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How to Prevent Ethnic Cleansing in Syria

…because we assimilate different individuals to a single national identity. Canada’s challenge with Quebecois separatism is closer to what Bosnia is threatened by; had we bothered to not expel, exterminate, or exclude American Indians, perhaps we’d know something of the challenge of balancing different peoples with distinct and longstanding identities. Which may explain why we’re so eager to force the Middle East into binaries, despite the evidence…

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Olympic Committee Opposes Memorial for Israeli Athletes Killed in Munich

…ream community but also the US Senate, President Obama, the governments of Canada and Germany, and, most recently, Bob Costas in shouting a collective, outraged “WTF” at the International Olympic Committee for refusing to hold a minute of silence in memory of the eleven Israeli athletes murdered at the 1972 Munich Olympics forty years ago. I have yet to hear any rationale for the IOC’s intransigence on this point. Whatever one thinks of Israel, Pa…

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Reuters probes LDS Church Wealth

…red to Seventh-Day Adventist strategy of building less expensive, smaller meetinghouses and humanitarian facilities, including hospitals. According to Reuters, Adventist growth rates are three times LDS growth rates. LDS Church finanical records from nations like Canada and Australia, which require more openness in charitable reporting, were used for the story. For its part, the LDS Church has responded to questions about its commitment to humanit…

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Russian Zombies Follow in Pussy Riot Footsteps

…rst zombie walk was organized by Thea Felds (aka Thea Munster) of Toronto, Canada, in 2003. In the last decade zombie walks have become an international phenomenon. Last November, nearly 10,000 people assembled in Mexico City to imitate the living dead, though Russia has attempted to suppress the spreading zombie phenomenon. Yakovlev received permission from the city to organize a “Zombie Parade” earlier this summer, but his permit was revoked. It…

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Hell Is (For) Other People

Blame Canada for watering down our good old-time religion. Kevin Miller, originally of Saskatchewan, has made a terrifically provocative film called Hellbound? on the human urge to punish and how that urge gets projected onto our sense of what God is about. An opening sequence of Miller attempting to engage some mad-as-hell Westboro Baptists left me worrying, “Oh. He’s going to caricature the brimstoners. Not good.” But it soon becomes obvious th…

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Disciples of Christ Church in Indiana Approves LBGT Inclusion  

…ion or the denomination. While the larger Disciples church in the U.S. and Canada affirmed in 2009 a policy that “does not include sexual orientation as a criterion for ordination, licensing/commissioning, or standing”—leading many to believe erroneously that ordination was open to LGBT members throughout the denomination—the congregational polity of the denomination requires that individual congregations affirm the policies recommended by the lar…

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Conservative Christians Finally Get Serious About Divorce

…authority” of her husband. As someone who married their same-sex spouse in Canada, I do not take marriage lightly. I intend for it to be a lifelong commitment—but the character of our union is one of equality, mutuality, and shared responsibility. No one “submits” to the “authority” of the other—we are in partnership, charting a life together. There must be give and take in any relationship, but marriage should always be about dreaming a life toge…

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Social Cost of Christianity?

…they came out as an atheist, compared to only 35 percent of respondents in Canada, 24 percent of Australians, 15 percent of residents of United Kingdom, and 12 percent of Western Europeans. The post sparked a great discussion in the comment thread from readers. Many of the comments were from atheists and non-believers who told poignant stories about being ostracized by family members once they came “out of the closet,” so to speak. So, recently a…

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From Confusion to Kardashian: Misreading the Middle East

…ed Nations might be described as one tiny country in Europe plus the U.S., Canada, and Israel, against the rest of the planet (a world map only underlines this). Even Germany, a historically strong supporter of Israel, chose to abstain instead of voting no, as it was expected to.  Hence an undisputed Israeli military victory was also a diplomatic defeat. Writing for the London Review of Books, Adam Shatz explained Israel didn’t win the short war….

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Taqwacore Roundtable: On Punks, the Media, and the Meaning of “Muslim”

…f treating “Muhammad as punk rocker?”  BU: What an ignorant question. Anglophone world? Punk is ten times bigger in Kuala Lampur than it ever will be in the UK, France, or Germany. Or America. No, the reason for forming the Dead Bhuttos, and the rush to put a single online was to show, at least cosmetically, that Pakistan was as capable of putting out punk rock as Turkey, Malaysia, Japan, and Lebanon. The USA is good to sell obscure Malaysian and…

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