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Delta Airlines 1800-299-7264 Reservations Toll Free Number

Finding the Missing Airliner with Coconuts

…at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport and attempted to locate Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 using a magical ritual that combined Islamic elements with shamanic practices. On Thursday Ibrahim Mat Zin, also known as Rajah Bomoh Sedunia Nujum, delivered a press conference (in which he demonstrated a squint that bore an uncanny resemblance to Pat Robertson.) He initially stated that he had been invited to perform his ritual by one of Malaysia’s “…

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Too Hot for Shul: Rabbis Seek Healthy Israel Dialogue After Gaza

…or Human Rights (formerly Rabbis for Human Rights-North America), which has 1800 affiliated rabbis. “Rabbis tend to be more progressive than their congregations and more knowledgeable” about Israel, Jacobs added, but fear losing their jobs, members, and donations, as well as contending with pushback from their more hawkish congregants—who may well be a very vocal minority. Rabbi Eric Yoffie, the past president of the Union for Reform Judaism, wrot…

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With the Pope at Ground Zero

…ester NY, who lost his daughter Jean, a flight attendant on board American Airlines Flight 11. Mr. Roger said he hoped the pope would say prayers for the place, for the people, and for his daughter Jean. Praying at a unlighted candle next to the prie-dieu Pope Benedict XVI used on his visit, the Pope offered those prayers silently while looking at the south pool of the memorial. The 9/11 site has become not just a memorial or a museum—it is a pilg…

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The Sex Scandal Following Whole Foods’ Guru

…ned with authentic caring.” Examples include Whole Foods Market, Southwest Airlines, Starbucks, and, somewhat mysteriously,, which is known for using underpaid temp-style labor in its warehouses and allegedly mistreating employees at its home offices. You don’t have to be a Marxist to question whether these institutions are “fulfilling every major value of the great spiritual traditions.” At the very least, that sentiment might seem ali…

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Ponzi Pastor, Bacon Terrorism, & Spiritual Jewelry

…er he defrauded parishioners in a Ponzi scheme. Archaeologists unearthed an 1800-year-old statue of the Buddha in India. In Iowa, a pastor is praying that the IRS comes after his church for his political campaign against three Iowa Supreme Court judges who ruled to allow same-sex marriages. The American Family Association has joined in the campaign against the judges. Finally, the words of one of the Chilean miners rescued after 69 days trapped in…

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The Traitor Chaplain Who Gave Government Prayer to America — A 4th of July Corrective

…ernment meddling with religion,” mused John Adams, reflecting on his failed 1800 re-election bid. As president, he mixed church and state, a mistake he ultimately blamed for his electoral loss. Adams had called for a national fast, a governmental overreach which he believed “turned me out of office.” But when the First Continental Congress met in Philadelphia in 1774, Adams lacked the benefit of this hindsight. Without it, he and the other delegat…

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How We Got to Super: Grant Morrison’s Visionary Gnosticism

…e metaphysical line about right there). Okay, the latter ads were peddling freeze-dried brine shrimp, but we didn’t know that. And on and on it went, breathlessly, at the back of a single 20-cent comic. Anything was possible. We felt immortal, like minor gods in the making, and those superhero comics were our instruction books on how to imagine our own inner superhood into being. We knew, of course, that the stories were “not real,” but that’s not…

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‘We’re all in this together’: The Perils of Kumbaya Rhetoric

…eady gutted, big employers still making big bucks during the pandemic feel free to snuff organizing drives with impunity; Trump specifically ensures that even the union workers in crowded meatpacking facilities will be forced to continue working without the normal workplace health & safety protections. In this dire context the need for careful language and scrupulous truth-telling among the leaders on the liberal side should be self-evident. But c…

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Ross Douthat: Trump Is Women’s Fault for Not Having More Babies

…ntury. The average woman went from bearing about seven or eight children in 1800, to between three and four by 1900, in tandem with the industrial revolution. And among the native-born white population that Douthat is so concerned about, average family size was even smaller. A two-child family was already the norm for many middle and upper-middle class Protestant women, leading men like Theodore Roosevelt to decry “race suicide” and the “base and…

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