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‘He Gets Us’ and Sleazy ‘Swift Boat’ Ads Share a Central Figure — Further Evidence of a Right-Wing Bait-and-Switch

…campaign led to the rise of the term “swiftboating” to describe particularly ugly or flat-out false campaigns of political character assassination. As for the 2008 election cycle, Pinkston’s group, American Issues Project, crafted ads that implied Obama was soft on terrorism given his association with Bill Ayers, who was among the founders of the Weather Underground, a far-left revolutionary group that was behind some political bombings in the 19…

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Jeb Bush’s “New Way” Of Talking About Gay Marriage

…GOP nomination unless they deal with this head on, because people are really, really scared.” What are they scared of, exactly? Cultural change, and more. According to Metaxas, being forced to provide services to same-sex weddings, like flowers and cakes. According to Dreher, the loss of tax-exempt status for religious non-profits who oppose marriage equality—a prospect legal experts believe is unlikely. “I know that Republican candidates get ext…

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Six Overlooked Gems from the Future of World Religions Report

…China turns out to be more like Japan—a deeply secular nation that is likely to grow increasingly more so—the Christian population worldwide would dip slightly, to 30.9%. But if China is more like South Korea—another largely secular society but one that is seeing an increase in religious affiliation—then Christians would make up closer to 35.3% of the global village. What if everyone in China who is currently unaffiliated were to become a Christi…

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Pamela Geller in Brooklyn: Free Speech, Hate Speech, and the Futility of Arguing with a Bigot

…ares the room, which has something of a free-for-all quality, to a Nazi rally. Really. Security is confused, because while the event has ceased to be the lecture it never got a chance to be, no clear red lines have been crossed. Or the College just doesn’t like Geller enough to intervene. 7:50 Geller retreats to a soundtrack of chanting students: ‘Don’t come back! Don’t come back!’ They’re beaming, exultant in their accomplishment, slapping each o…

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In Marriage Arguments, Scalia Frets Over Clergy Religious Freedom

…marriages, and St. Matthews, a Catholic parish in Washington, which obviously does not. “You could have ministers who conduct real marriages that are civilly enforceable at the National Cathedral, but not at St. Matthews downtown, because that minister refuses to marry two men, and therefore, cannot be given the State power to make a real State marriage,” he argued. Justice Sonia Sotomayor jumped in, pointing out that in states that had anti-discr…

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The Man in the Red Dress: My Unlikely Friendship with Cardinal Francis George

…them to color what or how I reported. I covered Cardinal George as vigorously, fairly, and accurately as I could. But it didn’t mean I had to like him. At first I didn’t. But then I got to know him. Sure he could be acerbic, and even a bit imperious, but he was no misanthrope. One of the things I remember fondly about the cardinal was his huge, easy smile and and infectious laugh. It was that laugh—practically guileless, like that of a happy kid—t…

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From Elon to Elizabeth: The 7 Seals of the 2022 Apocalypse

…receiving a planned minute of silence when the SpaceX mission has an “anomaly” shortly after launch. By the time this anomaly occurs, Musk’s Tesla stock should be worth just enough to buy flowers for all the “influenaut” family members. The seventh seal has been quietly broken. Anyway, if you missed these signs, it may not be too late. From the moment you wake up, before you put on your makeup, Dionne Warwick will say a little prayer for you. Now…

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Predicting the Future of Religion: A Thought Experiment

…ulture war issues and towards questions of social justice (which are actually addressed directly by the gospels) Pope Francis has earned a reprieve for a Church still reeling from the horrors of sex abuse allegations and other scandals. Can we hope for a Vatican III to suggest more radical changes than last year’s Synod on the Family? Or will cardinals, threatened by the spectacle of this social media-savvy progressive-leaning Pope, double down an…

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Hagee’s New Film Uses Jews and Science to Prove Christian, Pro-US God

…ronomers haven’t yet noticed. Neither idea is especially appealing, logically or theologically. But for Hagee that isn’t cause for concern. Science sounds authoritative; astronomy is science; therefore astronomical events have authority. QED. FBM treats Jews in much the same way that it treats the moon: as something distant, abstract, and faintly inscrutable, that can be used to confirm a fragile thesis. It takes a rather determined theology, or a…

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Wanted: Your Vote

…before and it never gets old. But… we confess we’re starting to nurture a bit of a Susan Lucci complex — always a nominee, never (yet) a winner. In the past we’ve lost to much larger media outlets (such as the public network that rhymes with “Zee Bee Ess”) and this year are up against the likes of Krista Tippett’s “On Being” and others. So, here’s where you come in: We want (and need) your vote in the Webby’s People’s Voice contest. It only takes…

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