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Bullies Flourishing with Christian Support

…on him in his physical education class, his mother and stepfather said. • Billy (William) Lucas, 15, a student at Greensburg Community High School in Greensburg, IN, was found dead in a barn at his grandmother’s home Thursday evening — he had hanged himself. Friends say that he had been tormented for years. “He was threatened to get beat up every day,” friend and classmate Nick Hughes said. “Sometimes in classes, kids would act like they were goin…

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The Problem with Pew’s Science & Religion Poll

…iry. It’s not peer-reviewed. Its methods lack the scope and rigor of a formal social science study. That doesn’t make these reports useless. Pew is performing a kind of large-scale journalism. But, because it involves numbers and stats, journalists generally treat polls as if they’re hard science, establishing basic facts about the American public, rather than with the kind of cautious skepticism that, in theory, journalists should bring to any st…

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The Fragility of Our Reality: A Conversation with the Brain Behind PBS Miniseries on Neuroscience

…I can imagine that a hundred years ago, before neuroscience was really a deal at all, it wouldn’t take much for one to realize the degree to which we’re culturally conditioned. That simple fact, I think, also discharges some of these questions. So is neuroscience a way to codify that realization, or to understand it more deeply, or to give it context? Part of what’s so stunning about neuroscience are the individual patient cases, where somebody ge…

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Attack Ads: The New Bullies of the US Political Process

…decision which lifted spending limits on corporations, unions, and individuals. Are the multimillion dollar ads and the financial heavyweights who anonymously back them the new bullies of the US political process? Do they use their size and unequal access to resources to dominate others? Do they contribute to making public spaces, including air spaces and media spaces, unsafe or unwelcoming to populations historically vulnerable to mass violence,…

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Is It OK To Use a Cellphone in Church? Pew Surveys the New Etiquette

…we, place around the use of digital tools? When are these opinions just personal preferences, and when do they take on a more explicit ethical dimension? When should we enforce them? Part of the problem is that while there’s a lot of cultural criticism about internet and cellphone use, and also reams of hard data, there’s not as much ethnographic work. There’s not that much in-depth, person-to-person reporting, either. Survey questions are good t…

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A Nazi, a Jewish Prisoner, and a “Magic” Bible, Or, Christian Romance Fiction Gone Very, Very Wrong

…her ISIS rapist be nominated for romance awards? Would we hope for a movie based on a relationship between a police officer employed by Bull Connor and a young black woman? Would ratings soar for a novel about a Cherokee teenager being “wooed” by the soldier escorting her family along the Trail of Tears? Some stories belong to the people who lived them, the people who still grieve them, the people in whose bones they rest. Leave the Holocaust and…

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Ask the Dust: Tolerant Heathens

…our parents were hardly strict religious folks; long story short, we have all been allowed to pursue our own spiritual paths. My own has led to a life of being relatively agnostic, almost atheist; being an anthropologist, I have studied the religions and spiritual beliefs of people around the world since the beginning of human history for my entire adult life. I am particularly interested in the occult. Here is my problem. One of my sisters, who…

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Fellow Mainline Christians: Are We Completely Useless? 

…e else who experiences racism directly. But this is a story that might actually call for a white-person rant. I’m not sure. All I know is that when I read it, I said, “Oh, I recognize this. These are my people. These are my people at our very worst.” I am speaking of this study in which sociologists sent emails to more than 3,000 churches across the country. The emails purported to be from someone who was relocating to the area and was interested…

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Mormonism in 92 languages

…r), Russian, Samoan, Swedish, Tagalog, Tongan, and Ukrainian. Translators will also do their work in real time for local congregations in Albanian, Bislama, Cakchiquel, Estonian, Icelandic, Kiribati, Latvian, Lithuanian, Mam, Nivacle (Chulupi), and Tzutujil. And translators working in Amharic, Efik, Fante, Igbo, Lingala, Twi, and Yoruba will record DVDs for distribution. When I was young, Conference was translated into a handful of European langua…

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The New God-Fearers (FKA “The Nones”) and Where to Find Them

ally? It’s a peculiar meeting place. Why not the synagogue? Was there no Philippian equivalent of Athens’ Temple to An Unknown God (Acts 17:23)? Why gather outdoors, outside the city walls, exposed to the elements? Likely it was because these spiritual seekers didn’t feel comfortable anywhere else. “In each city he visited, the Apostle’s strategy was to seek out God-fearers wherever they happened to be. These half-committed, outside-looking-in see…

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