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Tariq Ramadan in Montreal: Defining Ethics in Terms of Religion

…treaming of Islamic imperialism is under way.” More partisan outlets, like Canada’s National Post, do not hesitate to call Ramadan a covert extremist. Throughout much criticism of Ramadan there is the notion that he is pulling off some kind of elaborate charade, passing as “modern” and “Western” when he is really, essentially “Islamic,” a closet booster for theocracy, ready to applaud the imposition of Sharia on the citizenry of the world. Such th…

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New Age Tragedy in Sedona: Non-Indians in the Sweat Lodge

…ng event in Sedona cost each participant more than $9,000. A search of any number of Web sites advertising these “Indian ceremonies” will turn up sweat lodges that average over $100 per event, and four-day “vision quests” going for around five hundred dollars, “all meals included” and “Visa and MasterCard accepted.” Indians all across the country are upset, saying white people stole the land, killed the buffalo, and now want to steal the religion….

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Prosperity, Spiritual Warfare, and the ‘On-Demand’ God

…rther impetus by the “Latter Rain Movement” which arose out of revivals in Canada. Focusing on extraordinary outpourings of the Holy Spirit, including spectacular spiritual manifestations, believers and leaders in the movement like William Branham believed these manifestations would usher in the second coming of Christ. The movement caused splits within several Pentecostal denominations, most notably the Assemblies of God. Unlike the Word of Faith…

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Christianity Without the Cross

…be found in art. In 2007, although living in the Northwest Territories of Canada, I went on a ten-day pilgrimage to Rome with feminists of faith led by Christine Schenk, CSJ of Future Church in Cleveland and taught by archeologist Dorothy Irvin. We too, as Brock and Parker, crept through the catacombs of Rome, discovering around every corner “ah-hah” moments. Our detective eye was focused on women in leadership in the early church. And we found t…

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Single Greatest Idea Ever: On the 150th Anniversary of Darwin’s Origin of Species

…ay Comfort, led a crusade at college campuses around the United States and Canada, distributing free altered copies of Origin of Species. Because Origin is in the public domain, Comfort was legally able to add to the book his own new 50-page introduction, in which he quotes from Mein Kampf in order to link Darwin to Adolf Hitler, accuses Darwin of being sexist, and argues falsely that there are no transitional fossils in the fossil record. Next mo…

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Heresy, Bad Taste, or Capitalist Adventure: Is it Still Pentecostalism?

…. Today, despite the occasional outbursts of televangelists, a substantial number of Pentecostals do not engage in the practice, as evidenced by the Pew survey on Pentecostalism in 2007. Instead, practices of healing, faith, and exorcism have gained primacy among the “spiritual gifts.” As a result, the long-term emergence and strength of Prosperity Gospel and the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) rests on the elevation and promotion of these practic…

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Conservative and Liberal Voices Combine to Condemn Anti-Gay Ugandan Law

…esident of Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada, and Melissa Rogers, the Director of Wake Forest University Divinity School’s Center for Religion and Public Affairs. What’s troubling about their signatures, however, is that each of them sits on President Obama’s advisory council for the Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. One of the mandates of this office includes “beyond American shores this Off…

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Christian Militia Arrests and the Price of Violent Rhetoric (Plus: Rachel Maddow Video)

…taree Christian Militia got me thinking of Ann Coulter’s recent remarks in Canada to a 17-year-old Muslim girl that all Muslims should be banned from flying on planes. Coulter then told the girl that if she couldn’t get where she wanted to go on her magic carpet, she should “take a camel.” The details of the militia, which had been planning an epic war with the Anti-Christ, are still emerging, but the story makes clear the inherent danger in using…

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The Social Cost of Atheism

…they came out as an atheist, compared to only 35 percent of respondents in Canada, 24 percent of Australians, 15 percent of residents of United Kingdom, and 12 percent of Western Europeans. More than two-thirds of Americans said they would suffer stigma in their community and 61 percent said they would suffer stigma from their family. When broken down in by region in the U.S., those who live in Southern states of Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi, A…

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Muslim Women “Warriors”

…tial irregular ordination by a male bishop in 2002. While these women (who number about 50 priests and five bishops) have been excommunicated, they are living proof that the institutional church has only the power we give it. They go about the business of ministry and service with skill and good grace. Increasingly, Buddhist women have been seeking full ordination within the various branches of Buddhism. In Korea, Taiwan, and China, Buddhist nuns…

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