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To Get Through This Time We’ll Have to Shred the ‘Racial Contract’ and Choose Solidarity Over Sacrifice

…. With well over 100,000 deaths as of publication, more than the number of service members killed in World War I, America is living through an apocalyptic moment. But it’s also an apocalypse in the literal sense of an unveiling or disclosure—an unmasking. The coronavirus has unmasked how our lives are marked by a profound mutual dependence that challenges our self-understanding and political ideologies. It has unmasked a federal government capture…

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Fundraising for Kyle Rittenhouse Reveals American Christianity’s White Supremacy Problem

…istian organization. The Klan burned crosses as a “symbol of sacrifice and service, and a sign of the Christian Religion sanctified and made holy nearly 19 centuries ago, by the suffering and blood of 50 million martyrs who died in the most holy faith.” In 2017, Ilia Calderón, a Black Hispanic journalist at Univision, interviewed a KKK leader who told her “We’re going to burn you out. . . . We killed six million Jews the last time. Eleven million…

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‘God Made Them Male and Female…and Eunuch’: Why the Biblical Case For Binary Gender Isn’t So… Biblical

…especially for transgender—people in employment, health care, and military service. Mark and Matthew present Jesus’s teaching as a narrowly defined discussion pertaining to the interpretation of a law in Deuteronomy. The texts don’t reject gay marriage; they don’t even address it. Hard-nosed conservative leaders persist in reciting verses from Leviticus and Matthew as God’s Word—and the final word—on the issue. Matthew 19:3–6, for instance, remain…

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COVID-19 is Concentrating Wealth Even Further; Can we Talk About the Surplus of Powerlessness in the Faith Community?

…cs for decades now. Not being stupid, the Sanders team wants more than lip service. They want key campaign staff positions—and senior administrative positions in any Biden Administration. I have to say, and not without regret, they shouldn’t hold their breath. Late this week House Ways & Means Chair Richard Neal was interviewed at length on Boston’s main public radio station. Representing Western Massachusetts, Rep. Neal is without doubt one of th…

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How U.S. Conservatives Conjured the Jesus of Their Dreams

…eping socialism. Fifield’s contribution overlapped with the equally useful service to corporate power supplied by Abraham Vereide, union-busting founder of The Family (a.k.a. The Fellowship), the shadowy network behind the National Prayer Breakfast that Jeff Sharlet has documented so well. It hardly needs saying that the Trump family’s favorite minister—the positive thinking (and also union-hating!) Norman Vincent Peale—was also very much part of…

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Why the Media and Democrats Should Reject the Christian Right’s Pearl-Clutching and Address Problematic Religious Views

…am University theology professor Charles C. Camosy argued in Religion News Service that there is no reason to view Barrett’s desire to “advance the Kingdom of God” through law as substantially different from the devotion of liberal Christians like President Obama to their version of that ideal. “Neither is a dangerous theocrat,” Camosy tells us flatly, even claiming that “Kingdom of God” rhetoric, no matter what sort of Christian it comes from, is…

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The Only Common Denominator of American Conservatism is Anti-Blackness

…of the pro-enslavement camp back then required duplicity, i.e, paying lip service to non-racialism and the enfranchisement of Black people while plotting their harm and repression just as the political survival of today’s conservatives requires plausible deniability regarding their racist remarks and policies. The Knights of the White Camelia, a Louisiana-based white supremacist secretive society made up of judges, teachers and white professional…

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And the Violent Bear It Away? Disciplined Nonviolence and the Coming Election Emergency

…can we not? Consider not only the still-advancing demolition of the Postal Service, where auditors are now reporting that about one million primary election ballots weren’t delivered on time, but also recent White House decisions to push science aside and suppress actual information about coronavirus spread and to block in-person Congressional testimony from the intelligence services on the latest iterations of foreign election interference. And n…

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Before We Scold DeSean Jackson and Others For Anti-Semitism We Need To Talk About ‘Chosenness’

…inous with whiteness (and its attendant racial schema) and still be in the service of human freedom. The most prominent example of this evolution of Black chosenness was the plight of the Black Jews of Harlem. As early Black Zionists, their black chosenness discourse distanced them from white Jews in direct proportion to the exclusion they faced from white Jewish organizations and educational institutions. During the latter part of the 20th and fi…

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Exclusive: Why Did Chicago Public Schools Just Quietly Drop Transcendental Meditation?

…of a proponent of meditation. In addition, while the UK’s National Health Service notes that meditation can be very helpful in many cases, “The serious, long-lasting nature of some of the negative experiences reported [in a recent study], however, are cause for concern.” These potential issues may be perfectly acceptable for adults voluntarily participating in TM workshops, but for children and adolescents required or even urged to participate it…

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