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“Ex-Gay” is Anti-Gay, Disguised as Compassion

…will stand up for them.” Below this post is Stump’s review of a prominent ex-gay text You Don’t Have to be Gay by Jeff Konrad, which he describes as an “insightful book for men who struggle with homosexuality.” If you take Stump’s words on love and encouragement out of context, you might think he is not saying anything different from what Debra Haffner (executive director of the Religious Institute, a multifaith organization dedicated to sexual he…

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White Rockers in Search of Soul Salvation

…r the thrill of living has gone.” More often, Mellencamp and Seger’s aims exceeded their grasp. Their earnestness, juxtaposed with their modest talents as singers, stamped a shelf life on that music. The irony and distortion of grunge and the boastful fantasies of rap left Jack and Diane and their ilk stuck on classic rock radio; Muzak for a generation. And commercialism backfired for them. Bob Seger (“Like a Rock”) and John Mellencamp (“This is O…

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Evangelicals ‘Crossing the Tiber’ to Catholicism

…arismatic church-that-met-in-a-warehouse, often did. Despite my firsthand experience with the Church, between the legend of my parents’ conversion (anything that happens in a child’s life before he is born is the stuff of legends) and the portrait of the Catholic Church as an oppressive institution that took all the fun out of being “saved,” I understood Catholicism as a religion that a person leaves when she becomes serious about her faith. And y…

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Shukr: Gratitude

…he horrible news of the earthquake in the 80s when the bridge over the bay between San Francisco and Berkeley collapsed. For me, every time I cross this bridge I give thanks. I say, simply, thank you Allah for NOT having this bridge fall while I ride across it. Because, I would imagine all those who lost their lives or were injured on that fateful day leave behind family and friends who will miss them. The Qur’an also often reminds us to put some…

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Judge Rules Law Prohibiting Picketing Outside Military Funerals Unconstitutional

…e the trip from the Midwest to the west coast to protests to at Comicon in San Diego where they were met with a mocking counter-demonstration. At issue is the right of families of the deceased to mourn in private against what is clearly political speech—although legal efforts to stop the church’s protests were not raised when the target was gays but only now the target is the families of soldiers. Of course, if you watch South Park (or if you are…

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Kagan, “Jewish Bolshevism,” and the Legacy of a Nomination

…from New York City: Kagan from the Upper West Side, Sotomayor from the Bronx, Ruth Bader Ginsburg from Brooklyn. Breyer is from San Francisco. What kind of diversity is this—either in geography or life experience? The linking of Jewish socialism and gay rights is also part of the agenda. Nathanael Kapner, writing for Truthseeker, says, “THE THIRD ZIONIST JEW, who is alleged to be a lesbian, is about to be installed to the bench of the highest cour…

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Beyond Adam and Eve

…munity has deepened her own prayer life and her understanding of the links between sexual and spiritual identity. A Transgender Civil Rights bill? The media attention surrounding the US Episcopal Church’s decision to ordain gays and lesbians to any order and bless same-sex unions overshadowed the church’s efforts to affirm transgendered people. The Episcopal Church’s passage of Resolution “D012, Support of Transgender Civil Rights” at General Conv…

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Will California Outlaw Divorce?

…suggestion, Marcotte’s measure makes several points clear. First, heterosexuals, who fight tooth and nail to keep gay people from getting married, make a mockery of the institution every single day, from Britney Spears’ hours-long marriage, to the skyrocketing divorce rate. Heterosexuals hardly take the institution of marriage seriously, and many anti-gay marriage proponents are themselves either divorced or remarried several times, like former R…

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‘Rome is Gay’

…y lived before the Freudian revolution, you see. So they didn’t think of sexuality, just sex. And they presumably had not yet laded upon one of the singular and definitive borders of the twentieth century: the boundary that defines one’s “sexual identity” strictly in terms of the gender of one’s sexual object choice. It’s an awfully ugly way of putting such a passionate and personal matter, but once you put it that way, you can see how arbitrary a…

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Conservative Christians Oppose New ‘Inter-Religious’ University

…he exclusive truth of their own way, distance themselves further and further from other traditions. Are these the sorts of religious leaders we want to be producing, to take the helm in the era of globalization? The greatest argument against the skeptics lies in the tangible excitement of the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim students at the new Claremont university. “I have a great desire to learn about others,” said Susan Goldberg, a rabbinical stud…

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