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Today We Pray for Women for Whom Pregnancy is Not Good News …

…ver forgive them or that they’ll go to hell, Kromenaker noted, “They still come for the abortion. Because they’re like, ‘I just can’t be pregnant right now.’” She added, “Every single abortion provider has had a woman who has come in and said, ‘I used to be out on that picket line.’” Some women are surprised that church teachings don’t match reality: the clinic floors aren’t covered in blood; the evil abortionist is kind and caring; abortion doesn…

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Atheist Islamophobia… Again

…icle by Frans De Waal that seeks to understand why “Militant Atheism Has Become a Religion” seems relevant here. As an Emory psychology professor who conducts research on primate behavior, and an atheist himself, his criticism is directed neither at atheists nor Muslims. Instead he writes, “I consider dogmatism a far greater threat than religion per se.” Dogmatists “are poor listeners” who “pound their drums so hard that they can’t hear one anothe…

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A Public Monument to Atheism—In Florida

…dments on display in front of the Bradford County Courthouse. How did this come about? As reported by American Atheists had sued to have the aforementioned Ten Commandments monument taken down, and in an effort to mediate, the county asked the monument’s sponsoring group, the Community Men’s Fellowship, to remove it—but the group refused. Rather than incur the expense involved in dismantling this 5-foot, 6-ton stone slab, Bradford Co…

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The NFL’s Prayer Problem

…Husain Abdullah was penalized for praying after a pick6…. Smh — NBA RETWEET (@RTNBA) September 30, 2014 UPDATE: This is revealing: a 2012 slideshow from Bleacher Report, “Tim Tebow and the 10 Most Religious Players in NFL History,” cites only Christian players, even though Abdullah had played in the league since 2008 and was known to observe the Ramadan fast even while playing football. “I’m putting nothing before God,…

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Facebook’s “No Religion” Policy Hoax

…dely debunked weeks ago, and yet it persists. Hovering at #2 on the “Hot 100” list of the most-circulated hoaxes, this one takes the form of a Facebook post by CEO Mark Zuckerberg (and, ahem, spells his name incorrectly). Seen it on your feed lately? It states that Facebook is instituting a “No Religion” policy, whereby “anyone spreading religious beliefs” will have their account shut down and be subject to “investigation.” Because what…

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International ‘Pro-Family’ Summit Calls for New Anti-Gay Laws: Global LGBT Recap

…entertainment license. An attorney for the dancers told GSN: This decision comes at an important time in Hong Kong – not only for Hong Kong citizens seeking to exercise their right to demonstrate, but also for LGBT members of the community wishing to express their views free from police harassment. ‘Our highest court has now sent the police a clear message that they can no longer use this piece of public entertainment legislation to restrict the r…

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Godly Game or Godless Satire? Countering Biblical Ignorance with Heretical Humor

…oaning at a bad joke. Many of the verses have been paraphrased to maximize comedic potential so that “Jesus had disappeared in the crowd” in the Bible becomes “Houdini Jesus” on its card. Double entendres abound and there are swear words. Lots of them. This a strange mix of sincerity and sarcasm prompts the question: at what, exactly, are players supposed to laugh?   PLAYERS AGES 8+ looking for interactive fun at the expense of organized religion…

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The Catholic-Evangelical (Non-)Coalition

…ligned with liberal values than Evangelicals.” But these numbers shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who has bothered to looked at Catholic opinion polling for the past 30 years. The fact is, on most hot-button, sex-related issues, Catholic opinion has long been about the same as public opinion, and mainstream Protestant opinion, as a whole and significantly more liberal than Evangelical opinion. The turning point for Catholic opinion catching…

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Secular As Kids, Religious As Adults?

…nique Department of Secular Studies, and author of, among others, the forthcoming book, Living the Secular Life. Zuckerman told me he found the data “sort of bizarre” and that it “runs counter to all that I know on the topic.” In the upcoming book, Zuckerman notes that while there is a paucity of research on secular parenting, there are longitudinal studies on the future impact of a secular childhood on adult religiosity are out there, and they sh…

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Catholic Healthcare Is Not the Enemy

…ers have filed a single law suit against the mandate and have accepted the compromise accommodation the administration presented. We ignore the fact that, in response to a demand by the Phoenix Arizona bishop that a local Catholic hospital and then Catholic Health Care West, a large regional system sign an agreement that they would never again perform a specific type of life saving abortion, both refused and both left the Catholic Health System ra…

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