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Breivik’s Demographic Warfare and the American Right’s Demographic Winter

…rary king of Poland. To Carlson, this proves Poland is “an island of profamily values” amid the tides of “Christo-phobic” “population-control types” who dominate the rest of the continent. Poland, he says, could provide an important counterbalance to European modernity and become a launching point for “a profamily resistance,” and thereby “save Europe again”: a not-so-coded reference to the Battle of Vienna in 1683, where Polish King John III Sobi…

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Saudi Activist Manal Al-Sharif Freed from Prison

…ailable with English subtitles. In it, the women dialogue about the practical impossibilities and blows to dignity the driving ban means for the daily lives of women in Saudi Arabia. Watching it, I saw many similarities to feminist organizing I have seen in Mormon communities. The video is a model of how feminists working within conservative religious cultures begin to create space for ourselves.  Even if Al-Sharif elects to take a low profile rol…

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Uganda Shelves Kill the Gays Bill—For Now

…od news is, of course, that failure to pass the bill in this parliamentary session gives activists, both religious and secular, and international players more time to pressure the Ugandan government to drop the bill all together—and perhaps, enough time to begin to educate Ugandans that LGBT people are not evil abominations worthy of death, but real, living, human beings, made and blessed by their Creator….

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The Jihadi Revolution is Dead (But Bin Laden’s Death Didn’t Kill It)

…es—provided the moral legitimacy for the struggle. Ideologists such as Abd al-Salam Farad and Ayman al-Zawahiri have written as if violent struggle—including ruthless attacks of terrorism on civilian populations—was the only form of struggle that was advocated by Islam. These assumptions have been proven wrong. The dramatic popular uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, Lybia, Bahrain, Yemen, and elsewhere in the Islamic world have demonstrated that protest…

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Eddie Long off the Cross in Time for Easter?

…ing a trial, and obtains confidentiality clauses Long avoids both the scandal of a trial and the “outing” of his worldwide trysts with young men. Meanwhile, members of New Birth as evinced in this video are sticking with Long, saying that “Everybody’s moving forward in Christ. It’s about God”. Long preached the Good Friday sermon in a red leather vest and short sleeves, still sporting a muscular physique. He may look and dress the same, but the re…

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#LDSConf Leads Twitter Trend?

…tter last weekend?  It was #ldsconf: the hashtag for the Church’s semi-annual General Conference.  When I was a kid, Conference was broadcast global by satellite. Now, we get it on-line, simulcast in dozens of languages from Apache to Arabic to Tongan. And thousands worldwide follow and run their own live commentaries on blogs and Twitter. During last Sunday morning General Conference Session, LDS First Presidency member Dieter F. Uchtdorf openly …

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“Japan Gave Us Pokemon, God Gave Them an Earthquake”

…r about “God” executing wrath upon people or the earth for perceived societal ills. Yet social media has made those pronouncements much more immediate. Rather than wait for a religious leader to make the pronouncement, now everyone can carry a virtual sandwich board, crying out that “the end is near.” Twitter then, is the virtual 140-character pulpit, and its pronouncements can make it around the world a lot faster then the static televangelist bu…

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…maybe even more than the days-long hajj with all its rigor and space, let alone 3 million people. I still think it will take on an unexpected momentum because it is once in a life time (at least for me). Or maybe I still hope that will be the case. I will redeem myself this day, Friday, yaum al-jumu’ah, I hope, by getting done with this and getting ready to go to jumu’ah prayer at my favorite mosque. I think I’m just lonely a bit, since no one in…

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Is Norway’s Suspected Murderer Anders Breivik a Christian Terrorist?

…the “mudpeople” (non-white, non-Christian, non-heterosexual, non-patriarchal males) were trying to take over the country. To save the country for Christendom the righteous white, straight, non-feminist Christian males had to be shocked into reality by the force of an explosion that would signal to them that the war had begun. These were McVeigh’s ideas from The Turner Diaries, but they were also Breivik’s. “The time for dialogue is over,” Breivik…

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Jews and Baseball: A Reflection on a Longtime Love Affair

…working on for the past ten years, Out of Left Field: Jews and Black Baseball. Along the way, I have also taught a “Jews and Sports” course, written several academic articles on Jewish baseball themes, and appeared as a talking head in a documentary, Jews and Baseball: An American Love Story.  I have even become a serious baseball fan again, having lapsed since my childhood. Although I never stopped following the game after the Dodgers left Brook…

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