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A Campaign About Values Voters, or Justice?

…ch try to break out of a stagnated field by winning the straw poll, begins tomorrow in Washington.) Claiming that the Democrats’ values are better, or that they represent what Jesus really meant, is very 2006, very 2008: a response to the media frenzy over the “values voters” supposedly deciding the 2004 election over their opposition to abortion and gay marriage and their commitment to the mythology of a Christian nation. I suspect it won’t work…

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‘Hello, Trump Warriors!’ Little-Known Preachers and Rabble Rousers are the Unregulated Id of the Felon’s First Rally

…achete mob. (This would require a roughly 2,000% increase over last year’s rates.) Mark says 2,000 “illegals” are massed under the the city, as if ready to rise up, C.H.U.D.-style. In fact, an estimated 1,500 houseless people are said to live in tunnels beneath Las Vegas, but those whom a pair of Swiss journalists encountered were mostly White people suffering from profound addiction. America First, except when it comes to MAGA’s fever dream of wh…

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Homophobia an “Atrocity,” LDS Bishop Tells Gay Mormon Conference

…The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is an ‘atrocity”— an inaccurate report, according to conference attendees. I spoke with Bishop Kloosterman Sunday night to hear his side of the story. (A full transcript of Bishop Kloosterman’s talk is available here.) How did you come to be involved in the Circling the Wagons event? Over the last year, I was feeling promptings from the Spirit to learn more about LGBT issues. I’ve never had to deal w…

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Both Sides Expect Obama to Side with Bishops on Contraception Coverage

…d churches and other houses of worship. That action could come as early as tomorrow. David Nolan, a spokesperson for Catholics for Choice, told me today, “Obama’s definitely listening to the bishops. The bishops seem to have significant sway over the administration, which can be seen by the fact Archbishop Dolan met with [Obama] last week and came out alleging that he felt much more at ease with what was going on after the meeting. Which seems to…

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Would Gandhi Disband Occupy?

…heard criticism that occupiers have failed to “adopt goals, define their strategy, and communicate these to their opponents and the broader public.” Gandhi had the luxury of facing one huge evil—the British occupation of India—just as earlier U.S. social movements organized around resisting racial segregation or the war in Vietnam. One big target does have its advantages. But Gandhi saw his opposition to British rule as merely one part of his larg…

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Republicans Would Obstruct Peace for Theo-Political Gain

…e starting point for peace negotiations is. Obviously for Republicans desperately trying to score political points, anything Obama does draws their ginned-up ire. But in this case, they’re not just attacking Obama for the sake of attacking Obama, they’re tapping into a hot-button issue for many evangelicals, one that can stoke as much agitation as abortion or same-sex marriage. These Republicans are not whistling to Jewish voters, or even to AIPAC…

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Muslim Boycott of Bloomberg’s Interfaith Breakfast

…associate with is suspect. I intend to meet as many faith leaders as I can tomorrow and ask them how they feel about spied upon by the NYPD. I am not speaking hypothetically. We have seen this encroachment of extraordinary circumstances into daily life already. Juan Cole talks about how the NYPD and Department of Homeland Security worked with the FBI against the Occupy Wall Street group, with the approval of Mayor Bloomberg. What the NYPD is doing…

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Romney’s Religion of Happiness vs. Gingrich’s Religion of Grievance

…a evangelicals, 37-33%. But the evangelical makeup of the Republican electorate (38%) in Florida is virtually the reverse of South Carolina, where they comprised 65% of voters, and which is why, in part, Romney is headed toward victory here tomorrow. At the Romney rally, the verdict on Gingrich was mixed. Liz Reiman, a Romney voter from Jacksonville, said she had been “intrigued” with Gingrich, whom she called “stunning and sometimes disturbing.”…

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Gingrich Claims Obama Violates Catholics’ Right to Worship

ORLANDO, FL — At his final campaign stop before tomorrow’s primary, Newt Gingrich noted that he and Callista went to Mass last night, and contrasted that to President Obama’s “anti-religious bias.” At Catholic churches across Florida, Gingrich said, a letter from the Bishops was read, “pointing out that the Obama administration last week in effect waged war against the Catholic Church and against every religious institution which is not in favor…

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Jews and Christians for Santorum?

…ermine Your Fate?” “The Mormon Elephant in the Room.” “Radical Islam Infiltrates Florida Public School.” “Three Compelling Reasons for Christian Confidence.” “6,000 Students Exposed to the Depraved Truth About Muhammad.” “Why Humanists Hate Your Family; A Christian Response.” “Why Secularism Produces Psychological Chaos.” “Muslims Follow Muhammad’s Example and Sexually Exploit Little Girls.” “Islam’s Secret Strategy to Destroy America Exposed.” “W…

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