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Rebooting the Universe: Doctor Who part X, Season Finale

…d of storytelling that could drive its viewers nuts, if not handled carefully—ultimately, every story relies on a deus ex machina (or, picking up from James’ suggestions about the Doctor’s limited divinity, a machina ex deo). But that’s precisely where much of the show’s charm and drive and sense of sheer wonder come from—the ingenuity of the Doctor, and the ingenuity of his writers in making us believe the impossible. So what happens in “The Big…

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Water Water Everywhere

…o be on the safe side. The greater ablution, known as the ghusl, which really only means a bath. This one is needed after sexual intercourse, nocturnal emissions, or any major bleeding, like menstruation. This involves a full body wash from head to toe, and the sunnah wudu’ somewhere in the process. After years of this ritual it becomes second nature, and I always shower and end with the wudu’, washing my feet last and then stepping out of the tub…

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Ramadan: Third Day is the Charm

…ate each day of Ramadan, and then left for home and a nap several hours early. Obviously, you can’t have it both ways: up and about all night and then up and about all day. Something has to give. I guess they reason that since the fast prevents full force in the day, the night becomes full force. The offices are not open in the night though, just the markets. Then I moved to Southeast Asia. This was more to my standard. The work day started at 7:3…

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ISIS is the Islamic “Reformation”

…tly what the Islamic State is delivering. Far from medieval they’re eminently modern, they are simply an example of the worst grotesqueries that modernity has to offer. And they’re not early modern as my previous historical examples have it, they’re as modern as we are. They may wish to return to their own fantasy version of an ancient past (and Wood even notes that ISIS recruitment videos utilize scenes of medieval warfare skillfully edited from…

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The Plague of Energy Drinks: A Labor Day Lament

…topers didn’t bother to hide their reliance on joy juice, either. It was a bit of a comment on your own life, but it was also a bit of a comment on the depressing state of the world in general. I’m thinking of this in part because I’ve been reading theological and other essays on the pointlessness and dishonesty of hiding from brokenness and pain. In my Christian tradition, the real theologia crucis is not about the cross as a magic stick that wip…

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Mitt, Moochers, and Mormonism’s “Other” Legacy

…rchal blessings” prophesied that they would never taste of death. That fairly clearly set the limit on time. The rebellious Sixties just confirmed what the Cold War had already shown us—that we were in a final showdown with evil that would only get worse until the second coming of Jesus which is now. Mormons have a smidgen of the survivalist in them. They expect total political and economic collapse, and are instructed to store what has come to be…

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Gabby Douglas Thanks God… Why is This News?

…about it all of the time. I really would like to ask Williams: Is this really about proselytizing about God or is this about the author’s discomfort with different styles of expressing faith? Gabrielle Douglas is very upfront about her Christianity, even thanking God for her win. Like many, presumably including Williams, I was rooting for Gabby to win gold. When she did, and Kormova broke out in tears, the first thing I thought was, I wonder if th…

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A Superhuman Spirituality: Ang Lee’s Life of Pi

…th a lot of people. The movie makes me believe in the power of living, lively, lovely animal bodies. It makes me believe that the world without them would be less extraordinary. And it seems to feed the idea that there is something about these creatures—about animality as such—that can save us humans from ourselves, from imminent ecological catastrophe. That is to say, these fantastic animals appear to offer some sort of salvation. It’s as though,…

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McCarthy, Born Again and Retooled for Our Time

…ded and abetted the cause of Communism by word or deed, whether intentionally or unintentionally.” The “entire left-wing movement,” which included the liberal National Council of Churches, “is of the devil.” Speaking at the 1962 Christian Crusade convention, after fulminating that the “Liberal Establishment” was the “greatest threat to freedom, New Testament Christianity, and constitutional government,” which “works feverishly to enslave us all,”…

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Pledging Virginity to Dad: A New Doc Explores the World of ‘Purity Balls’

…lustrated book: “Because you are my chosen princess you should dress modestly every day.” “Sadly, there are a lot of girls that don’t think about me when they get dressed in the morning. They wear clothes that do not cover their bodies or that show their bodies in an immodest way. Keep your body covered and be my model.” Later we see Randy building a hope chest for his daughter Kameryn that will be revealed at a ceremony held in the family living…

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