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Kentucky-Fried Christianity: Governor Matt Bevin Wants to Pray Away Violence in Louisville

…veiling, arguing that the governor “has a responsibility to produce public policy, regulation and provide resources. We don’t need a sermon or him quoting Scripture, we know the Bible and we’re already praying.” Calloway’s emphasis on the need for the government’s this-worldly power to intervene in what he insists are the likewise this-worldly conditions that facilitate violent crime is echoed by other local Christian leaders. Reverend Kevin Cosby…

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C Street Scandal, the Media, the Future of the Family: An Interview with Jeff Sharlet

…the economic crisis, Afghanistan and other issues, and how do they affect policy?  The Family would say that it doesn’t do policy, and in the strictest sense, that’s correct. For years, the confidential memos the Family prepared for members of Congress involved with the group emphasized that the “prayer cells” were not to take action as prayer cells. Rather, boilerplate at the top of every memo read, action should grow out of the relationships fo…

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The Next Islamists: The Wide Green Smudge That’s Changing Our World

…gh explicitly secular discourses, equal parts national pride and socialist policy. The resurgence of Muslimness took two forms: Islamist political movements, many of which inherited or seized the discourse of the left and rebranded it (June 12, 1967: a great time to reintroduce an old product), and pietist movements concerned with the propagation of “orthodox” Muslim practices. The pietism fed into and was fueled by Islamist politics, but ultimate…

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Global LGBT Recap: “Lavender Fascism,” Rage in India, Pope Francis Ousts Culture Warrior

…s behind closed doors,” said Harsh Voruganti, Associate Director of Public Policy at HAF. “We had hoped that the Indian Supreme Court would have upheld the lower court’s progressive decision.” More from a press release: “The essential core of Hindu teachings is that an individual’s value is not based on his or her sexual orientation, but on one’s ability to transcend the body, senses, and ego,” said Swaminathan Venkataraman, HAF’s Director of Indi…

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Prison as Resurrection

…riously interested in American history and culture. It doesn’t propose any policy solutions to the problems of mass incarceration or extralegal detention. I hope it shows some of the reasons why these problems are so deep and so difficult. Will it piss anybody off? I don’t mind. What alternative title would you give the book? My original title was The Meaning of Solitude, but the book expanded to address a broader range of questions, and now that’…

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Where are the Mormon “Nuns on the Bus”?

…it’s a reflection of how isolated we are from serious faith-based national policy conversations. Where Catholics, Jews, Protestants, and other people of faith are reasoning together about difficult economic policy matters, it is now a common refrain that the national budget is a “moral document” that reflects the priorities and commitments we share across faith traditions. Government in this view becomes a trans-faith collaboration in blunting the…

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GMO or No: Problematic Intersections of Religion, Biotechnology, and Food

…Changing Attitudes Toward Food in Late Imperial China.” While Chinese food policy affects a significant percentage of the world population, it seems problematic to present “Chinese food culture” as a monolithic way of life. The piece looks at concepts like the five elements and yin-yang but lacks a specific spiritual context I expected from the piece. The focus of Ping-chen’s writing is not on spiritual food ritual but on medicinal treatments and…

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3 Reasons Catholic Bishops Are Holding Their Tongues on GOP Health Care Debacle

…see this as game-changing,” said Greg Dolan, associate director for public policy for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Secretariat of Catholic education. The further marginalization of contraception and reduced contraceptive access. Make no mistake. The bishops’ real objection to the contraceptive mandate was that it threatened to enshrine contraception as an essential health benefit, which was a direct threat to the Catholic Church’s prom…

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Trump’s Fear and Loathing Won’t Silence The Nation’s Sole LGBT Muslim Organization

…rward both anti-Muslim and anti-trans rhetoric and policies. Beyond actual policy changes, the impact of the rhetoric seems to be that individuals and hate groups feel emboldened to express and act on their hostility toward Muslims, immigrants, queer people, trans people, and anyone who seems “different.” In the current climate, I feel that I’m facing increased scrutiny and possible hostility, both from official sources and from members of the pub…

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ACLU’s Religious Freedom Suit Against Trump Order: “Gerrymandered to Target Muslims”

…what makes this lawsuit different from the others already challenging the policy. Weaver says the executive order’s targeting of Muslims is so blatant that it’s nearly unprecedented. While the text neither includes Trump’s pet phrase, “radical Islamic terrorism,” nor the words “Islam” or “Muslim,” it doesn’t have to. The administration “constructed the terms of the executive order” to disproportionately impact Muslim immigrants and refugees, Weav…

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