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Delta Airlines 1800-299-7264 Flight Change Policy

A collage of a Bible, Valdimir Putin, and the Kremlin and an outline of Russia

Putin’s ‘Year of the Family’ Declaration Blends Russian Nationalism with the Far-Right Rhetoric of the Global Pro-Family Movement

…rhetoric of containment culture. Originally used to describe U.S. foreign policy in the 1940s through the 1980s, containment became a powerful metaphor for cultural narratives that, as Alan Nadel writes, “equated containment of communism with containment of atomic secrets, of sexual license, of gender rules, of nuclear energy, and of artistic expression.”[14] As such, the image of an Anglo-Saxon, God-fearing, nuclear family happily raising their…

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Graham’s Muslim Brotherhood Conspiracy Theory Not New

…t my henhouse from foxes?” We’ve brought in Muslims to tell us how to make policy toward Muslim countries. And many of these people we’ve brought in, I’m afraid, are under the Muslim Brotherhood. Graham was sounding a lot like Beck and other right-wing talking heads because they have already put forth that very conspiracy theory, and repeated it at virtually every opportunity. As I reported last year, when Fox News and the American Center for Law…

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Glenn Beck’s ‘Social Justice’ Heresies

…uhr, whose ideological evolution is very complex—from socialist to foreign policy ‘realist’ whose influence extends rightward to John McCain and David Brooks—did found the Union for Democratic Action from which Americans for Democratic Action was formed, though neither has anything to do with the Progressive Socialist Party of today—primarily because the Progressive Socialist Party doesn’t exist (unless his purview now extends to Lebanese politics…

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Rev. Smith Goes to Washington

…n the language of church and the languages of campaign politics and public policy? Yes, I tend to speak in theological terms and have had to shift gears to talk the language of public policy. Sometimes the two can intersect comfortably but I’m mindful that George W. Bush, as an example, often quoted from hymns or Scripture readings that conservative evangelicals would have recognized, and that in doing so he spoke a kind of coded language that hel…

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PFOX Accuses PTA of being PC

…press release: “Why is it gay groups meet the PTA Diversity and Inclusion Policy but our families do not?  ‘Diversity’ and ‘inclusion’ should mean exactly that — diversity and inclusion of everyone.” Well, not really. Perhaps the PTA has seen the latest news on “ex-gay ministries” and it’s beginning to understand what kind of snake oil salesmen they really are. Perhaps the sight of George Rekers — a champion of the “ex-gay” industry — taking a Eu…

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Clueless in Gaza

…and or religious significance. In the 1970s Leibowitz wrote that: Israeli policy in the occupied territories is one of self-destruction of the Jewish state, and of relations with the Arabs based on perpetual terror. There is no way out of this situation except withdrawal from the territories. The Israeli philosopher saw two processes that would harm Israel. One would occur within the West Bank and Gaza: The colonizing situation will lead to the e…

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Inside the Rubio-Cruz Battle for Evangelical Voters

…tertwining of conservative Christianity and politics, and there’s not much policy daylight between the two candidates. Both oppose marriage equality. Both oppose abortion. Both describe religious liberty as under threat by marriage equality, and by, for example, the contraception coverage requirement in the Affordable Care Act. Rubio told NBC’s Chuck Todd in December that although he wouldn’t favor a constitutional amendment to overturn Obergefell…

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Republican Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith Spouts Christian Nationalism Defending Racist Voter Suppression

…l and reading “In God We Trust” on a dollar bill to justify hateful public policy is straight out of the Christian nationalist playbook. That Hyde-Smith next turns to the Bible and its passages about slavery and thoughtcrime to justify disenfranchising Black voters is apt. She wrongly cited Exodus 20 verse 18, which is about trembling and lightning and thunder and generally being afraid of the biblical god, not the sabbath. The verse comes immedia…

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Why Do Evangelicals And Dems Want Immigration Reform?

…on foreign policy issues, and favor a multilateral and cooperative foreign policy more than their elders. Millennials, more so than other generations, want a stronger government to make the economy work better, help those in need, and provide more services. These views extend to a range of domestic policy issues including education, clean energy, and, especially, health care. Among evangelicals, the Millennials are the most tolerant cohort, “less…

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Fear Not, The IRS Isn’t Colluding With Angry Atheists

…its concerns. FFRF is satisfied that the IRS does not at this time have a policy specific to churches of non-enforcement of its anti-electioneering provisions.” Responding to charges that there was an agreement that the IRS would “monitor” churches, FFRF added that it “did not withdraw its suit pursuant to any agreement to ‘monitor’ sermons and homilies for proscribed speech with which FFRF disagrees. As the court documents state, FFRF withdrew t…

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