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Politics in a Fallen World: Lying, Fact-Checkers, and the Future of Civilization

…r greed, deception, and capitalist success…and he’s running for president. For historians, the picture you are painting is determined by where you put the frame. Since I put the frame at 1800, I’m okay. But if I put it at 2016, I might be hanging myself. * * * Also on The Cubit: Donald Trump has turned Islam into the new communism…

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Turn on the News: Some Abortion Opponents May Opt For a New Vaccine, But Behind Their Skepticism it’s Often a Different Story — of Disinformation, Conspiratorial Thinking, and White Nationalism

…hat the original strain has long since been pushed out of the ecosystem by Delta and Omicron (to say nothing of “Omicron 2”). Is there anything to recommend this shot, other than how it was developed? If not, it seems like a pretty cheap tout. Moreover, touting the drug’s fetal-cell-free origins potentially undermines the adoption of rival medications by keeping alive the far-fetched idea that to use them is to be somehow complicit in abortion. Th…

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As White Evangelical Vaccine Refusal Reminds Us, Sometimes Religion is the Problem

…cs were polled separately from the undifferentiated mass of “nones,” their numbers would be better. In any case, the report’s assumptions notwithstanding, the data clearly show that America’s white Christians continue to exhibit a large and dangerous anti-social and anti-democratic streak. The report’s treatment of the white evangelical demographic in particular seems to be overly rosy, given that the drop in white evangelical vaccine refusal from…

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Something So Broken: What’s Frightening About Beasts of the Southern Wild  

…cinates me about Louisiana. There’s just some sort of internal or external freedom that exists there that I don’t feel anywhere else in America… There’s some kind of enlightenment that exists in Louisiana. There’s a fearlessness in the culture down there that has everything to do with how close to death it is. If we take Zeitlin at his word—that Louisiana is some kind of grim pleasure garden of freedom and frivolity that perspires enlightenment, v…

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Jerusalem Countdown: Christian Zionists and the New Israeli Government

…l Lt.-General (retired) Jerry Boykin, former commander of the Army’s elite Delta Force and former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence, and Pastor Chuck Smith, Bible teacher, author, radio host, and prophecy expert. “With wars and rumors of wars dominating the Middle East, the eyes of the world are riveted on Israel, Iran and their neighbors, the epicenter of the dramatic events that are shaping our world and shaking our future,” said…

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What Can Fascination With ‘Sister Cindy’ Teach Us About the ‘None’ Generation?

…. On the one hand, this is the generation that began in historically large numbers to leave institutional religion behind and embrace the eclectic, episodic, “spiritual but not religious” life that Melinda Lundquist Denton and Richard Flory call “back-pocket” religion. And that, of course, is if they’re religious at all. Many no longer are, and are therefore in equally historic numbers flooding the agnostic, atheist, and “unaffiliated” (or religio…

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Muslim Mickey Mouse Tweet as Egyptian Wedge Issue

…ty has capitalized on the uproar as well. Mohamed Morsy, the leader of the Freedom and Justice Party, lashed out at Sawiris during a recent public meeting in Mansoura, a large city in the Nile Delta region. Morsy spoke mostly in general terms allegedly accusing Sawiris of “insulting Islam” with the tweet. Morsy also made clear that his comments were political and not aimed at Sawiris, because he was a Copt. Sawiris, a Coptic Christian, responded b…

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East Lansing Demonstrates How Not to Respond to Anti-LGBT “Christian” Businesses

…endor application for the 2017 East Lansing Farmer’s Market violates their freedom from speech retaliation and their free exercise of religion.” In First Amendment cases, that substantial likelihood of success comprises a major part of what is needed to trigger an injunction; but I wouldn’t be surprised if, should this case be fully litigated, ADF ends up with another victory to add to its tally. In that event, this case might become one of the mo…

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Fix the Economy GOD’$ WAY: Dave Ramsey’s Great Christian Recovery

…an, as explained with liberal quotations from the Book of Proverbs and any number of recent self-help authors, then and only then will we rebuild the wealth of our nation and recover from an economic downturn that was driven by a negative and biased media in the first place. And only then, after a national revival and an awakening to self-reliance, will God work his plan to help others—not through our governing institutions, but through our religi…

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