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A Reforming Tradition Struggles With Change

…fficial studies has been a growing sense among Lutherans that the official policy denying ordination to non-celibate gay and lesbian persons might be a fundamental injustice. Three groups in particular have been at the forefront of these discussions. Lutherans Concerned/North America and Goodsoil have been tireless advocates for the full inclusion of LGBTQ Lutherans into the life of the church. A third organization, Extraordinary Lutheran Ministri…

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Anti-Gay Republican Senator Comes Out as LGBT Ally

…gthens the institution of marriage.” While Portman is to be lauded for his change of heart, I find it appalling that it took his own son’s homosexuality to change his mind. He’s spent almost his entire political career making the lives of other parents’ children harder with his votes to deny equality to gay and lesbian couples. But, as we’ve always preached in the LGBT community, the best way to bring about change is to get to know an actual livin…

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What 19th-Century Marriage Controversies Can Tell Us About The Fight Over Gay Marriage

…s seen as causing social decline into barbarism. This technique of linking changes in marriage to a slippery slope to the nation’s destruction instilled fear of change. More importantly, however, these claims revealed underlying ideological norms about what constituted a “good” nation. Within this reasoning, the family represents a microcosm of the nation as a whole; so it was problematic if the American family replicated seemingly barbarous famil…

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Talking Prop. 8: Of Rites and Rights

…rites, “reflects an evolution of the understanding of gender rather than a change in marriage.” This is an important move on Judge Walker’s part, since those opposed to same-sex marriage accuse gays and lesbians of wanting a “change in marriage.” Instead, Walker’s decision is a complete refutation of the stereotypes (both social and religious) that the gay and lesbian community has had to labor under for decades. Instead of seeking a “a new right,…

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To the One-Percenters, With Love

…er, not for the majority. It is going to keep getting worse until the game changes, and the game can change in only one of two basic ways. Either it can change peacefully and intelligently, with lots of arguments and a little fun, or it can change calamitously and stupidly, with no arguments and nothing even close to fun.  Lunatic fringe stuff, right? But consider this: if Communist China could turn into a capitalist powerhouse seemingly overnight…

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Christian Colleges, Gay Faculty—and the Boy Scouts

…. Am I the sole gay faculty at a Christian college? No, I am not. There are others. Someday, given the movement in the wider culture on LGBT issues, I think some Christian colleges will change and will welcome openly LGBT faculty, but for now, Christian colleges and Boy Scouts are running neck and neck in the race to avoid change….

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Should Barbie Get Her Feet Washed at Church?

…slowly, but the Pope was quite clear in his missive that this was an easy change that could be accomplished with the mere substitution of “People of God” for “men.” Now there’s a concept. Unfortunately, Francis did not go on to suggest that women perform the washing—water and a towel are surely within our scope. Once again he looks good taking a baby step toward equality while successfully avoiding anything that smacks of substantive structural c…

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“Pro-Family” Ad Helps Explain Fear of Marriage Equality

…stants worry so intensely about the state legalizing same-sex marriage. To change marriage law is, for these protestants, to change marital theology. So the AFA works to make its theological vision of marriage compelling to the Supreme Court, not only through the much-discussed language of religious freedom, but by appeals to the rhetoric of democracy and, as the ad says, at “the expense of children, perhaps even civilization itself…” While it isn…

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The Real Reasons Why Evangelical Embrace of Environmentalism Lags

…t as with evolution, there is absolutely no scientific controversy, but rather agreement. Now that would be a story: evangelical environmentalists going toe-to-toe with the climate change deniers who are out to teach kids that climate change, like evolution or the separation of church and state, is just a myth.    …

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When It’s OK to Ignore the Pope

…said the following at a campaign event on Tuesday: … I don’t get economic policy from my bishops or my cardinals or my pope. And I’d like to see what he says as it relates to climate change and how that connects to these broader, deeper issues before I pass judgment. But I think religion ought to be about making us better as people and less about things that end up getting in the political realm. So all of a sudden Republicans want to keep religi…

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