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‘Anti-Romeo’ Vigilante Squads Target Men Suspected Of Being Gay; More in the Global LGBT Recap

…Putin in makeup on the popular Russian social-networking site Vkontakte.” “Russian news outlets are having trouble reporting exactly which image of the Internet’s many Putin-gay-clown memes is now illegal to share,” The Washington Post reports. “Because, you know, it’s been banned.” Finland: 800+ same-sex couples married in first month; Lutheran priests barred from officiating More than 800 same-sex couples were married in March after marriage equ…

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‘Joel’s Army’ Is Already Here: The Obscure 20th Century Religious Movement That Profoundly Influences The Right’s Cosmic Battle

…of targets. Readers may recognize some or all of these targets from recent news stories: Democrats, feminists, biblically-incorrect Christians, LGBTQ people, those associated with the COVID vaccine, books and libraries, secular government, and democracy itself. The army of the Good Guys is gathering, waiting to be called to war. Some, like distinguished journalist and author Jeff Sharlet, believe that the war is already underway. Some may not see…

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Trump Gives Davos Press Credentials to Racist Conspiracy Outlet. Again.

…s and reward allies—even when the allies are racist conspiracy theorists. Tru*]}*News, a paranoid Christian-right website run by pastor, “citizen reporter,” and former salesman Rick Wiles, never seems to have trouble getting White House credentials, or the president’s ear, despite Wiles’s solid record of antisemitism, racism, and homophobia. According to Right Wing Watch’s Kyle Mantyla: This is the same Wiles who, last November, dedicated an entire pr

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Lifestyles of the Rich and Pious

CNN’s Belief Blog has a great rundown of the lavish homes of American archbishops who haven’t gotten the memo from Pope Francis about a “church which is poor and for the poor.” CNN reports that “10 of the 34 active archbishops in the United States live in buildings worth more than $1 million.” The median home value in the U.S. is $174,200. Not surprisingly, that list includes some of the nation’s most outspoken conservative bishops—and allies of…

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A Test for Trump—And the Religious Right

…h writes that “evangelical Christian voters know better” than to buy into Trumpmania. “They look at Trump,” he adds, “and see a man whose political positions, personal lifestyle, and bombastic rhetoric are not consistent with what they know their evangelical doctrine and theology teaches.” Here’s what to watch tomorrow: whether the audience at Values Voters will like Trump despite the views of evangelical “insiders,” and whether Trump will even tr…

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Speaking with Palestinian-American Republican Who Confronted GOP at Debate

…an impartial broker of peace. They also demonstrated their ignorance of a crucial part of the world. The Middle East isn’t exclusively Muslim; Hassan, for example, points out that he and his “massive family” are part of “a vast Palestinian community… in North Florida, nearly all of them Greek Orthodox or Catholic.” But Hassan gets the anti-Muslim bigotry, especially because it comes back to haunt him (he, an Arab Christian American, is tarred with…

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Pastor Supporting Santorum: Romney Not a Christian

…rather than we being the accidental creation of gas and dust.” After Santorum’s rally, Clark told CNN he is supporting Santorum because he is a person of faith who understands that social ills are best cured at the family level and not by “big government.” Clark predicted that Romney’s Mormon faith will be a factor for Republicans in Tuesday’s Michigan primary, particularly in the western part of the state where evangelical Christians are expecte…

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In Order to Move Forward We Must Believe the Unbelievable: Some Choose Death Over Democracy

…y’re killing themselves. Some might say, “They must have been duped—by Fox News, by Russian disinformation, or by Donald Trump.” Or: “These people are idiots. They don’t know what’s good for them. They can’t make rational choices.” There’s something to these, but only something. The best explanation is the plainest. This is who they are. To look for other answers, as Jodi Doering said, is to look for “magic answers.” They’re choosing their fates….

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The Vampire Who Beat Wells Fargo

…s to protect mortals from other, more evil vampires. Self-identified, real-world vampires (strange as they might seem) may currently be more trusted than the blood-sucking banks, making Rodgers’ victory over Wells Fargo a teachable moment. Many lament that America has become “tribalized,” with individuals thinking solely in terms of their own interests and identity groups. But perhaps as outrage over financial irresponsibility continues to grow, w…

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Bullies Flourishing with Christian Support

And just to show that bullying isn’t merely a high school problem, there’s news of a Rutgers University freshman who killed himself after his roommate and a friend taped him having sex with another man and broadcast it on the Internet. In her CNN appearance, Cushman swore that Focus believes “every child should be protected from bullying” but they, and other Christian groups, continue to fight against anti-bullying measures that would specifically…

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