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Delta Airlines 1800-299-7264 Flight Change Policy

Teaching Love: Soulforce Takes it to the Quad

…he streets, and my agency recognizes this as a reality. I’m here to try to change that reality.” The political tide in Conway, and indeed the rest of Arkansas, is definitely turning against the kind of change that Parke and the other riders hope to see. Faulker County, of which Conway is the seat, is part of a broad swath of the Southeast—from Oklahoma and Arkansas through Tennessee and along the lower ridge of the Appalachians—that has become red…

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Boy Gets Boy, Saves Earth: A Gay Christian Writer’s Plan to Change the World

“What the hell do you care for the people of this planet?” a powerful savior-turned-villain bellows at Thom Creed, the eponymous teenage superhero in Perry Moore’s Lambda Award-winning novel, Hero. “They hate you, they call you names and they’re ashamed of you,” the bad guy says as he prepares to unleash a terrifying monster known as the Planet Eater. “You know I’m telling the truth. You’re all so stupid, and you’re killing this world anyway. I’m…

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Could a Real Life Jurassic Park Help with Climate Change?

In the storerooms of the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, in Connecticut, there’s a glass jar that contains a steak. The grayish meat floats in a solution of alcohol and water, unable to rot. According to legend, in 1951 it was cut from the thawing body of a giant ground sloth, transported to New York City, cooked with other sloth steaks, and served to the members of the Explorers Club for their annual banquet. It would have been a hearty…

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“Ex-Gay” Common Ground More of a Killing Ground

…Now, not so much. Sin, like gender, is often a social construct and can be changed. However, gays and lesbians don’t need to rely on changing social norms to change views on homosexuality. The Bible, when read in context, condemns homosexual acts that use or abuse another person like prostitution, rape, or pederasty. Loving, committed, gay or lesbian relationships are never condemned. To say that the Bible condemns homosexuality based on these pas…

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Texas Board of Education Wants to Change History

…oard members will begin the first round of hearings to review the proposed changes. “I don’t see at all that we will divide into factions,” said new board Chairwoman Gail Lowe, seemingly rather disingenuously, in a recent newspaper interview. Lowe was one of two board members who appointed Barton to the panel of experts. A Young Earth Creationist like her predecessor, Lowe was recently appointed by Gov. Rick Perry. She replaced Don McLeroy after t…

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How the Abortion Debate Turned the Christian Right On To Liberal Arguments… and Birthed the Religious Freedom Industry

…lishment Clause. This shift in advocacy corresponds with a major political change within the SBC, but it also corresponds with a change in approach to abortion, which seemed to drive the justification away from the separation position. Evangelicals became friendlier with Catholics during their shared labor on the abortion issue. Prior to this, Catholics had previously been a primary concern of those promoting church-state separation. Also, if a pr…

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My House, My Rules: 3 Women Speakers “Rejected” From Women’s Day Event at Vatican (on Full Inclusion of Women in the Church)

…e, their 2018 conference invitation is telling: We live in times marked by change, but there are places where gender equality is being systematically overlooked. The Catholic Church is one of them. Today, women are asking why the Church is so slow in recognizing their value and opening governance and ministerial roles to them; roles that incorporate their faith, gifts, expertise and education into structures of authority at all levels. Our world i…

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Hope & Change in a Racist Nation: A Necessary Disillusion

…s done is broken the implicit rule of manners around how one pursues these policy initiatives. He doesn’t have a dog whistle, he has a fog horn.” Does this gloomy assessment mean that I make no room for hope? Not at all, but I do make a fundamental distinction between hope and wishful thinking. Not to get all theological, but real hope is never less than fully realistic about the lethal capacities of the principalities and powers that are arrayed…

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Nuns on the Bus: 2700 Miles, Nine States, and a Rock Star DC Welcome

…reasingly active network of people working for religiously-inspired social change. This collaborative approach, rather than denomination or tradition-specific efforts, is the wave of the future. The nuns embody it since they are lay people, not official representatives of a church, and are more than willing to work in effective coalitions. Finally, the message is clear. As the nuns chant it, “reasonable revenue for responsible programs,” the messa…

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Betrayed at the Polls, Evangelicals of Color at a Crossroads

…rump and after that toxic party interaction, George knew it was time for a change. His departure wasn’t a rebuke of his church, but of a faith culture that denies its brutal legacy while indoctrinating its followers to perpetuate it. “Three years ago, I was really bought into the evangelical narrative and I didn’t even see it,” he admits. That began to change when, two years ago, his church transformed its policies to fully include the LBGTQ commu…

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