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South Asian Religious Leaders Challenged to Take on Stigma and Discrimination: Global LGBT Recap

…ys usually penalized by Dominican law,” a statement reads. They add that Cyrus “uses inadequate attire, corrupts language, uses perverse imagery and phrasing, uses phrases with double meanings, glorifies crime, violence and denigrating acts against civility and promotes sex, lesbian sex and the use of inadequate objects in public.” Being gay or lesbian is not a crime in the Caribbean island but religious fundamentalists have grown increasingly voc…

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Why We Should Ban Oppressive Speech Acts

…tory of Europe and the United States. So since the bell has been rung, and rung and rung, we can’t pretend to not have ever heard it.” This rebuttal, however, misses the difference between citationality—the ability to cite and discuss a given discourse without restating or reasserting its claims—and each new (oppressive) speech act. I’m not suggesting that we don’t talk about and discuss white supremacist ideology; I’m doing it now, and to do so r…

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Magic v. Science: Doctor Who Part III

…gic, one that seeks to transcend the muddiness of morality in the everyday world—and it can also be seen at the heart of apocalyptic spirituality, which hopes to see our world replaced with a divine one (a replacement that is all too often imagined as violent). In the context of a television show, that desire for the good guys to win is simple escapism: is apocalypticism, then, a sort of theological escapism, “magical thinking” that wants to see h…

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Fox News: Mormons “Obviously not Christian”

…presidency), Fox News has sabotaged him time and time again by suggesting that despite his own profession of Christianity, President Obama is not really Christian, but rather Muslim—quite a crime, in the eyes of Fox viewers. Now, as Mitt Romney runs for president, Fox News is sabotaging him by suggesting that despite his own profession of Christianity, Romney is not really Christian either. Because when Fox News says “Christian,” Fox News means “…

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The “F” Word: Feminism in Islam

…he Islamists. Again the idea was, well, if there is a conflict between the international instruments and Islam, then, we take Islam. The either/or stand again. Islamic feminism takes the responsibility to define Islam. It takes responsibility to critically examine the the primary sources, the Qur’an the sunnah, the hadith, and the fiqh or jurisprudence, and then to challenge both Islam and secular human rights standards. The basic underling rule i…

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The Jihadi Revolution is Dead (But Bin Laden’s Death Didn’t Kill It)

…ce again. Not all protests will end like Tunisia and Egypt. Others will be ruthlessly crushed, as was the Green Revolution in Iran in 2009. The current protests in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Libya face an uncertain end. Failure of nonviolent revolution has, in the past, been the occasion for renewed acts of violence. So the jihadi warriors may again have their day. For the moment, however, bin Laden is dead, and Tahrir Square has challenged both t…

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“We All We Got”: The Black Church As an Oasis in Baltimore’s Food Deserts

…have been held by congregations at the same Penn-North intersection where CNN and others incessantly broadcasted images of a torched CVS as if it were a dying human being. In warmer months, New Bethlehem Baptist Church, among others, led walks to ward off the drug activity that is the only real option for survival for many in areas where police can’t—or won’t—keep them safe. In Baltimore, symbolic gestures on the pulpit are best complemented by c…

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A ‘Pro-Life’ Buttigieg Ambush, Trump’s Corrupt Counsel, and More

…of which, it takes a special kind of Christian to defend a president as corrupt as Donald John Trump. And by “special” I mean, “possibly also corrupt.” Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Jay Sekulow: Jay Sekulow, one of President Donald Trump’s lead attorneys during the impeachment trial, is being paid for his legal work through a rented $80-a-month mailbox a block away from the White House. … But Sekulow, 63, is registered as chief counsel at…

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Survival of the CrossFittest: After a Schism Over Racism Can the Fitness Empire Shed its Culture of Whiteness?

…make of the 2020 turmoil within their community. If the history of religion has anything to offer the weary (ex)CrossFitter in this moment, it’s a caution against the seductions of racial privilege and the desire for unity that may arise as news of Glassman’s tweet is replaced by new headlines and community imperatives. In order to create a more equitable future in fitness and in life for all, CrossFit needs to dismantle the white supremacy at the…

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2023 in Review: Year One Without Roe, GOP Code Red, SCOTUS Gone Wild… and a Ray of Hope

…for a competitive primary, what we’re seeing is that, if polls are to be trusted, Trump is their guy. Not despite, but probably because of, what he says—be it promises of “retribution,” plans to use the military to quell protests on the day of his inauguration, or his dictatorial fantasies. As 2023 comes to an end, the stakes in US politics are higher than ever, with 2024 dawning as a critical juncture determining whether or not the country will…

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