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A Secret Family History Shows “Regular” Life Under the Reich: Sarah Wildman on Paper Love

…n’t know if that’s why he went back, again and again and again. You have only Valy’s letters to your grandfather, some photographs, and some letters from others who knew her. Yet you are able to paint such a vivid portrait of her. How were you able to accomplish that? You are so kind! Well, as the chief archivist at the Jewish Museum in Berlin, Aubrey Pomerance, cautioned me early on—there is no one document that paints a person’s life from beginn…

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Hajj Journal: Tawaf: How I Fell in Love…

…ure to get your glimpse. You might see that mosque, Masjid al-Haram, but only after you have approached it by some distance. Especially the minarets, which are so high they shoot up taller than many of the buildings surrounding it. The hotels built around it, and a few administrative buildings, block the view at street level. However, when you do see it, you will be required to complete the ritual performance: tawaf, followed as closely as possibl…

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Does NIH Head Francis Collins Believe in Intelligent Design?

…God. Is Aversion to Slavery Just Cultural? Let’s consider this confusion a bit more carefully. The heart of ID theory is that neo-Darwinian evolutionary theory is fundamentally inadequate to account for the development of life, because it can not be used to explain at least some features of living organisms; to account for them, we need an intelligent designer. This particular design argument is premised on the failure of evolutionary theory. Not…

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Weird Testament: The Bible Gets the R. Crumb Treatment

…t supervision recommended for minors.” The boards themselves, which show only a stately, gold-embossed title that mixes gothic blackletter and Crumb’s own underground-comix typography, is a bit truer to the nature of the contents. Despite the moderate interpretive philosophy behind the adaptation, there’s no doubt that this is a Crumb comic. His Eve is a typically zaftig seductress, and his panel illustrating Rachel’s “comely features” is as rear-…

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Why I Fear The Post-Trayvon Martin Sermon

…my own purse if need be. The parable, thus, is not the “love everyone equally” message that we usually enjoy hearing because, in the end, it asks very little of us. Rather, it sets a clear priority that makes those of us who benefit most from American cultural and market systems uncomfortable: from each according to [their] ability, to each according to [their] need. I’m not meant to feel good at the end of the story, to feel comforted. I’m not me…

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Introducing the Dr. Who Media Club

…box—think phone booth—but it’s bigger on the inside than the outside, can fly, and may actually be a living creature. He adventures through time and space, usually accompanied by one or more human companions who assist him in righting wrongs, liberating the oppressed, fighting alien menaces, and averting unspeakable disasters. His alien origins give him a sharp mind and extraordinary longevity, but his main superpower—and the concept with which th…

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Can Atheists Simply Ignore Theology?

…tion. It is a question which, in fact, will probably never be answered wholly or fully. But we cannot ignore the question, because which worldview we adopt makes a big difference for how we live our lives. And so we must struggle to assess the relative merits of the alternatives available to us—something that we simply cannot responsibly do by ignoring those thinkers who, as part of a rich traditional of rigorous inquiry, attempt to construct plau…

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Spiritual-Not-Religious or Just Lazy?

…e, something more easily found among Buddhists than Christians. I desperately need just to sit, mindfully, with others doing the same. But I feel ashamed of asking for this at church, where I fear—and Daniel’s book seems to confirm—that people will see me as a lazy couch-potato, never doing enough.     But while Daniel has not provided an obviously warm welcome for those who may be trying to figure out a way to be in religious community, it is pos…

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The Evolution of Religion, According to Darwin

…that there’s much in this impulse that repeats itself in the drive to quickly, decisively, and narrowly categorize the growing population of the religiously unaffiliated—Nones. On the one hand, there are (mostly) Christians who want to see Nones as lapsed from one denomination, but who can be won back somehow. On the other, are some atheists, secular humanists, and so on who want to claim a population of people who largely are not unbelievers as a…

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How Did the Buddha Become a Medieval Saint?

…are remade through association with new forms of religious tradition—but only a bit. They also serve the important purpose of reminding us that the very word “tradition” tends to sanitize stories whose original power was their immediacy and relevance to unsanitized lives. Such details, especially when they appear in stories considered sacred, surely had something to do with the quality we think of today as virality. It was precisely their surprisi…

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