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Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Lurid Picture of Nigeria’s Muslims in Newsweek

…rvival of Christian minorities in Muslim-majority countries like Pakistan, Iraq, and Egypt over recent months and years, but not every part of the world where Muslims and Christians live together is the same.        I have lived in West Africa for nearly three decades and in Nigeria for eleven of those years. Hirsi Ali, who has no particular expertise on Nigeria, has painted too lurid a picture of the current Christian-Muslim tensions in that vast…

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Will Minnesota Voters Be on the Right Side of History?

…2) legalizing ‘gay marriage’ will have negative consequences on religious freedoms and impact what is taught in elementary schools.” These “themes,” of course are not based in fact since studies show children of gay and lesbian parents thrive, and no one’s “religious freedoms” have been impacted in the states that do allow gays and lesbians full entry into marriage. NOM and their cohorts, of course, have absolutely no interest in having a “conver…

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Muslim Stowaways
on the European
Titanic: “Eurabian” Alarmism 2.0

…hem as painfully necessary. When asked her reaction to half a million dead Iraqi children, Madeleine Albright admitted to the moral difficulty of the situation, but concluded, “The price is worth it.” For every Caldwell who links incidents of Muslim violence together to present a grand narrative of Islamic brutality, there is a Middle Easterner or South Asian who links Iraqi sanctions, Condoleezza Rice’s cruel “birth pangs of a new Middle East,” a…

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Reading Beinart and Lerner as Gaza Burns

…the liberal journalistic establishment, a one-time hawk who supported the Iraq War as well as the Israeli occupation of Palestine, declared himself a dove on Israel-Palestine, it was widely hailed as a turning point in Jewish American life. In Crisis, Beinart makes his own motives perfectly clear: he has a powerful sense of attachment to the Jewish people and a deep desire to see Jewish life flourish in the future, but an equally powerful commitm…

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Forget the Pope—We Need a New Caliph!

…osition. The people who dislike Muhammad Ali also hate unicorns, rainbows, freedom, kittens, and babies. The only problem might be how President Obama would take to sharing the American stage. Also, far-right crazies will suffer a public meltdown faced with an actually Muslim black American leader.   (VI) Amra Babic, Mayor of Visoko, Bosnia The Good: There’s a precedent for female Caliphs. In the mid-600s, the Khawarij movement elected female lead…

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Combat Soldiers & Clergywomen: Problematic Equality

…has been until now. More than 20,000 women have served in Afghanistan and Iraq; many of them have been injured, and more than a hundred killed. What constitutes combat is not altogether clear so it is harder to draw lines. The use of drones complicates things even further. Does someone who “pilots” one from afar and goes home to her/his family at night qualify as combat-seasoned? Gender has increasingly less to do with anything as long as the sol…

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When I Have Fears The Middle East May Cease To Be

…kistan struggle with extremism amplified by the roles of a murky military. Iraq and Syria tremble over sect, ethnicity, and identity. Tunisia and Turkey test the boundaries of secularism and faith. Morocco and Jordan contend with traditional monarchy and modern statehood. But as I watch the latest news from Egypt, that the country’s parliament has been dissolved by a Mubarak-era court, I wonder: Has the revolution ended before it began? (Revolutio…

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Five Women President Obama Should Invite to Give the Inaugural Benediction

…lic gesture would inspire? A few ideas: Captain Pratima Dharm: A decorated Iraq veteran, Dharm is the first Hindu chaplain appointed by the US Army. Rabbi Sharon Braus: Braus is founder of the progressive non-denominational IKAR Jewish community in Los Angeles and a respected Jewish voice on matters of social justice and spiritual revitalization. Sanaa Nadim: Nadim (pictured above in official White House photo) is one of the first Muslim chaplains…

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Amid Uncertainty, Eight Things We Know for Sure About the Boston Bombings

…well-advanced and active. Thus, even the recent resurgence of violence in Iraq between the Sunnis and Shias has again been described as “ethnic,” when the focus of identity defining the contending communities is explicitly religious. Do journalists need to be reminded that “Sunni” is not the name of an “ethnic” group? Expect with a high degree of certainty then that, outside of the perversions of Fox News, we will never hear the word “religion” u…

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Which Islamists?: Religion and the Syrian Civil War

…example, “secular” fighters are a small component of the rebel force. The Free Syrian Army (FSA) is an easy reference [for media], but it doesn’t represent most rebel fighters on the ground right now. Third, while some al-Qaeda fighters are present, no group, not even Jabhat al-Nusra, considers themselves an al-Qaeda affiliate. With the rebel push for Damascus, is Syria about to fall? It’s difficult to predict how close Syria is to falling; most…

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