitutional amendment push, reminds us, “In 2013 President Vladimir Putin compared same-sex partnership to Satanism in a public speech and blasted it as “a direct course to degradation and simplification, to the deep demographic and moral crisis.” Kosovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina: LGBT Life on Europe’s ‘Frontier’ Liam Hoare at Slate examines the precarious lives of LGBT people on “the European Union’…

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Keep These Satanists Out of Congress!

…state senate as a Democrat, by informing voters that she played the online computer game “World of Warcraft.”   The website declared, “Maine needs a state senator that lives in the real world, not in Colleen’s fantasy world.” As in this latest instance, statements made “in character” were presented out of context. In any case, the strategy backfired. Not only did Lachowicz win the election, but outraged gamers around the country…

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Noah’s All-White Ark, and Other Odd Directorial Choices

…ie. Their Enochic counterparts, the Watchers, fall from heaven to earth, become encased in soil and rock and become walking, talking piles of rock with glowing, explosive inner cores. – The Watchers supply the bulk of the manual labor to build the ark. – Noah’s sons are not all adult, married men when they enter the ark (Gen 7:7). The lack of wives for the boy on the cusp of manhood and the much younger boy-child are plot devices. – When Noah gets…

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Debate Heats Up Over “Francis Effect”

…ancis effect” from the pope’s first year. According to Daniel Burke at in a lengthy, mostly anecdotal piece, “there’s more way than one to measure the pontiff’s influence” than, say, actual metrics like the number of people going to mass or returning to the church. According to Burke, you just have to “ask around” Boston to find folks who know someone who’s thinking about returning to the church or who feels less horrible about the church…

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Global LGBT Recap: Promise and Peril in the New Year

…ck Jonathan for his signature.  If he returns the law to parliament with recommended changes, that could delay resolution until after a coming election.  LGBT activists hope that he will refer it to the National Human Rights Commission. Meanwhile, activists are considering with “dread” the potential consequences of the legislation for LGBT people and for HIV prevention and treatment programs South Africa: Concern about LGBT Equality in a Post-Mand…

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Google’s Benevolent Interfaith Big Tent

…f extending a corporate ethic of multiculturalism? Google’s “Reunion” commercial invites us to shed these doubts and bask in the joy of Google’s benevolent interfaith sway. The video concludes with the two men, worn with age, embracing with the timeless recognition that they thought would never come. A miracle. Cut to a screenshot of Cut to the friends sitting cross-legged in the rain, hands stretched skyward. Perhaps they are reaching…

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Reza Aslan’s Viral Fox News Interview Reveals More Than Just Christian Privilege

…y meet is a self-proclaimed expert in religion. What should we make of one commenter’s remark on the Aslan video: “Religion scholar. . . isn’t that an oxymoron?” This presumes that expertise in one’s own religion—or one’s own rejection of it—is earned without pursuing degrees. According to this view, academic training only pushes the budding scholar farther away from “real” Christianity, as Green calls it.  And as Aslan found out, the scholar’s “o…

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Review: Is the Religious Right Dying?

…two decades, and especially the last few years, we have witnessed a great commotion over religion and politics… The era of the Religious Right is over.” Dionne’s argument exemplifies recent elite-level discourse about the impending or current demise of the religious right. Other noteworthy entries in this growing oeuvre include leading religious left activist Rev. Jim Wallis’ vividly titled The Great Awakening: Reviving Faith and Politics in a Po…

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