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Indie Catholicism is Real: Married Clergy, LGBT Ordination, and Sacramental Justice for All

…man parish the next weekend—and they usually are—still there has been that contact and interchange with independent Catholicism at a critical and intimate life moment. There is even an underground network of cooperation between priests of Roman and independent Catholic bodies. Numerous independent priests report that they occasionally get calls from Roman priest-friends who know they can’t legally do a sacrament, so they refer a parishioner to the…

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Transparent Season 3: The Intersectional Messiah

Last Saturday night, many American Jews ushered in the fall High Holy Days of teshuvah, or repentance, by attending special selichot services, praying and heeding the call of the shofar. The rest of us? We were home watching the new season of Transparent. This seems entirely appropriate, even if it does have its ironies. Repentance was actually the core theme of season two. This year, our fall present from Jill Soloway came wrapped up in delightf…

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The Fire Next Time: Tibetan Protests Spread

…t online with friends and family in Tibet, serving as “important points of contact for sharing and disseminating information and for mobilizing the international community,” says Stephanie Bridgen, director of Free Tibet. “What I think is really exciting at the moment is that lots of young Tibetans are discussing and debating different aspects of how we should respond to the situation in Tibet.” Tsetam, for instance, feels torn between supporting…

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Warships, Animals, Pubs Eligible For Blessings From Church of England, But Not Same-Sex Couples; Global LGBT Recap

…Hontiveros introduced legislation aimed at curbing street harassment of women and LGBT people. Reports Gay Star News: The Bill would outlaw catcalling, wolf-whistling, cursing, leering, groping, persistent requests for name and contact details. It will also be illegal to use derogatory words about a person’s actual or perceived sex, gender expression, or sexual orientation and identity including sexist, homophobic and transphobic slurs in public…

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White Supremacy and Orthodox Christianity: A Dangerous Connection Rears Its Head in Charlottesville

…emains to be seen. But what cannot be ignored is that when you are tolerant of some kinds of extreme hatred, it opens the door for other less socially acceptable forms of hatred. It sets the Church up to be a mouthpiece of white supremacy and extreme nationalism. It is obvious why American Orthodox Christians want to minimize the problem as much as possible. It touches too closes to so many self-inflicted wounds. But if something is not done, ther…

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Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Legacy of Eugenics and Racism Can’t Be Ignored

…-theological works of the 20thcentury. With that, please don’t hesitate to contact me with questions, concerns, or invitations to discuss this with a larger group, at Citations of major quotes from Teilhard: “Do the yellows…”: Günther Schiwy, Teilhard de Chardin: sein Leben und seine Zeit. 2. (München: Kösel, 1981): 105. “I hate nationalism…” : Günther Schiwy, Teilhard de Chardin: sein Leben und seine Zeit. 2. (München: Kösel…

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Is Romney Gaining Ground among White Evangelical Voters?

…allas on January 17. And the strength of the anti-Mormonism narrative is likely to fade as the race heads out west into regions where more voters are able to moderate their judgments of Mormonism with actual contact with LDS people. In Nevada, it is estimated that 20–25% of GOP voters are LDS. If Romney stays on course, the real loser in this primary contest may be Mormons’ persecution complex….

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Christian Responses to COVID-19 Raise Old Religion v. Science Questions

…proclaim that “coronavirus cannot be transmitted through communion.” That American charismatic and evangelical Protestants are behaving similarly should not surprise us. I’ve been among those documenting not only the affinities between the U.S. Christian Right and prominent Russian Orthodox Christians in recent years, but also the direct ties and collaborative efforts they make to advance an anti-LGBTQ, anti-choice agenda on the global stage. So,…

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Keeping the “Southern” in Southern Baptist Convention

…k force in part to galvanize sentiment for the change, as did some African American and Hispanic pastors who have aligned with the SBC (often in dual alignments with their historic ethnically-defined denominations, such as the black National Baptist Convention) in recent years in order to tap its considerable resources in church support. While the convention’s powers that be (largely) lined up in support of the change, the rank-and-file pastorate…

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A Pair of Christian Colleges Quietly Cracking Down on LGBTQ Acceptance

…etensions to respectability. Since publishing this article, I have been in contact with members of the GCC and APU communities whose responses to my work were generally positive, but who also raised important concerns that I will address here, and that underscore the need for more investigative journalism covering evangelical schools. Grove City College: “Unraveling the Layers” According to class of 2011 GCC alum Eve (formerly known as Hännah) Ett…

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