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Updated with Response: The Black Church is Dead—Long Live the Black Church

…percentage of African-American clergy serve in what could be considered “mixed-race” contexts. But the question that I understand my former teacher and ecclesiastically-challenged friend to be raising is, “Is this a good thing?” Or more specifically, “Does it even matter if there are black churches on every corner?” Particularly since it is difficult to identity progressive political activity or hear a status-quo disrupting theology en masse among…

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Ian Buruma on the Political Excesses of Religion

…along the freeways, and the way that the new religions, the evangelicals, promote themselves, is exactly the way that banks do. They talk about “extra interest” from God, and it’s all individuals becoming religious because they think they can get a personal benefit out of it—and the people offering the benefit are making money out of it. So it’s a business. And that’s very different from the traditional role of the Calvinists, or the Lutherans, o…

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‘Dog-Cat’ Incumbent Reelected to Texas Board of Education

…ty of the cell.” On the surface, the wording sounds reasonable, but “complexity of the cell” is coded language that, in practice, is a personal invitation for pro-intelligent design educational materials. Also, in 2012, the board will begin reviewing new social studies textbooks and materials about whether they meet the new standards adopted this past spring. Let’s hope that board members take a skeptical view of such curriculum requirements like…

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Favorite Places, Favorite Prayers

…nown as ayat al-kursi, the verse of (God’s) the throne; chapter 2 verse 255. God, there is no God but He, the Living the Self-subsisting. She does not sleep nor (even) take a rest. To It belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. Who is there who can ask for intercession, except as He will? She knows what is before them and what is behind them. And they do not encompass aught of Its knowledge except as He wills. Her throne si…

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Rehabilitating McCarthy: Doug Phillips’ Festival Award

……to not only create Vision Forum that has motivated us and driven us to be better home schoolers, to be better parents, to be bonded with our children…but then the Film Festival.” Referring to Phillips as the “man who said we need to ‘take’ this part of culture,” continued Bowers. “I would never have made a film in my life if I had not come to the …Filmmakers Academy and Film Festival just last year. I was so motivated and so inspired by what they…

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A Life After Death Double-Feature: Eastwood’s Hereafter and Noe’s Enter the Void

…wing special effects (again, viewed through his eyes) are the closest approximation of the DMT experience I’ve ever seen in any medium. But after he actually dies, there’s little reference to it; its presence in the film seems almost accidental. Oscar-in-the-bardo spends much more time reliving past traumas (also terrifyingly depicted) than plying the inner spaceways. Is There an Afterlife? Hope Not. Personally, I’ve always recoiled from the notio…

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The Best-Laid Plans of Mice and Humans

…let’s see, there was another hajj book. By that I mean, a small guidebook explaining the rituals and offering information about recommended du’a at the various sites. Some of the details here differ from ones I have already reviewed. But then, these are details; the generic are standard. For example, this one contains a lot more prayers. There goes the benefit of memorizing from one book in the first place. This one has a different du’a for each c…

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Nuns Pray, Rangers Lose

San Francisco was bedlam last night after the Giants broke a 53-year drought to win the World Series; you could hear the sound of the streets from way up in the hills over the Mission district. And near the ball park? Forget it. But amid the din, and my own rarely-elicited hometown pride, I found myself wondering about those elderly nuns who have been praying for so many years for the Texas Rangers. They’ve had a few minutes of fame this season,…

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Replacing Godless Hollywood with Bible-Based “Cultural Dominion”

…re by exercising dominion. The purpose of the Academy and the Festival is expressed in explicitly Reconstructionist language, drawn directly from Rushdoony: (To) motivate the next generation of Christian filmmakers to create “epistemologically self-conscious films”—films that reflect a distinctively and presuppositionally biblical worldview. We want our applicants to strive to bring “into captivity every [frame] to the obedience of Christ.” (itali…

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Getting Back into Blogging

…accompany me. So of course this morning I tried something altogether too much for even me to handle. I think it is better to just pick up in some modest way and not try to make waves this time. Things are in fact in motion at a pace that is once again exhilarating. I have less than four weeks now. Actually I have exactly 26 days and still one more trip abroad before that. So, in keeping with this new level of excitement, which I am accompanying w…

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