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Forget About #HotJesus, Material Objects Speak Loudly in Son of God

…ice records or displace The Passion of the Christ as the most-viewed biblical film, but attention to the inanimate characters may lead to some insights as well.   With the temple and coins, the Son of God presents the story of a Jesus who transcends the trappings of money and national power. A cynic may read some of this as indicative of contemporary conservatism’s disdain for taxes and “big government.” But it also seems to fit into a broader and…

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Tweeting ISIS Attacks: A Lesson in Not Learning a Lesson

…n. My greater fear is that the longer the occupation grinds on, the more ISIL will try—and may succeed—in finding collaborators among the most disaffected Palestinians. (They have already tried to co-opt the cause). Hamas, governing a Gaza under siege from Israel and Egypt, is facing internal disaffection, some of which comes from even more radical Islamic groups, which are far more dangerous to Israel. But can Israel and Palestinians come to term…

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LDS Apostle Says Same-Sex Attraction Can be Overcome

…hurch, it was not surprising to hear Packer, who is 86 years old and in frail health, mount a staunch defense of the most conservative Mormon standpoints on LGBT issues. Of the idea that LGBT people might experience “inborn tendencies” towards homosexual attraction, Elder Packer said, “Not so! Why would our Heavenly Father do that to anyone?” Elder Packer also reaffirmed opposition to same-sex marriage: “We cannot change; we will not change. We qu…

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God, “The 34th Miner” in Chilean Ordeal

…onal lives of these men exposed for the world’s scrutiny. Through the scandals, the drilling, and the anticipation, we heard repeatedly about faith—the faith that accompanied these men for over two months. Mario Sepulveda claims that he witnessed the fight between good and evil in the shadowy darkness 2,300 feet below the earth’s surface, and in the end God won. It was his faith in God that assured him of his rescue. Nineteen-year-old miner Jimmy…

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Is Religion Wrecking Our Air?

…nd polycyclic hydrocarbons. Temples and the people visiting them have several alternatives that can help reduce the risk from incense smoke. In their paper, Ho and his coauthors write that “visitors may decrease the number of incense sticks burned and period of stay at temples.” In my travels, I did visit temples that tried to suggest limits on how many incense sticks people should burn. Some temples have tried to deal with this problem by extingu…

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The Apocalypse Is Upon Us, Ted Cruz Endorsement Edition

…recently removed from the website, but in them Bickle “talks about Jesus killing all the heads of state and there’s a part at the end of the first sermon where he says he saw an angel in his bedroom and had an ‘open vision’ that tanks were rolling across America,” Herrington said. Herrington briefly attended IHOPU and later worked in IHOP’s marketing and editing department, proofreading 30 years of Bickle’s teachings. Herrington shared with me co…

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A Third Reconstruction? Rev. William Barber Lifts the Trumpet

…rth Carolina’s Moral Movement that the moral imagination of the South is still alive. Fusion coalitions are still possible. Indeed, the moral argument is the only argument that has the capacity to offer us a hope and future. You write that we can still be “greater than the sum of our fears,” but never before have Americans been quite as fearful as they are today, thanks in part to actual threats and in part to the effective fear-mongering of some…

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Greatest Hits of 2015: Religion Stories Our Readers Couldn’t Resist

…spect of Christianity that often the heretics are the more sober and rational ones while orthodoxy embraces enigma.” #7 25 Things You Can Blame Muslims For How to cope when political pundits and the mainstream media just won’t stop blaming everything on Muslims? Having a sense of humor helps. Among Haroon Moghul’s list of things you can blame Muslims for are algebra (“For every time you’ve had to solve for x, a Muslim has duped you”) and FOX News…

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America, the Mythical: “Mother of Exiles” or Denier of Safe Haven?

…sacrament in our national religion of Americanism, in spite of who the actual pilgrims may have been. But if the idea of America is a religion of sorts, it embraces, likewise, fundamentalists and progressives, orthodox and modernizers. At their best, national myths create a unifying and hopeful story, but misapplied they sow division. You may have recently seen some of the internet memes which mark the perverse irony of conservative Americans cele…

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How Would Religion Respond to Extraterrestrials? A Thought Experiment

…“we’ll find E.T. within two dozen years.” We can only imagine the theological paradigm shift this kind of discovery would demand. Think of Copernicus’ heliocentric model of the solar system, or Darwin’s theory of evolution through natural selection. The confirmation that alien life evolved elsewhere—especially if it is conscious and intelligent life—would pose certain an enormous challenge to any theology that emphasizes the special nature of huma…

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