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A Reporter’s Guide to the New Apostolic Reformation

…ministry Burn 24-7, which has a Spiritual Oversight board listed on its website, comprising prominent NAR figures. Just as with any other organization or movement, it’s essential to understand the nature, structure and ideology of the leadership, although it may take some research to do so. For those who are interested, there are some good places to look. Although the NAR is best understood as a non-denominational and relational movement, C. Peter…

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Dalai Lama’s ‘Suck My Tongue’ Controversy Reveals Centuries-Old Christian Distortion of Tibetan Buddhism

…r which the Dalai Lama tells the boy to suck his tongue. Released into the online ecosystem, the video predictably went viral, launching a heated debate. Supporters rushed to the Dalai Lama’s defense, noting that his actions were normal within Tibetan cultural practices and that the video was promoted by Chinese agents and sympathizers in order to impeach his character in the West. Indeed, according to Vice, professor of China studies Timothy Gros…

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Satanic Harmonies and Zoom Church: Readers Respond

…y column on Tish Harrison Warren‘s op-ed arguing that churches should drop online worship drew a lot of response, most of it positive. J.W. from Michigan, a member of the disability community, told me on Facebook: “Bodies…are not obstacles to be transcended through digitization” is one of the most deeply misguided things I’ve read in a very long time. Beyond being ignorant of how the internet has both broadened horizons and shrunk the size of the…

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Global LGBT Recap: Catholic Polling, Religious Violence, International Advocacy

…ing a harsh anti-gay bill into law in January. The New York Times’ Adam Nossiter reports that the law not only bans marriage, but makes it a crime to join or support a gay organization or “directly or indirectly” make a “public show” of same-sex relationships. Nossiter reports that the impact of the law has been felt most strongly in the Muslim north: Rights advocates say they have recorded arrests in multiple Nigerian states, but the country’s no…

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‘People You May Know’ Reveals a War on Democracy Being Waged With Big Data [Part II]

…that I really liked was the discussion with Gloria Beth Amodeo, who is an online friend of mine I hope to meet in real life someday… KGV: She’s lovely. CS: I was impressed with the way that she talked about this whole process in conjunction with what was then Campus Crusade for Christ, now Cru, using these techniques; how the people in Cru began isolating her from her family as they drew her in. Is there anything you’d like to say about that? CK:…

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Obama Signs Executive Order Making Changes to Faith-Based Office, but Frustrations Remain

…ement; Requires agencies that provide Federal financial assistance to post online regulations, guidance documents, and policies that reflect or elaborate upon the fundamental principles of the Executive Order; Requires agencies to post online a list of entities that receive Federal financial assistance for the provision of social service programs; Clarifies the principle that organizations engaging in explicitly religious activity must perform the…

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“Gospel of Jesus’ Wife” Less Durable Than Sexism Surrounding It

Last week a curious headline began to make the rounds online: “Jesus had an ugly sister-in-law.” It was the title of a blog post about the “Gospel of Jesus’s Wife,” a papyrus fragment that caused a media frenzy in 2012, and again last month. The fragment, written in Coptic and initially dated to the 4th century, contained a few explosive words: “Jesus said to them, my wife…” and “she will be able to be my disciple.” Harvard’s Karen King, who firs…

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Catholic Church Ordained Women Before, Can Do it Again

…stered as deacons. But, before that, I will be running a four-week Massive Online Open Seminar (MOOS) on the past, present and future considerations of Catholic women deacons. The seminar will be online and free, and will include video presentations by myself, by William T. Ditewig, Ph.D. and by Gary Macy, Ph.D. This book and an earlier book featured on RD, Women Deacons: Past, Present, Future (Paulist Press) will be the seminar texts. Registratio…

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Will Internet Kill Mormonism Too? Or Just Missionaries?

…is long essay from the Huffington Post entitled “The Hook of Mormon” about online LDS proselytizing efforts. The results seem pretty glowing: Whereas traditional Mormon missionaries convert, on average, six people during their 18- to 24-month service, the online apostles in Provo have averaged around 30 converts per missionary per year, says [BYU Professor Gideon] Burton. And these people stick around. Ninety-five percent of the Internet converts…

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Keep These Satanists Out of Congress!

…ng for state senate as a Democrat, by informing voters that she played the online computer game “World of Warcraft.”   The website declared, “Maine needs a state senator that lives in the real world, not in Colleen’s fantasy world.” As in this latest instance, statements made “in character” were presented out of context. In any case, the strategy backfired. Not only did Lachowicz win the election, but outraged gamers around the c…

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