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American Conservatives, Jewish Law, and Israel’s New Abortion Policy

…abortion is merely a matter of health and safety, and its coverage and availability a part of the country’s uncontroversial system of universal health care. Kaufman said Israel’s liberal abortion policy had been “ingrained” since the state’s founding. On the American conservatives’ silence, she said, “most of the American anti-choice groups are not made up of Jewish women of any stripe, so most don’t really care what Israel’s policy is.” On the o…

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The Birth of Glenn Beck’s Nation

…defense too late; the changes were already wrought. Here, Beck faces a similar dilemma. The unified history that he constructs no longer exists, in spite of its market value (in products) and his chalkboard maneuvers to make it stick. Beck’s appeal rests in his ability to emphasize a nation, unified, traditional, and whole; but his flailing effort to support this vision affirms that it has already slipped away, if at all it ever existed. While he…

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A Peek Inside the ‘Onion’ of Scientology

…ication when he died. What is the relationship between Scientology and mental illness?  I don’t think that Scientology causes mental illness. Certainly some people who practice Scientology have had psychological problems, as Scientology promises a cure for many problems—though Scientologists are not allowed to take psychiatric drugs and must swear off all connection with psychiatrists or psychology when they join the Church. But not everyone in Sc…

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ABC’s Good Christian Bitches Makes Feminists of Religious Right

…what kind of show it will be. Even if they change the title, the content will still mock people of faith. Okay, this is fantastic. I mean, how lovely that the AFA now believes hate speech is worth taking seriously! And how lovely that its spokespeople can run mental scenarios in which hate speech is directed at Jews and Muslims. (Gosh, wonder if they’ve heard about that guy who said that Muslims, as a group, are inbred and have low IQs?) Not to b…

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The Silly Calls for Congress to Investigate Planned Parenthood

…let Planned Parenthood bill Medicaid in exactly the way they’d been doing all along. And there’s an old story about a Planned Parenthood client who, years after the fact, wrote in to thank Planned Parenthood for the support she was given after she was raped by her boyfriend at 13. She doesn’t say she told them about the rape at the time; she doesn’t say that the staff failed to report it; and indeed, her words were posted as a testimonial on a Pl…

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Evidence of Mass Graves in Sudan?

…SP’s role as a collector of forensic evidence that can be used in a potential trial of the perpetrators at the Hague. Here are a few excerpts: One eyewitness has claimed that GoS-aligned forces are putting dead bodies, in some cases, in what appear to be white plastic tarps or other body bags. Another eyewitness alleges that people were taken and killed by SAF troops and police officers in front of their houses near the Episcopal Church of Sudan (…

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The Auspicious Timing of Glenn Beck’s Zeal for Zion

…gher, gathering the elite of the conservative faithful in the Israeli capital of Jerusalem—or, in the Christian Zionist imagination, God’s ‘seat of power.’ In his announcement of the rally, writes the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank:  Beck offered the apocalyptic prediction that “the force of darkness” would “attack the center of our faith” with “a two-state solution that cuts off Jerusalem.” He further predicted that, at his rally in Jerusalem, “t…

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Muslim Mickey Mouse Tweet as Egyptian Wedge Issue

…ansoura, a large city in the Nile Delta region. Morsy spoke mostly in general terms allegedly accusing Sawiris of “insulting Islam” with the tweet. Morsy also made clear that his comments were political and not aimed at Sawiris, because he was a Copt. Sawiris, a Coptic Christian, responded by filing a complaint against Morsy with the Egyptian prosecutor general.     The Free Egyptians Party (FEP), founded by Sawiris is the most credible liberal pa…

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Fun with Facts, or, Yes Virginia, The UCC is still a Trinitarian Denomination

…ersa.* What we can do is set the norms for our level. Critics of the national church’s liberalism can and regularly do call them dunderheads and refuse to go along with their theology. That’s the beauty of our system. Mattingly should know better. This, after all, is someone who routinely rips other journalists for not grasping the subtleties of the Orthodox churches—not to mention Lutherans, Catholics, Episcopalians and on and on and on. If he do…

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Santorum Satire Gone Wild

…heartbreaking days of their lives—and saying “AH HA! I knew it! Aren’t I a smarty? I swear, these people.” I don’t know if we could. Maybe. It sure seems like a worthwhile goal. (And it’s not like there aren’t plenty of other things to criticize Rick Santorum for. Good grief.)…

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