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USA 1800-299-7264 Emirates Airlines Phone Number , Reservations

Under Water: Waiting for the Flood (of Awareness) in Louisiana

…ion has a strange way of inspiring reflection on personal property. On the phone, I told my mom, “I love your house. It is so perfect for you.” And I do. I love her house not because I grew up there (I did not) or because I’ve spent much time there (I’ve only visited once) or because of anything to do with the way it looks. I love her house because of what it stands for. It’s a symbol of her freedom. Freedom from every man who raised a hand to her…

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Refusing the Monsters on Maple Street: A First-Person Commentary from the Mass Hysteria at JFK

…I shared what I learned with those standing around me or who didn’t have a phone, compared notes with others about what they knew, and tried to calm some who were scared and close to panic. As far as I could tell, the TSA personnel and other security officials seemed know about as much as the passengers about what was happening—all around me, I sensed a complete failure of nerve. A black woman wearing a security vest crouched outside on the tarmac…

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Accused of Anti-Semitism, Trump Aide Makes Ancestry Appeal

…bout their penchant for business, repeatedly declined to disavow David Duke, and, most recently, hired a media executive whose website was recently described by a former employee as “a cesspool of the alt-right…a movement shot through with racism and anti-Semitism.” And now there’s the case of Joseph Schmitz, one of Trump’s top national security advisors. On Thursday, McClatchyDC reported that Daniel Meyer, an intelligence official, has filed a fo…

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Hillary Clinton Feeds the Trolls

…no such thing as bad publicity. What has been striking about the alt-right, though, is the degree to which it frames provocation as its raison d’être, rather than as a means to an end. As Allum Bohkari and Milo Yiannopolous put it in a much-cited essay titled “An Establishment Conservative’s Guide to the Alt-Right”: Just as the kids of the 60s shocked their parents with promiscuity, long hair and rock’n’roll, so too do the alt-right’s young meme…

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Indonesia Hears Islamist Arguments For LGBT Criminalization; Zambian Churches Oppose Condom Distribution in Prisons; Lithuanian Conservative Manifesto Calls LGBTs Enemies of Freedom; Global LGBT Recap

…the biggest threats to their safety, and that the perpetrators of violence, extortion, and sexual assault “enjoy complete legal impunity.” Many activists and their allies are hopeful that the first democratic government in decades, led by Nobel Peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, will help them to tackle these abuses and begin writing LGBT rights into law. But the signs so far are anything but promising. “I’m not interested,” said Win Htein, one of…

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Two Former Nuns Get Civil Union in Italy; Kenyan Govt Partners with World Congress of Families; Mexican Activists Debate Outing of Priests; Global LGBT Recap

…ogressive social issues, with the Catholic south dragging behind. This time, though, it is Germany, the leading country in Protestant Europe, that lags the rest. Without a major realignment in German politics, that is unlikely to change for a long time to come. Italy: Former nuns join in civil union “Two former nuns who met in a convent have been joined in a civil union in a ceremony in a small town in northern Italy,” reports Associated Press. Se…

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“Reason to Worry”: An Anti-Semitism Scholar Opens Up on Trump, Misogyny and the Future of Anti-Judaism

…David Nirenberg. Historians may not be in the business of comforting people, but, during troubling times, they can offer a little anchoring perspective. Nirenberg is the author of Anti-Judaism, a survey of 2,400 years of anti-Jewish thought. Histories of anti-Semitism often focus on Jews: what about Jewish history has brought them into contact with so much hate? Was it the money-lending? The refusal to convert to Christianity? Published in 2013, A…

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Vatican Instruction on Cremation Rankles Many, But Give it a Second Look

…night dancing with, someone who I had spoken to just a week before on the phone, her laughter weakened but still familiar. When I thought about her ashes being scattered around Boston I felt a momentary panic. Where could I ever go to find her again? Last week, just in time for the Feast of All Soul’s Day, celebrated each year on November 2, the Catholic Church’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith released a new Instruction regarding the…

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Not All American Muslims Feel the Dread I Do

…(correctly) at the uncertainty consuming me. Similar messages poured in by phone, email and social media throughout the day. It was as if someone in my family had died and people felt compelled to offer me condolences. The reality of living in a country in which the most blatant expressions of Islamophobia and other forms of hate are normalized does worry me. Even as Trump flip-flops on his promise of a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims ente…

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These Are the New Battlegrounds for LGBT Rights Under Trump

…targeted by state and local policies that restricted their ability to learn, work, and thrive. But that generous, inclusive interpretation of civil rights law is unlikely to continue in a Trump administration. In fact, Bagenstos warns, where LGBT people have found an ally in the DOJ for the past eight years, we may now find a powerful foe. Bagenstos aptly points to G.G. v. Glouchester County School Board, the case out of Virginia where a transgend…

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