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Worse Than Madoff: Amway Launches Domestic Revival

…ed from North America to Europe, South America, and the Philippines, met a number of politically powerful Republican politicians and conservative religious leaders, including former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former Iran/Contra figure Oliver North, and then-Senator Rick Santorum. Religious leaders like Charles Stanley (a former distributor), Dr. Robert Schuller and the late Dr. D. James Kennedy of Florida’s Coral Ridge Ministries—a multimedia, m…

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RDBook: Feminist Theologian Defies the Vatican Agenda

…f Charles Curran, Hans Kung, Roger Haight. Think of the feminists, some in Canada, made utterly invisible. Rosemary Ruether’s response to small-mindedness is to write another bestselling book. This time, in late 2008, it is Catholic Does Not Equal the Vatican. You bet it doesn’t. In just 142 pages, six chapters, with not a wasted word, Ruether lays out once again her critique of ecclesial patriarchy as life-denying and institution-killing. “When I…

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Cancer Vaccine Causes Premarital Sex?

On Wednesday, the Catholic School trustees in Calgary, Canada voted 6-1 against making the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine available in schools. Other schools in the Alberta region are launching a program this October that would make the vaccine available to girls in fifth grade. However, the Calgary Catholic schoolgirls will not benefit from this program. Why? HPV is a leading cause of cervical cancer (this vaccine is cited as the first to pr…

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A Brief History of Olympic Flames

…c link and thus, merely by pushing a button in Greece, to kindle a fire in Canada). But who came up with this idea? Not Coubertin, and not the French. No, the Olympic flame was invented by none other than the Nazis, no strangers to the power of ritual in the mass. The modern Olympic flame was first cultivated at the Altis of Olympia in 1936, then carried overland by runners from Greece to Germany (the event in Leni Reifenstahl’s famous film, Olymp…

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Queer Nuns: Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence Are ‘Serious Parody,’ Forcing us to Redefine Nuns

…just whispering at the back of my head. Bonus: Is there anything else you’d like our readers to know about your book? If you’re considering teaching all or part of the book, you might be interested to know that the Sisters have houses (non-residential chapters) in many large cities in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and Australia. They are often happy to visit classrooms, and they will come in habit to discuss their own perspectives on the order. Becau…

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‘Christian Warriors’: Who Are The Hutaree Militia And Where Did They Come From?

…States planned to destroy national sovereignty by merging with Mexico and Canada to form a North American Union. That theory first surfaced among right-wing opponents of President George W. Bush. Along the way, right-wing media demagogues and Republican Party activists and elected officials fanned the flames. Now as the Obama administration enters its second year, these conspiracy theories have led to aggression and violence and an alleged domest…

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Arrest the Pope: New Atheist Effort to Seek Justice in Sexual Abuse Crisis Should Be Applauded

…access to children in another country, and some abused again.” A priest in Canada was convicted of sexual abuse and then moved to France, where he was convicted of abuse again in 2005. Massachusetts priest Father Pezzotti was credibly accused in several cases of abuse, one of which settled for $175,000 in 1993. However, from 1970 to 2003, Pezzotti was in Brazil, where he worked with the Kayapo Indians. Pezzotti went to Italy in 2003, but returned…

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Return of Uganda Anti-Gay Bill?

…roway, Kadaga received a hero’s welcome on her return from a conference in Canada. She is calling criticism leveled against anti-gay persecution in Uganda by the Canadian foreign minister an attack on Uganda’s sovereignty and culture. She reportedly received a hero’s welcome at the airport. “The rally at Entebbe’s airport was organized by religious leaders, former Ethics and Integrity Minister James Nsaba Buturo, and Anti-Homosexuality Bill sponso…

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Manly Prayers at Penn State

…vid Testo revealed that he was gay in a French-language radio interview in Canada. All his teammates knew about his orientation, and according to Testo they were supportive. To my knowledge, though, there have still not been any gay players who have used progressive or liberal religious terms when coming out. If the only religious voices heard on the fields are the most conservative on issues of human sexuality, there may be few opportunities for…

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The Pope’s Dubious Holocaust Remembrance

…w killed by the gas chambers. It was all lies, lies, lies!” And he put the number of Jews killed at “200,000 to 300,000.” Straight from the Holocaust denier’s handbook.  You’d think the pope would’ve been humiliated by these statements since the interview aired on the very day that he lifted the excommunication of Williamson and three other SSPX bishops. The pope and his supporters of course claim that he had no idea that Williamson held these vie…

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