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From Confusion to Kardashian: Misreading the Middle East

…rivilege. The best example might be Walt’s. What was the point of the 2003 Iraq War? What did we hope to accomplish? How did we make so many mistakes? It’s a tenacious fatuousness that can tie it to some kind of conspiratorial project.  Now walk “confusionism” over to the Arab and Muslim worlds. Those who shaped our narratives of the Middle East—our intellectual elites, commentators and columnists—failed to grasp the consequences of the Arab Sprin…

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Does Romney’s Religion Condone Torture? [UPDATED]

…thorizing the United States’ use of “enhanced interrogation techniques” in Iraq; and Timothy Flanigan, deputy White House counsel who participated with Alberto Gonzalez in Bush’s “War Council” and testified before a Senate panel that waterboarding and other torture techniques should not necessarily be “off-limits” and that “inhumane can’t be coherently defined.”  When dozens of religious leaders and organizations issued a 2005 statement calling on…

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Kindred Hatemongers: Why American Islamophobes and Muslim Protesters Need Each Other

…that had been a center of anti-American activism in the early years of the Iraq war. In attacking the US Consulate, they were also trying to delegitimize the moderate Libyan government that had rejected the extremists even as it was accepting US government support. The assault on the US Embassy in Cairo was also largely supported by right-wing Muslim political groups. These were associated with the extremist Salafi party that had received almost 2…

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Christian Terrorism Comes to Milwaukee

…ctivists—including the World Trade Center bomber Mahmud Abouhalima and the Iraq al Qaeda leader, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi—were attracted to the jihadi message not for reasons of personal piety, but because they were lured by the image of cosmic war. They saw themselves as religious warriors. Wade Michael Page also gloried in the idea of war. The poster for his band, End Apathy, portrays a dead skinhead, lying in the street with police cars in the back…

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Richard Land Steps Down, But Not Out of the Culture Wars

…support for a group of Muslims attempting to build an Islamic center in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He also joined a interfaith coalition to protect the religious freedom of Muslims but resigned from the coalition a few short months later. Explaining his departure, Land stated that his fellow Southern Baptists felt that defending the religious freedom of Muslims in the courtroom was “a bridge too far.”       A Tarnished Record on Race              Pa…

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The Internets Own Your Religion

…egister the “.shia” gTLD from. (More logical choices would have been Iran, Iraq, or Lebanon, where there are large numbers of Shi’ah, and well-established hierarchies. Although, looking over the names on the application there are some very Persianate names on the list, so it may be that the Turks are simply a proxy for another group.) This lack of clarity furthers the point that ICANN needs to have a policy of regulating the use of religions’ name…

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How Does Mormonism Shape Romney’s Foreign Policy?

…demographics, but essentially values-neutral and centered on defending and promoting the interests of large institutions that reward loyalty. We’ve seen this institutional loyalty-centered approach to foreign policy from LDS people in decision-making positions before. It was Jay Bybee (a lifelong Mormon and returned Mormon missionary who served in Chile during the Pinochet coup) who supervised and signed the 2002 “Torture Memos” effectively author…

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The 1000-year-old Muslim Perspective on Meat Eating

…o a 10th c. Shi’ah rationalist, philosophical movement based in modern-day Iraq. According to the Institute of Ismaili Studies (IIS), publishers of the most recent translation of the Epistles in English: Besides the filial observance of the teachings of the Qur’an and hadith, the Brethren also reverently appealed to the Torah of Judaism and to the Gospels of Christianity. Moreover, they heeded the legacies of the Stoics and of Pythagoras, Hermes T…

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Forget History Channel’s The Bible, Meet Omar

…er Omar, the first Muslim polity expanded into Jerusalem, Damascus, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, and Central Asia. (Muhammad died in 632; Omar was Caliph from 634-644.) That’s some good television.  It’s also surprisingly nuanced, considering what I grew up learning in Sunday School. Omar is one of the so-called “musalsilat,” series that are produced specifically for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Every night, after a) drinking, like Bosnians allegedly d…

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There is No Religious Freedom: A Lesson from a ‘Pastafarian’ Stunt

…to flourish.” The religious are free, but not because they enjoy religious freedom. They are free insofar as all are free. In a liberal society, we all inhabit an equal space of personal and associative liberty in which to worship, blaspheme, or just fix our suppers. As Sullivan notes, forsaking religious freedom for an equality-based approach would not only “end discrimination against those who do not self-identify as religious or whose religion…

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