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Three church doors in a row, all shut.

As a Queer Catholic Woman I Had High Hopes Before the 2023 Catholic Synod on Synodality

…en,” or in 2023 that “people with homosexual tendencies are children of God,” a number of LGBTQ Catholics and advocates, myself included, got excited for a day or two—maybe even called our parents (if the Church hasn’t driven a wedge between them and us). But then the news cycle passes and, with each expression of anti-LGBTQ Catholic doctrine on diocesan and global levels, these small victories are tarnished with sadness and frustration. This is n…

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Why Antisemitism is an Insufficient (and Risky) Explanation for Hamas’s October 7 Attack on Israel

…RD’s coverage of Israel’s war on Gaza, here. — eds Amidst a recent layover, my phone pinged to indicate I’d been “mentioned” on Twitter, which is never a good sign. Right-wing provocateur Andy Ngo had tweeted a photo from my 2018 book event suggesting it was an “antifa training” session. He then tagged Haaretz—a left-leaning Israeli newspaper I occasionally write for—asking why they would publish an “antisemitism denier.” Pointing to a recent int…

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Alabama’s IVF Ruling Reveals Deep Ties to This Increasingly Influential Christian Right Movement

…theology: I found another case where Clay Nash, who convenes the call, says, Oh, yeah, Tom Parker, he’s a friend of Dutch. So, there’s a real relationship here. And Tom Parker who is on this call is saying, I’ve heard these prophecies, some of these prophecies go back to 2003, 2004 about Alabama and judges and Alabama playing a special role in bringing about revival. And I’m trying to convince my fellow judges that they need to participate and als…

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The ‘Unified Reich’ Scandal is a Feature Not a Bug of Trump’s Brand of American Fascism

…nd that’s why Americans are gonna love it. People are going to build you up, and, God, are they going to, because when you’re great and new, we love you. Man, we’ll build you up into something that doesn’t even exist. You’re going to change the world. But you know what? Once they’ve built you as high as they possibly can, they’re gonna tear you back down—it’s the most predictable pattern. We build you into something that doesn’t exist, and that me…

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First it Was an Insurrection Flag, Now Supreme Court Justice Alito is Caught Flying Another Far-Right Flag — An ‘Emblem for an Extensive Spiritual Warfare Campaign’

…stands for, as Matt Taylor told me in an interview about his upcoming book, is, “You go to war and you let God sort it out.” The flag was everywhere on January 6th—which makes sense given that, as Onishi and Taylor have reported, NAR leaders played a massive role in organizing Jan 6th. This isn’t, as the Times irresponsibly calls it, a “provocative” flag which represents the call for “a more Christian-minded government.” This is a flag calling fo…

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‘The Quiet Damage’ Details the Heartbreaking Effect of QAnon on Five American Families — But Critical Questions Linger

…sis of this book. It’s based on “hundreds of hours” of interviews in person, by phone, and online over three years. The pacing is fine, and by chapter 10 it becomes truly heartbreaking. Reading about people ruining their lives and the lives of their loved ones, over and again, is not a light read. In that sense it resembles an addiction memoir. This resemblance is made explicit in the afterword in which Cook argues that underneath the disinformati…

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Why Notre Dame’s Contraception Flip-Flop Undercuts Bishops’ Religious Freedom Claims

…culture war potency of the issue and promised to roll back the mandate. And, finally, in mid-October, that’s what opponents of the mandate got from Trump, what the bishops had wanted all along: a get-out-of-jail-free card that essentially allows any non-profit or business entity to opt out of the mandate for any religious or moral objection they cared to cook up without any mechanism in place to ensure that women in the plans receive contraception…

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Why Are We Drawn to Horror?

…entertainment that’s designed to evoke negative emotions in us—from disgust, fear, and anxiety, to dread—and I think an evolutionary perspective helps to dissolve that paradox. We evolved to find pleasure in vicarious experience with threat scenarios, and that’s what horror gives us. Why Horror Seduces Mathias Clasen Oxford UP Halloween, 2017 What’s the most important take-home message for readers? I think there are two important take-home message…

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United Methodists Elect 1st Gay Bishop; Canadian Anglicans OK Same-Sex Marriage

…rsday, Mesila Doda, an MP for the Party for Justice, Integration, and Unity, PDIU, which is in coalition with the Socialist Party of Prime Minister Edi Rama, asked her colleagues to not vote for the reform until this amendment is withdrawn. Speaking in the plenary session Doda said that “without doubt, the changes [to the constitution] open the way for gay marriage. “We are not going to vote the draft if you don’t withdraw the amendment,” she adde…

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Good Mourning Modeled by Chaplains and Clergy at the Oakland Ghost Ship Fire

…from the public. At the Lake Merritt vigil this past Monday, attendants were asked not to bring candles out of respect for those who had died in flames. Instead, they brought glow sticks and cell phones, and for several hours, the sky above the lake lit up, not in the orange, red and yellow of fire, but in eerie shades of blue. Oakland wore the color of grief….

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