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Were Angels Just Lucid Dreams?

…of the conscious mind. On the contrary, for Jung such experiences involve contact with an awareness which is more than merely personal. He reportedly had premonitions and received messages during these states. Lucid visionary states have been sought by a wide variety of cultures, not just for the sense of euphoria, freedom, and radiant aliveness they convey, but because they were believed capable of transforming and uplifting the individual to a…

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Catholic Bishops’ Religious Liberty Fight Enables Anti-Jewish Discrimination (Updated)

…o compromise our faith. Without religious liberty properly understood, all Americans suffer, including the neediest children seeking adoptive and foster families, as well as birth parents who wish to turn to faith-based providers in order to place their children with adoptive parents. The Catholic bishops also back the Orwellian-titled federal Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act, which would allow adoption agencies to discriminate against same-se…

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Russian Operative Maria Butina, Who Leveraged Christian Right Connections, Sentenced For Conspiracy

…ould overtake her and the Russian Official as the primary Russian point of contact for the National Prayer Breakfast. While this sentencing memo focused on Butina’s role in the 2017 National Prayer Breakfast, Russian participation in this breakfast increased significantly the following year. Religion News Service reported that Jim Slattery, a former Democratic congressman from Kansas who maintains ties to the National Prayer Breakfast and who atte…

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Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Legacy of Eugenics and Racism Can’t Be Ignored

…-theological works of the 20thcentury. With that, please don’t hesitate to contact me with questions, concerns, or invitations to discuss this with a larger group, at Citations of major quotes from Teilhard: “Do the yellows…”: Günther Schiwy, Teilhard de Chardin: sein Leben und seine Zeit. 2. (München: Kösel, 1981): 105. “I hate nationalism…” : Günther Schiwy, Teilhard de Chardin: sein Leben und seine Zeit. 2. (München: Kösel…

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Why Roy Moore’s Evangelical Supporters Won’t Abandon Him

…eschool world in recent years in which older men admitted to inappropriate contact in pursuing young (sometimes very young) girls. See the story of Doug Phillips and Vision Forum here and the stories of Bill Gothard and his Institute in Biblical Life Principles/Advanced Training Institute and Josh Duggar, here. Josh Duggar was accused of molesting young girls (including his sisters) when he himself was rather young but his targets were even younge…

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#Churchtoo: Apology of Evangelical Pastor Accused of Sexual Assault Shows Why Sorry Isn’t Enough

…ence from intercourse before marriage, but also abstinence in any physical contact, actions and thoughts which might lead to sexual arousal. The irony had not been lost on me. Yet, here I was sinking deeper and deeper into this pit of depression. I had nowhere to go, no one to talk to. After all, I was given one job by the person I had sought help from (Larry,) and that was to keep my mouth shut. Eventually, in a fit of tears, Woodson broke down d…

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Saipov Wasn’t a “Member” of ISIS, But That Misses the Point

…ived in the United States since 2010 and did not appear to have any direct contact with the ISIS organization. He did talk with other Uzbek Muslims about religious and political matters, it appears, and he likely had connections with the ISIS online community, the baqiyah, through Twitter and Telegram. He likely read the online magazines. In fact, an article in one of the online ISIS magazines, Rumiyah, had some months ago given specific instructi…

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Richard Land, Under Investigation for Plagiarism, Wages Religious Freedom War With Bishops

…alifornia) Diocese told Kevin Clarke of America, “The bishops that I am in contact with in California are strong supporters of the importance of defending and strengthening religious liberty in our country,” but “I do think there are probably some different concerns with how it is being done.” Blaire “worried that some groups ‘very far to the right’ are trying to use the conflict as ‘an anti-Obama campaign.’” No kidding. Land, the ethically-challe…

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Australians Vote Overwhelmingly For Marriage Equality; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…ruling as “a great victory” for the LGBTQ community. He said Lambda would contact the Ministry of Justice yet again, send the ministry the Council’s ruling and await the ministry’s response. Chile: Opponent of marriage equality takes top spot in presidential voting, heads to run-off Chileans voting on November 19 had eight presidential candidates to choose from. Conservative billionaire Sebastián Piñera and Alejandro Guillier have apparently adva…

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Raw Power Is Just What The Religious Left Needs

…note that the power on display Tuesday night was deeply rooted in personal contact. That’s how the ground game works. Democrats truly committed to taking back the nation should be prepared to do some door-knocking next year. A lot of door-knocking (calling, texting). That kind of personal connection does two things: it lets average voters feel heard. It also solves a lot of messaging debates. Do white working-class voters need to hear a strong eco…

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