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“Gotcha” Video & Pro-Life Bill Released Together

…d twice, I was told they couldn’t say if the bill was going to be voted on tomorrow or not.  Now, this could be simply because as house votes go – or any votes really – the timing can be slippery; a bill can come to the floor and then be tabled, a vote can roll over from one day to the next. Having dealt with legislator’s offices before, this level of opacity from Cantor’s group seemed completely unnecessary. Perhaps it is because the bill is so o…

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Yerushalmi, National Review, and a Conservative Fight Over Shari’ah

…tives at other events.) Will Schmitz et al. have an impact on Republicans? Tomorrow, Rep. Peter King is holding his fifth Islamophobia hearing, again with his previous star witness, Zuhdi Jasser, who believes the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated all American Muslim organizations to “advance Sharia, to advance political Islam and the collectivism of a Muslim political movement in America that’s different from our Constitution and our Bill of Righ…

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Orthodox Priest Encourages Violence Against Pride Marchers

Tomorrow, Saturday, June 30, a gay pride parade is scheduled to take place in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. International LGBT rights group All Out reports that Father Evgenii Yanakiev, an Orthodox priest, encouraged locals to “throw stones” at the participants and called for politicians who support the march to be “drowned in the sea with millstones tied around their necks.” This call for violence is particularly disturbing given the history o…

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Mitt Romney Plays the Tin Man at the NAACP Convention

…wants the presidency so bad, he’d be willing to sell his soul to Beelzubub tomorrow to get it. Being booed was not a problem, especially since he can fundraise off the booing. What the NAACP speech firmly solidified is that Mitt Romney is the most wooden Republican candidate ever—and it’s not because he was booed. Simply put, Romney does not have a testimony. What do I mean by testimony? Well, any good LDS or Pentecostal will know what I mean. A t…

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God Delivers GOP Senate Nomination to Todd Akin

…om the start, stayed by our side, lifted us up in prayer, and tonight celebrates with us in victory. Governor Huckabee—I thank you, my family thanks you, and our volunteers thank you for your dedication to our campaign and devotion to saving the America we love. From the depths of my heart I want to thank every single volunteer who served in our campaign and brought our winning message to the people of Missouri. Tonight one campaign ends… tomorrow

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YouTube Terrorism

…y, other ill-wishers or polemicists or terrorists can, and will likely, do tomorrow. This is the greatest, and sobering, lesson of the death and destruction that came out of the 9/11/12 debacle. Alas, it is a part of our brave new world of endless information and mindless usage of that information. Gertrude Himmelfarb once observed: “Like postmodernism, the Internet does not distinguish between the true and the false, the important and the trivial…

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Christ is Pissed, Again

…campaign, took hammers to Piss Christ in Avignon. Innocence of Christians Tomorrow’s exhibition of the work has already drawn criticism from religious leaders and politicians. Bill Donohue, self-styled spokesman for conservative Catholicism, has denounced the exhibition on the grounds that “decent people know it is unacceptable.” For Donohue, Piss Christ and its exhibition make perfectly clear the bias of the liberal elite, for whom “anti-Christi…

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“Cult” Cinema Comes of Age

…and the weak, the suckers and the sucker-punchers, become difficult to separate.  The Master Under the gaze of Paul Thomas Anderson, charismatic leadership and the naïve follower go viral and carry beyond the isolated hippie-commune and wayward seekers. No longer is the cult hard to find, it just might find us.  Anderson is allegorically adept, ostensibly making films about one subject while really spinning tales of broader cultural currents. His…

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Religion Scholars Convene, Have Nowhere to Sit

…pling to “Gaudeamus Igitur.” And, unless readers should think I’m an inveterate alcoholic, let me add that coffee or tea bars might just do.  Because of the physical restraints they impose, CCs, like the McCormick, have conspired to stifle the informal gatherings that have always been one of the better reasons for attending the big meetings. Hotel bars and lobbies were great equalizers of rank and status, but also where experience and accomplishme…

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Updated: 5 Lessons Learned from the Apocalypse Fail, Or, It’s Not the End of the World as We Know It, and I Feel So-So

…ratively, it is clear that most religious movements and communities incorporate some form of eschatology—knowledge of end times—into their worldviews. Let’s face it, Camping would fit right in with the early followers of Christ who also believed in the imminent end of the world. But even beyond the confines of the familiar preoccupation with apocalypse in the Abrahamic, monotheistic faiths, examples from other religions abound. In Hindu mythology…

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